In a recent interview, veteran TVB drama star Han Marley revealed that he was not very ambitious when he was young and regretted not working hard. He also said that he had a problem with his concept of love when he was young and he missed too much. Many netizens should know Mari

TVB veteran drama Han Mali recently accepted an exclusive interview and revealed that he was not very ambitious when he was young and regretted that he did not work hard. He also said that he had a problem with his concept of love when he was young and missed too much.

Han Mali, a veteran TVB drama star, should be familiar to many netizens, because she has filmed many TV series in TVB, and her acting skills are very good. Her relationship with her current husband Du Yange has become more loving than before in the past few years, and they now live a very sweet life.

Han Mali is now living a smooth life in both work and life, but she revealed in a recent interview that this was not the case before. She revealed that she entered the industry because of dancing. After working as a dancer in TVB for a period of time, she suddenly became an artist. The first TV series she filmed was Liu Songren was the male lead, and she was the female lead. It can be seen that she was The starting point is very high.

However, she did not have a strong career ambition at the time. She always played whatever role she wanted and would not take the initiative to fight for anything. Regarding the question of whether she has regrets in the future, Han Mali revealed that she regrets very much, but it is not that she regrets that she has not been popular, but regrets that she did not work hard and strive for more opportunities to perform in her career.

As for her relationship, she said that when she was young, she could be described as a complete failure, pointing out that she had problems with her view of love at that time. The reason for her lack of career ambition is also because of love. She said that when she was young, she just wanted to find someone who loved her.

Result: In the first marriage, her husband was very good to her, but she didn't know how to deal with it. Now she feels that her husband was very good to her, but she didn't know how to deal with it. Then her second marriage also didn't last long, and this time the man had problems. These two marriages caused great trauma to him, and he did not come out of it for a long time.

Later, she met her current husband, Du Yange, and they moved abroad after they got married. However, in the end, she felt uncomfortable and still liked acting, so the couple returned to Hong Kong and Han Mali continued filming. Two years ago, Han Mali was in a coma in the hospital for a week because of meningitis, but recovered under the careful care of her husband. Since this incident, the couple has learned to communicate more, and their relationship is better than before.

Han Mali also revealed that she will not give up acting easily. She likes acting and the atmosphere of working with colleagues, unless she really can't act in the future. She was very grateful for the opportunity given by TVB, saying that if she had not entered the industry, she would only have had Han Marley in her life, but after entering the industry, she felt that she was colorful and every role she played was a different person.