Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Hu Guangxin’s “Avatar 2” recently exposed a batch of new characters and stills. Among them, the Na'vi girl who was quite eye-catching in previous posters and trailers is played by 72-year-old Sigourney Weaver. In the film, this girl

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Hu Guangxin

"Avatar 2" recently exposed a batch of new characters and stills. Among them, the Na'vi girl who has been quite eye-catching in previous posters and trailers is played by 72-year-old Sigourney Weaver. In the film, this girl is Kiri, the adopted daughter of the protagonist Jack Sally (played by Sam Worthington ) and Princess Neytiri (played by Zoe Saldana).

Sigourney Weaver plays the adopted daughter Kiri

Sigourney Weaver's representative work is the classic thriller movie "Alien" series. She is 72 years old this year. "Avatar 2" uses motion capture technology , allowing Weaver to play an "alien girl" who is decades younger than her actual age. Director Cameron said that Weaver found this filming very interesting. She stayed with a group of young girls and she felt younger.

In addition, Kate Winslet 's character and appearance were also exposed for the first time. She plays the role of Ronell, a reef-human free diver. She describes this character as "a warrior. Even when she encounters the most terrible dangers while pregnant, she still fights for the most precious thing in her eyes - her family and her family." their home”.

Kate Winslet (left) and Cliff Curtis (right)

"Avatar 2" was previously named "Avatar: The Path of Water" and will be released in North America on December 16 this year. In addition to the original cast, the sequel also stars Kate Winslet as Reef Human free diver Ronal, Michelle Yeoh as Dr. Karina Mogu, and Cliff Curtis. Plays Tonovari, the leader of the reef people, Eddie Falco plays General Ardmore, Sigourney Weaver plays the adopted daughter Kiri, in addition to Ona Chaplin, Shee Pond, Matt Gerald De et al. (For more news and information, please follow Yangcheng Pai pai.ycwb.com)

source | Yangcheng Evening News·Yangcheng Pai

editor | Shao Ziheng