My family members are laughing so hard that the copycat boy band ESO failed to make its comeback debut and was kicked out by the urban management on the spot. It also became a hot search topic and sparked heated discussions across the Internet. On July 1st, the men's group ESO an

made my family laugh so hard that the copycat boy band ESO failed to make its comeback debut and was kicked out by the urban management on the spot. It also became a hot search topic and sparked heated discussions across the Internet. On July 1st, the men's group ESO announced their return. They chose to live broadcast on a street in Changsha. C member Lu Ha released a preview in advance and will meet everyone at 7 p.m.

At seven o'clock that night, ESO members Lu Ha, Yi Yang Qianxi, Wang Erbo, Wang Junka, Quan Kulong and others appeared on the streets of Changsha on time. Soon after it was aired, millions of people watched it, and its popularity seemed to be as popular as any A-list star. From the screen recordings of netizens, we can see that the ESO members were dressed very grandly and attracted countless onlookers, making the scene very lively.

It is worth mentioning that when ESO was performing the dance, the urban management suddenly appeared and snatched Lu Ha’s mobile phone away. The scene was still live broadcast and the scene was hilarious. Netizens flooded the screen with people who supported justice. Lu Ha said to the urban management: I am still live broadcasting, please let me go off the air first.

The urban management did not pay attention to Luhan and bluntly said that the mobile phone will be given to you later, but it cannot be broadcast live here. The city manager also appeared in the live broadcast room. Lu Han kept apologizing to the other party and called the city manager his big brother. This process lasted for more than a minute, and finally the city manager asked Lu Ha to turn off the live broadcast.

In the end, Lu Han also said to his fans, "Sorry, we're off the air now." Many people praised Lu Han for being polite. And this urban management officer was completely popular. In fact, ESO had already made an agreement with the bakery before the live broadcast. There may be too many onlookers, which alerted the city management. They may not have expected this situation to arise.

Netizens have ridiculed you, don’t you urban management officials know the top ESOs? Others bluntly said that Lu Han is very polite. I was a stranger but now he has become a fan.

After the live broadcast was interrupted, Lu Ha released another video to apologize to fans. In the picture, several people were squatting on the ground solemnly. Lu Ha said, "It's a pity that our return failed today. There was a little accident during the live broadcast. I would like to say sorry to everyone here. We will sum up our experience, reflect on ourselves, and look forward to the success of our next return!"

After Lu Ha apologized, netizens continued to tease, why is there still a saying that the return failed? Is the second person on the left wearing a wig? Why does it look like Huang Bo ? Others said that if Huang Zicheng had not come, you would never be able to return.

A few days ago, Huang Zicheng was on the hot search list after announcing his resignation from the group. However, he announced his return today, but he was not seen at the live broadcast, and it is possible that he did not come over. There is no doubt that ESO has indeed gained a wave of fans due to its popularity. I wonder when they will return next time?

What do you think about the ESO regression failure? Welcome to leave a message for discussion.