Do you like Tian Bin? Do you know how Tian Bin became popular? Tian Bin is one of the few truly positive anchors I have ever seen. No matter how shameless he is by others, Tian Bin can still keep a smile on his face and reply. In 2021, Tian Bin and Tieshan Kou had a duel. Tian Bi

Do you like Tian Bin? Do you know how Tian Bin became popular? Tian Bin is one of the few truly positive anchors I have ever seen. No matter how shameless he is by others, Tian Bin can still keep a smile on his face and reply.

In 2021, Tian Bin and Tieshan Kou met together. Tian Bin said his classic line, "I am my mentor Tian Bin." Tieshan Kou unexpectedly said, "Daddy." Then the two quickly became popular.

After Tian Bin unexpectedly became popular, he quickly linked up with major anchors and accumulated countless fans. Tian Bin suddenly became very popular, and Tian Bin really has the ability to control these fans. Tian Bin’s live broadcast style is funny and brings laughter to people.

Recently, a big boss Ni Haishan appeared in Kuaishou. Ni Haishan and many Internet celebrities have been together. After chatting for a while, Ni Haishan rewarded Lianmai anchor "one-stop service" when he was happy, which was worth a thousand yuan.

Tian Bin and Ni Haishan joined forces, and Ni Haishan rewarded Tian Bin. Tian Bin excitedly called Ni Haishan "Dad", and many anchors followed suit for the sake of "one-stop service". Ni Haishan, suddenly "full of descendants."

Ni Haishan once again met Tian Bin, hoping that Tian Bin could change his name. As soon as Tian Bin received Ni Haishan's gift, he immediately shook his head excitedly, clapped with both hands, and shouted, "Welcome to my dad."

Seeing that Tian Bin was so generous, Ni Haishan also directly met and rewarded Tian Bin with "a dragon."

Ni Haishan asked Tian Bin if he could change his name. Tian Bin was afraid that he would not be able to receive Ni Haishan's dragon if he changed his name, so he pretended not to hear. In just the second sentence of dialogue, Ni Haishan called Tian Bin "one-stop." Ni Haishan just changed his name and it will not affect your acceptance of gifts.

Tian Bin said, what should I call him from now on? Should I call him "Dad" or "Master"? Ni Haishan said you can’t call me dad, someone can learn from you. Tian Bin thought for a moment, clasped his hands in a bow, and called Ni Haishan, "Father."

Seeing Tian Bin calling him "Father," Ni Haishan rewarded Tian Bin with "a dragon." Tian Bin shouted thanking me, "Father." ",Long live Long live Long live.

Some netizens criticized Tian Bin, saying that Tian Bin had no bottom line, abandoned his dignity, and had no lower limit.

Some netizens asked, can dignity be enough? The amount of money someone makes from a live broadcast is more than you can make in a few lifetimes. With Motoko, you can help your family and friends realize their wishes, live a good life, and do what you like. Put down face and make money, use money to save face.

Which do you think is more important, dignity or money? Do you support Tian Bin's behavior?

Last month, I just did a live voice broadcast for a month. Because of certain things, I posted a message: It’s a pity that I am so proud and I finally bowed down to life.

Growing up, I had some bottom lines and valued my own face and dignity. When doing live broadcasts, we have a task. We must receive at least 10 yuan in rewards every hour, otherwise the hour will be in vain.

In the audio hall of seven people, one time a eldest sister rewarded all five people with ten yuan. The hour was almost up. Only one other person and I were left without completing the task, so the others begged the eldest sister to help us both.

The eldest sister said that if neither of us begged her, why would she give it to both of us? Others asked us to quickly beg my eldest sister. At that time, I was in a low mood. I thought I had never been more in love than before, and I couldn't ask for help at all. The other person begged, and the eldest sister immediately rewarded him.

At this time, I was the only one left in the audience who had failed the task. The pressure was really great. Our team leader also sent me a private message, please hurry up and beg her. What are you thinking? If you beg, won’t it be done to you?

I was really in a bad mood, but I reluctantly said what I wanted to ask the eldest sister for, and the eldest sister quickly rewarded me. It felt like I lowered my head and put down my dignity.

You just have to say nice things and beg to get a reward, but sometimes I just can't do it. I have been working on

for exactly one month. Yesterday I left my job and went to another place. As I walked on the road, the scorching sun was beating down on me, and my sweat directly wet the back of my shirt.

looked at the sweaty takeaway guys running on the road, the workers, those handing out flyers, and those doing sales promotions running around in the sun.Now is the busy farming season at home, where we have to chop, thresh, dry, pack, break corn, and dig potatoes.

I think of some people who work hard and work hard to live. There are also people sitting in offices blowing on the air conditioner, drinking coffee, and enjoying life.

The poor desperately need face but no one gives it to them, so they live on the last breath. The rich lose face, and everyone gives them face, making a lot of money.

Some people can't bend down, and life directly breaks their waist. Some people nod and bow, but the world allows them to live a free and nourishing life.

Can you bend down? Which one will you choose between gold and dignity?
