"Happy people have the same happiness, but unfortunate people have their own misfortunes." Can you imagine it? An Internet celebrity imitated a boy band and encountered urban management just five minutes into their first live broadcast because too many people had gathered. The ur

"Happy people have the same happiness, but unfortunate people have their own misfortunes."

Can you imagine it? An Internet celebrity imitated a boy band and encountered urban management just five minutes into their first live broadcast because too many people had gathered. The urban management officials repeatedly warned to no avail and finally stepped forward to stop the live broadcast.

This boy band named "ESO" can be said to have "disbanded as soon as they debuted."

Although this boy band is not famous, the people they imitate are all famous.

Next, let’s get to know these lively and cute little brothers briefly.

Some people use the traffic to beat around the bush, and some people use the traffic to be affectionate. This boy band doesn’t engage in formality, they just come right up and do it. If you call it "EXO", others will call it "ESO". It is an aboveboard copycat and plagiarizes without mercy.

To put it bluntly, I just want to take advantage of your reputation without any discussion. Among the members of

are "Wang Junka", "Huang Zicheng" and "Wang Erbo". Perhaps out of love for " Luhan ", there is a "Lusha" and a "Luha". The most exaggerated thing about

is that a little brother changed his name to "Yi Yang Qianxi" in order to imitate "Yi Yang Qianxi ".

In the past, there were many imitation shows of individual soldiers fighting on the Internet. Such large-scale plagiarism groups are really rare.

This little brother with yellow hair and the filter turned to the end can be said to be the most beautiful person in the group.

It must be obvious to everyone who he is imitating.

This young man named Lu Ha was shouting hard in the live broadcast room. It must be said that this style of not doing anything, not stopping, and going all out to show off his treasures really attracted the attention of many netizens. Various small gifts were flying around in the

live broadcast room.

Lu Ha's eyes were filled with stars, and he was secretly happy.

When Quan Kulong with dyed green hair appeared, the live broadcast became popular instantly. The number of people exceeded 30,000. Quan Kulon was wearing sunglasses and grinning widely.

Obviously, this live broadcast exceeded their expectations.

Then Wang Junka and Yi Yang Qianxi appeared on the screen, of course, if you don’t look at the names of these two people carefully.

Basically, I can’t tell how they look like , Wang Junkai, , and Yi Yang Qianxi.

Of course, this may be their own characteristics.

As long as you think it looks like it, it doesn’t matter whether the audience thinks it looks like it or not.

I have to say that the creativity of these young brothers is quite attractive.

not only attracted the attention of a large number of netizens online, but also gradually attracted the attention of a large number of passers-by during their live broadcast.

It can be clearly seen from the picture that there are many people behind them taking pictures with their mobile phones.

But everyone should know that now is a special period, the epidemic is not over yet, and gathering people in public places is inherently dangerous.

So after a few minutes of ESO’s first live broadcast, the city management came forward to stop their behavior.

Of course, they issued a video apology afterwards and said they would reflect on it in time.

strives to come back in a better way next time.

Of course, there are also curious netizens asking, where is Huang Zicheng?