Lao Guo has said many wise sayings and told many philosophical stories in his life, but as everyone knows, these are all summaries of his sad life experience. From being unknown to being a household name, only he knows the hard work involved.

Guo Degang also didn’t expect that Deyun Club girls would be so popular that they would bring the traditional art of “crosstalk” to the traffic stage.

The Deyun Society group combines traditional Chinese culture with lively language arts, showing the unpretentious charm of life. The emergence of Deyun Society has pushed the already lonely crosstalk industry to another peak.

Speaking of Deyun Club, we have to mention Guo Degang.

As the "Crosstalk Emperor", Guo Degang's life is full of drama. He talks about crosstalk, talks about crosstalk, and reads crosstalk. The sentences coming out of his mouth are vivid, lively, humorous, but he does not have a crosstalk-like life.

Lao Guo has said many wise words and told many philosophical stories in his life. However, as everyone knows, these are all summaries of his sad life experience. From being unknown to becoming a household name, only he knows the hard work involved.

Guo Degang was born in an ordinary family in Hongqiao District, Tianjin City. He showed an extraordinary love for language arts since he was a child. When he was six years old, he learned storytelling from an actor, and from then on he started an indissoluble bond with cross talk.

In order to realize his dream and earn more money to support his family, Guo Degang put in a lot of effort. He even served as a monkey for customers to watch for the 4,000 yuan bonus, which became the last thing he wanted to mention. .

6 years old, Guo Degang went to Beijing alone. As a young and vigorous man, he applied for the Art Troupe of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, hoping to find an opportunity to perform cross talk on stage. However, reality slapped him in the face, and he could only work as a handyman backstage because he was unknown. Not to mention performing on stage, he soon failed.

’s experience in entering Beijing for the second time was not satisfactory, because Guo Degang had no connections or connections, and no crosstalk group wanted him. He only stayed for a few days before returning to Tianjin.

In 1995, Guo Degang, unwilling to stop there, started his third attempt, and this time there was finally some improvement.

He first worked as a screenwriter, staying up late writing scripts in a small room of seven to eight square meters to support his family, but the remuneration he received was not much. Guo Degang sang operas, worked part-time, and did odd jobs in Puhuangyu during the day, and wrote with a light on at night. Life was very difficult, but he still persevered because he believed that God will always favor those who work hard.

This year, Guo Degang was invited by a teahouse to talk about cross talk. He partnered with Wang Yuebo. At that time, he had only one audience in the audience.

Later, he met some old folk performers and formed the "Beijing Crosstalk Conference" and "Beijing Weekend Crosstalk Club". At the same time, he met, got to know each other, and stayed with Yu Qian and Zhang Wenshun. They collaborated on the same stage and held a cross talk conference at Dashilan , and Guo Degang finally began to stand out.

However, in the cross talk circle, Guo Degang has never been favored. Some seniors in the Beijing circle often slandered and made things difficult for him. He had no one to support him and was framed. Guo Degang encountered obstacles everywhere in Beijing, walking on thin ice.

But Lao Guo did not expect that there would be a turning point in another village. In June 2004, Hou Yaowen took him on and accepted him as his disciple, thus putting an end to rumors in the crosstalk circles in Beijing. Subsequently, he joined the China Railway Art Troupe . But after all, he was not a staff member. Guo Degang was frustrated in the China Railway Art Troupe, but finally came out.

In October of the same year, Guo Degang changed the cross talk convention into Deyun Society and opened his own performance paradise. This is also the original form of Deyun Society that modern people can trace back.

At this time, Guo Degang began to accept disciples, and his disciples were also very successful. Cao Yunjin, Zhang Yunlei, Yue Yunpeng and others successively became the signatures of Deyun Society. But at that time, he never imagined that water can carry a boat and also capsize it.

In fact, during the "Beijing Crosstalk Conference" period, Guo Degang had already accepted many apprentices, including Zhang Yunlei, Cao Yunjin, He Yunwei, etc. He led his apprentices in the crosstalk world, and later accepted Yue Yunpeng and Kong Yunlong.

At that time, everyone in the Deyun Society was extremely poor. The apprentices were carrying dishes and washing vegetables, and the master was being watched when he entered the glass cabinet. The whole society did not make much money, but everyone believed that the dark days would eventually pass.

In 2006, his old apprentice Yan Yunda came to his door. Recalling the sad times of that year, the master and the apprentice couldn't help crying. Guo Degang named Yan Zonghai "Yan Yunda", acquiescing to his position as senior brother, but it caused Due to the dissatisfaction of other disciples, the people of Deyun Society were at odds, laying the root of disaster.

And Guo Degang continues to accept apprentices, with varying qualifications and different ideas. On the surface, it is calm, but internally it has long been torn apart.

