Recently, there are two major dramas that are worth looking forward to. One is "Hurry" with the theme of fighting gangs and evil. It has in-depth topics, suspenseful plots, and a strong lineup. It has already caused a stir even before the actors are cast. Widespread concern.

Text丨Listen to the Snow and Talk about Movies

In July, the sun is booming, the earth is also blazing, and the sky is dry. Watch a good drama to cool down, and eat a watermelon to relax.

Recently, there are two major dramas that are worth looking forward to. One is "Hurry" with the theme of fighting gangs and eliminating evil. It has in-depth topics, suspenseful plots, and a strong lineup. It has already caused a stir even before it was cast. received widespread attention.

Another movie is " Even if the Wind Rises " is about workplace battles. As the saying goes, "the workplace is like a battlefield", so its intensity is no worse than a war movie.

can be said to be a battle with others, a battle with heaven, and a battle with oneself. The excitement, excitement, brain-burning, and passion are really worth looking forward to.


Recently, there have been many movies with the theme of fighting gangs and eliminating evil. Last year's " Anti-Gang Storm " brought this trend to a climax.

Nowadays, cracking down on crime and evil has become the norm. It is no longer limited to one time and one place, but is comprehensive and unified everywhere. Why are people so interested in this kind of subject matter?

Because it is closely related to people's lives. If evil is not eliminated, people cannot live and work in peace and contentment. If evil is not eliminated, evil will become worse. One evil and one evil will work together to bully the weak, suppress the good, and bury happiness.

There is no worst, only worse. Those dark and evil forces, they play with power and money in the palm of their hands, making ordinary people dare to be angry but dare not speak out. People hope that the hand of thunder can kill demons and subjugate demons, and also The sky is clear and sunny.

"Crazy" is directed by Xu Jizhou , and many powerful actors have joined the cast. Director Xu is a well-qualified and big-name director. Last year's smash hit "Storm" was produced by him.

Of course, he has also produced many excellent film and television dramas, such as "Special War Glory", "", "Reunion Dinner", etc., which are all good dramas that have been praised by the audience word of mouth.

Let’s take a look at the anticipated cast, starring Zhang Yi, an infatuated hard-core man, he is honest and kind-hearted, and his acting skills are solid and outstanding.

He is never limited to a fixed role. He has a wide range of dramas and delicate and rich emotions. He is a rare all-rounder. His acting skills are real and natural, without any trace of deliberate performance.

Although his appearance is not outstanding, he is persistent and serious, and he devotes himself to every drama. Since his debut, every drama of his can be said to be a classic and unforgettable.

His emotions are passionate and can arouse people's empathy . I still remember the selfless squad leader he played in " Soldier Assault ".

In the play, he is like a sun, warming others and illuminating the future. For the sake of his comrades, he gave up a great future. On the day he left the army, he only had one request, to go and take a look in front of Tiananmen Square. .

After parting, there were all kinds of sadness. In the car, he couldn't help but burst into tears. The heart-breaking reluctance and sadness, the deep love and pain from the heart, so far, no one has Can surpass in acting. In that scene of

, he was really crying in the car, and the audience was crying outside the screen. The tears were like broken beads, and they couldn't stop no matter what. Now when I watch that old drama, I still can't help but shed tears. down.

Zhang Yi, this true and pure man, his most genuine touching from the heart, makes us feel like we are there and feel the same.

What makes a good actor? Selfless and devoted, he is the character, and the character is him. However, it is really hurtful for a good actor to interpret a sincere emotion with all his heart.

Because he is too involved, he has forgotten himself. Zhang Yi, a good actor who uses his life to interpret his characters, deserves our respect.

Zhang Songwen , like Zhang Yi, are not handsome and macho, but they conquered all the audiences with their superb acting skills.

Because the audience's eyes are sharp, and their hearts are even brighter. What is a good actor? What are the mediocre people who just pretend to be good? There is no need for capital promotion or fans' praise. Good and bad, true and false, are placed in front of the audience.

Zhang Songwen, a middle-aged actor who is almost fifty years old, has had many twists and turns in his acting career. He was born in a very ordinary small county in Guangdong.

When he grew up, he worked as a worker in a printing factory, and worked as a salesman, installer and shopping guide. Finally, he obtained the tour guide certificate and became a traveling tour guide.

His growth path can be regarded as a bumpy journey for a low-level person. Although the various jobs he has done are not close to those of a high-ranking person, he feels very fulfilled.

Later, an accidental opportunity allowed him to rekindle his childhood dream. A girl said to him: "As long as a person has a dream, it is never too late."

This sentence can be said to have changed his life. , then he submitted his resignation report and went to Beijing to pursue his childhood dream.

Destiny can sometimes be said to be destined by God. Originally, he wanted to major in directing, but instead he became a student in an acting class.

Being an older man, he had a very hard time studying because he had to pay much more than others. He finally graduated but had no films to film.

Why? Because he was not handsome and spoke with a local accent, what should he do? Fate gave him a shining key, but closed the door that opened it.

I won’t go into detail about the process. In short, Zhang Songwen used his firm will to overcome many difficulties. Finally, he used his strength to label himself an actor.

Zhang Songwen's performance is delicate and vivid, which can capture people's hearts. He is good at focusing on details, and he never misses any tiny link.

The so-called details determine success or failure, which is vividly reflected in him. God will never let down anyone who works hard to make progress. Later, "The Hidden Corner" became a hit, and his name was also widely known by the audience. .

"Hurry Up" has these two powerful actors performing it with passion, which is equivalent to a guarantee of quality. In addition, this drama also has many veteran actors joining the cast.

Ni Dahong , Zhang Zhijian , Han Tongsheng , Wu Gang , etc. They are all well-known acting schools. The reason why the old actors are called old actors is because they are both dedicated and focused.

