Anyone who has followed Ma Yuqin and Li Yucheng often knows that the couple began to separate recently, suspected to be due to disagreements over property issues, and Ma Yuqin was taken back to her hometown by her children and grandchildren. 85-year-old Ma Yuqin showed off her we

Anyone who often follows Ma Yuqin and Li Yucheng knows that the couple began to separate recently. It is suspected that there were differences over property issues. Ma Yuqin was taken back to her hometown by her children and grandchildren.

85-year-old Ma Yuqin shows off her wealth live on live broadcast

Ma Yuqin, who was taken home by her children and grandchildren to fulfill her filial duty, is surrounded by her grandchildren's sweet words every day and lives a very happy life. In order not to cause trouble to her children and grandchildren and to increase their income, Ma Yuqin started live broadcasting with her eldest grandson, hoping to use her popularity to attract traffic to her eldest grandson.

In a recent live broadcast, 85-year-old Ma Yuqin live broadcasted the meal process, saying that life in her grandson's home was so happy, and there were meat and vegetables for every meal. After finishing the meal, the table had not been cleared and the table , Ma Yuqin couldn't wait to show off her grandson. Gift jewelry.

On Ma Yuqin's raised arm, in addition to the gold bracelet that she had been wearing for a long time, there was also a bracelet that resembled Hetian jade . The bracelet looked particularly warm and moist under the light, and it was valuable at first sight. Not cheap. In addition, Ma Yuqin also wore a jade egg ring on the middle finger of her left hand, which was also decorated with fine diamonds around it.

After Ma Yuqin’s introduction, she learned that in addition to the gold bracelet that was given by Li Yucheng many years ago, the bracelets and rings were specially bought by her eldest grandson to honor her. It was obvious that Ma Yuqin was very happy and couldn’t stop showing off in the live broadcast room. The way she showed off her wealth also aroused dissatisfaction among many netizens, who began to ask why she left Li Yucheng behind.

responded to the conflict with Li Yucheng for the first time

Due to too many doubts, Ma Yuqin responded for the first time to the conflict between her and Li Yucheng during this period, saying that the couple did have differences over property issues. She wants to give all the property in her name to her children and grandchildren. After all, they are already so old and usually do not spend much money. Besides, she can still earn more if she gives them.

However, Li Yucheng expressed his disapproval. He kept bringing up the past and severely reprimanded his children and grandchildren for showing up just to seize property from him. Ma Yuqin believed that Li Yucheng did not treat them as his own children and grandchildren, and could not even give them some money. In a fit of anger, they took away all the money saved by the old couple with their children and grandchildren, hoping to put pressure on Li Yucheng and let him know who was in charge in the family.

Unexpectedly, Li Yucheng was very angry and refused to bow her head to apologize or take her home. Only then did Ma Yuqin realize that the conflict between the two was so serious, but she couldn't keep her face and took the initiative to seek peace, so she could only do this Maintain the status.

netizen: Too selfish!

Netizens expressed disbelief at Ma Yuqin's words. They thought Ma Yuqin was too selfish. Why did Li Yucheng have to agree that she would give all her property to her children and grandchildren? Why would Li Yucheng just take all the money away if she didn't agree? It's all over now that she's gone, but have you ever thought about how Li Yucheng would live without money?

I have to say that such Ma Yuqin is really a white-eyed wolf who is not well-raised. Thanks to Li Yucheng's careful care for many years, she is still not as good as her own children and grandchildren. No wonder Li Yucheng's recent live broadcast status is very sluggish.

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