At that time, He Yunwei and Cao Yunjin were two popular figures in the Deyun Club. They often went out to perform, film shows, and participate in variety shows. However, they relied on their talents at home, were arrogant and overbearing, and often spoke arrogantly. Even returning to the club to perform became a "charity." ,

On Guo Degang's birthday in 2010, those hidden conflicts finally broke out. Cao Yunjin scorned his master at Guo Degang's birthday party. He kowtowed to Guan Gong , turned around and announced his departure from Deyun Club.

Guo Degang didn't say anything on the surface, but he was in pain in his heart. He expressed his emotions in a song "Weiyang Palace". He had no choice but to do anything about his apprentice's behavior.

Later, due to the beating incident of his apprentice Li Hebiao, Deyun Club was blocked by Beijing TV and the China Broadcasting and Broadcasting Association. At a time when it was besieged on all sides, another pillar of Deyun Club, He Yunwei, resolutely chose to leave.

At this time, Guo Degang finally cheered up and started a round of reforms, establishing a contract system and allocating performance time. However, Cao Yunjin, who came back, was so embarrassed that he fled Deyun Club with several of his brothers and started his own business. In times of crisis, Yue Yunpeng and other apprentices stepped forward to take charge and gradually became popular.

After this crisis, the business of Deyun Society is booming, and the apprentices of the "Crane" generation also begin to stand out. Later, the apprentices of the "Nine" generation become a new force. Guo Degang is very tolerant of his apprentices. Whether they want to go out to make money or want to stay in Deyun Club, he fully supports them.

However, the disciples did not understand the master's intentions. Cao Yunjin wrote a short composition and severed all ties with the master. Guo Degang's reply was sonorous and powerful, "It is outrageous to be shameless", but the final ending, "When no one solves the problem, just say a word and don't care, I don't care about you." makes people feel indescribable sadness: Teacher Guo has been miserable for half his life. , narrowly escaped death, but his son and disciple were always his weakness and weakness.

After Deyunshe’s family tree was announced, the “family” gradually changed. Senior brother Yan Yunda announced his retirement from the company, and his successor Zhang Yunlei was exposed for insulting the heroic seniors and was named and criticized by CCTV. Subsequently, Kong Yunlong had frequent accidents, which made people sigh.

In addition, a large number of scandals have been revealed to young disciples, such as drunk driving, cheating, sleeping with powder, domestic violence , and various incidents emerge in endlessly. Guo Degang has been in all kinds of news, and he has done his best for every disciple. remedy.

Recently, young disciple Chen Xiaohua broke into a woman's room naked after drinking and tried to violate her. This incident finally overwhelmed Deyunshe and Guo Degang. He decisively removed Chen Xiaohua from the group in an attempt to scare the monkeys, but he ended up with a reputation of "repairing the situation after it was lost".

People's Daily Online said: Deyunshe artists frequently do outrageous things, shouldn't they reflect on it? Although the character of the disciples has nothing to do with the master, so many disciples have become morally corrupt. Is it really not the result of the master's negligence in discipline?

Not to mention, and Zhao Benshan, who have a very good relationship with Guo Degang, were also very popular back then. Now that they have retired, they are just wiping the butts of their apprentices.

Guo Degang relied on "advancing with the times" to promote Deyun Club to national fame and carry forward the art of cross talk. Some people may ask, why can such a traditional art become so popular in the fast-paced modern society? Guo Degang is not from a cross talk family, and his professionalism may not be better than that of old artists, but he is young, dares to innovate, and dares to explore the market.

Deyun Club has reached its current scale not because of how popular "crosstalk" itself is, but because Guo Degang has frequently appeared in front of the public for more than ten years. He participated in comedy shows, recorded well-known variety shows, made movies, and participated in reality shows. There were even online scolding battles.

Guo Degang relied on operational methods that could increase traffic, coupled with his own talent and hard work, to make Deyun Club bigger step by step.

Deyunshe has grown to a later stage and has begun professional operations. It has created a "performing company" to train apprentices as artists. There are dedicated operations managers behind the scenes to control the market, invest in traffic, accurately control reviews, cultivate fans, and grasp Only by seizing the opportunities of the development of the times can Deyun Society prosper.

It is certainly a good thing to have disciples. To carry forward the quintessence of Chinese art, we do need successors, but people's hearts are not as old as they used to be. In the face of traffic, ugliness has nowhere to hide. The Internet is like a giant magnifying glass, revealing to everyone the things you desperately want to hide.

Lao Guo endured hardships for half his life and finally "lived just fine". However, in his later years, he was banned as an apprentice, and his name even became a way to attract customers.

Guo Degang can be tolerated by the times and loved by the market because of his shining idealism. We will always remember his grace of waving his sleeves and turning his bright words into stunning works. Nowadays, Deyun Society is surrounded by negative news. Guo Degang should learn from Zhao Benshan’s mistakes.