They have rich experience and acting skills. They are an indispensable rock in a drama. With them, they are like a ship, with a helmsman and a sail. Well, the drama will start soon, let us wait and see!

After talking about the actors, let’s talk about the plot of this drama. In order to truly restore the scenes and characters from 20 years ago, a huge amount of money was invested in this drama.

6,000 costumes and props, and more than 600 actors and actresses, present a panoramic view of the evil forces in a certain place 20 years ago. An Xin (Zhang Yi), an ordinary criminal policeman, with the joint cooperation and unremitting efforts of the guidance team , together they eradicated a network of evil forces that was causing harm to one party. Part of the story of

may be similar to "Sweeping Crime Storm". It starts with a report. After that, An Xin and the fishmonger (Zhang Songwen), the police and the people, tear away the ugly black cloth in the local area.

In the play, the contrast between the fishmonger played by Zhang Songwen is huge. He was a victim, packaged by the evil forces, and finally became a successful businessman.

Twenty years of blood and tears, twenty years of tolerance and humiliation, memories, past, loss and gain, strength and weakness, good and evil, power and greed, find yourself in the bloody storm, and complete the original mission. Perseverance and commitment.

In the trailer, listening to the popular song from 20 years ago, "An Xin, An Xin, go forward boldly, go forward!", I was so excited that I burst into tears.

Hard-core, exciting, and shocking, this is "Kurst". You can watch the bad guys and how crazy they can be, and how evil can be ruthless. Watch for good dramas!

"Even if a Strong Wind Rises"

The workplace is like a battlefield, and a good workplace drama can also make people feel as if they are on a battlefield, making their blood boil with excitement. This "Even if a Strong Wind Rises" was created by "veteran cadre" Jin Dong "", just hearing the name is full of domineering.

still remembers that the last popular workplace drama was Chen Kun 's " Winning and Losing ". Although "Winning and Losing" did not cause the climax of 's ratings , it also attracted a lot of topics.

It seems that workplace dramas have always been full of topics and hot discussions, because they are also closely related to our lives. Let me ask, who is not a person in the workplace? And who doesn’t relate to the workplace?

Therefore, if there is something in common, there will be attention. Moreover, this time "Even if the Wind Rises" stars Jin Dong, who is loved by both young and old, making people full of expectations.

Speaking of Jin Dong, everyone is familiar with him. He is stable and has the demeanor of a domineering president. There is not much controversy in his dramas. In short, one word is "stable".

This time, the heroine who partners with him is Song Jia . She is intellectual and handsome, and has an atmosphere that many female stars do not have. Watching her performance is also "refreshing".

Song Jia is a born in the 1980s, and her acting skills have always been online. In "人世", she used her sincere emotions to brilliantly interpret the bumpy and bitter life of the youngest daughter of the Zhou family.

However, it may be a problem with the character setting in the play. In the play, she was called selfish and cold, but the more she hates the character, the better the actor performs it.

Song Jia, she has a standard beautiful face. She is dignified and majestic at the same time, yet charming and delicate. She is highly recognizable and has a wide range of roles. She is a female lead who can not only act domineering, but also A pure acting type who can play a pretty girl.

Song Jia has been a willful person since she was a child. She longs for freedom and does not want to be restrained. And she and the few actors can be said to be a group of people favored by God.

They seem to be born to be actors. Under her smart appearance, she has a clear heart. In school, she started her own path to stardom.

started from the first film " actually doesn't want to go to ", her interpretation road has become smoother and smoother, because there has never been a lack of good resources around her.

She has cooperated with many well-known directors, and has become China's second Asian Best Actress after Yao Chen . Her performance is real and natural, with her own unique temperament in it, which people can remember at a glance. live. In

's memory, the drama that impressed her the most was " Cliff ". In that drama, she used her own strength and super expressive power to perfectly interpret a female warrior who is not afraid of life and death.

She is an actor that everyone admires. When filming "Cliff", it was a real-life shooting at more than 30 degrees below zero. She was huddled in the ice and snow in a single and ragged shirt. That kind of dedication and selflessness really impressed us. Both distressed and moved.

And she even won the 18th Shanghai Best TV Drama Actress Award for this film. We admire and admire such a beautiful woman who deserves to be rewarded with food, but she works so hard and fights so hard.

In addition to Jin Dong and Song Jia, "Even in the Wind" also has a large number of powerful actors joining, Tian Yu, Yang Jue, Ni Dahong, Liang Jing, Xin Zhilei, Sha Baoliang, Zhu Zhu etc.

With excellent actors and a well-known director, what drama can’t be pulled off? Tian Yu, a talented person who was delayed by comedy, is looking forward to his performance, and there is also Zhu Zhu, whose beauty and gentleness make people look forward to it.

As a workplace drama, the plot of "Even in the Wind" is both unique and exciting. Two lovers in love originally worked together to achieve their goals, but at the most critical moment, One party was "betrayed and betrayed" by the other party, his career hit rock bottom, and his relationship was scarred all over by sharp knives.What to do with

? Let others trample on you and never recover? Or should we forge ahead in the strong wind and find the truth of the matter? He chose the latter, to be a person who goes against the wind. The strong wind is accompanied by heavy rain, and the blows come one after another. Is he retreating? Or forge ahead? The story of

begins here, and PR is about turning decay into magic, fighting wits and courage while holding on to the bottom line, fighting for IQ, EQ, connections, and comprehensive strength. The second venture has both bitterness and sweetness, laughter and tears. The two powerful actors competing for acting skills and intelligence are really full of expectations!

In the hot July, two popular dramas are waiting for you. Friends who like this drama, catch up together!