A recent movie called "Life Events" dominated the screen. It has now exceeded 1.3 billion in box office and received many praises. After reading it, the author also thinks that if you haven't seen it yet, you can go and watch it, you won't regret it. First of all, the theme of th

's latest movie called " Life Events " dominated the screen. It has now exceeded 1.3 billion in box office and received many praises. After reading it, the author also thinks that if you haven't seen it yet, you can go and watch it, you won't regret it.

First of all, the theme of this movie is very innovative. It uses the profession of mortician as the theme and tells a warm story. In the film, you can hear the authentic dialects of the protagonists, which makes you invisible and closer to the characters while watching, making you feel more real and intimate.

The "Third Brother" in the film is played by Zhu Yilong, and the little girl named "Xiao Wen" is played by Yang Enmai. Objectively speaking, the acting skills of these two leading actors are very good, not only These two characters are all well-characterized, which makes you feel more involved.

This movie has both laughs and tears, and these points are all just right and will not make people feel abrupt or embarrassed.

The most important thing is that after reading "Life Events", you may have a new understanding of the word "death", or perhaps a deeper understanding.

In short, I recommend everyone to read "Big Events in Life" and face the big events in your life more calmly! (If you have friends who have watched it, you are welcome to discuss your thoughts in the comment area!)