The TV series "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Households" is a contemporary rural work starring Zhao Liying, Liu Wei, and Tang Zeng, as well as powerful actors such as Luo Jin, Feng Lei, Zhang Keying, Cao Zheng, etc., who play important roles in the drama. It is currently being br

TV series " Happiness Comes to Thousands of Homes " is a contemporary rural work, starring Zhao Liying , Liu Wei , Tang Zeng , and also Luo Jin , Feng Lei , Zhang Keying , Cao Zheng, , and other powerful actors play important roles in the drama, which is currently being broadcast on Dragon TV and Beijing Satellite TV .

In the latest plot, due to the liquidated damages of 60,000 yuan, the conflict between He Xingfu and Wan Shan Tang continued to escalate. After issuing a lawyer's letter, Wan Chuanjia drove the cart into the field, completely eliminating this matter. With no room for maneuver, both parties decided to go to court.

Objectively speaking, both sides are wrong in this matter, but neither is wrong. From He Xingfu's point of view, his family's land was expropriated for the benefit of the village collective. They were willing to cooperate, but there was no reason for them to bear financial losses.

From the perspective of Wansantang, the compensation standard is already in accordance with the upper limit stipulated in the policy, which can be said to be full of sincerity. But other demands, whether it is 70,000 yuan without an invoice or 60,000 yuan in liquidated damages due to unclear contracts, cannot be realized through financial accounts.

In essence, although Wan Shan Tang has a bad temper, he can understand people's words, and although He Xingxing is stubborn, he is also a reasonable person. The two parties can communicate, and the reason why there are communication problems makes both parties have conflicting emotions. The problem lies with Wan Chuanjia, who always gets in the way.

When he first discovered that the selected land was the Wang family's vegetable greenhouse, someone suggested that there might be a dispute and that they needed to understand the situation clearly and even adjust the plan if necessary, but Wan Chuanjia did not do this. After that, they did not communicate with the Wang family in advance, but directly put pressure on the meeting, asking the coward father and son to raise their hands and agree. Later, after receiving a letter from a lawyer, he drove the cart into the vegetable greenhouse, further escalating the conflict.

Without Wan Chuanjia, things might not have developed to this point. What he did was essentially to take revenge on He Xingfu and make him lose face in the village. He never wanted to resolve this matter properly, he just wanted to make the Wang family a low-income family. And after going to court, he even used two dirty tricks to make He Xingfu not feel better even if he won the lawsuit.

First, during the public trial, the lawyer characterized the matter as that the Wang family insisted on insisting on their own claims, which delayed the smooth construction of the factory and harmed the interests of all villagers. This is actually to pit Lao Wang's family against other people in Wanjiazhuang.

The cultural level of the villagers is limited, and their understanding of many things is also limited. Just like He Xunxun was bullied at the wedding. Without knowing the truth, everyone followed Wanshantang and left the wedding scene, dumping Show your face to the Wang family.

The Wang family’s lawsuit will inevitably be watched. If they think that the Wang family is not litigating with the group in this matter, but with all the villagers, and the compensation the Wang family will receive in the end is the money of all the villagers, then the Wang family will Under a lot of pressure.

The Wang family was originally a small family in Wanjiazhuang, and was often despised and bullied. If they were treated like this again, even if they won the lawsuit, life in the village would not be easy in the future. Li Gongan always emphasizes "love and justice" because in the village, unlike the city, many social functions lack specialized institutions and can only be completed by relying on collective strength. Once they are hostile and excluded by the collective, life will be very difficult.

Secondly, Wan Chuanjia also deliberately disgusted Wang Qinglai and his son. He knew that the father and son liked farming and regarded vegetable greenhouses as their own business, so after the previous land was expropriated, they would definitely apply to contract new farmland.

And he deliberately interfered with it and designated a piece of wasteland for the Wang family that was not suitable for farming. Do you want it or not? In this way, the Wang family's 130,000 yuan greenhouse equipment will no longer be used, and they will lose money in their own hands.

Land acquisition and contracting of new cultivated land are two different things. He found various reasons to prevent the Wang family from contracting satisfactory land. In fact, he abused his power, but the Wang family just had no choice.

If the Wang family wants to earn income without farming, they will have to work in a health care product factory, and then they will become employees of Wan Chuanjia. Then Wan Chuanjia will have more ways to bully Wang Qinglai.

Judging from the results, even if He Xingfu won the lawsuit in the end and received all the compensation he deserved, she and the Wang family would lose more. Such a result is cruel, but also very realistic. meow