What if life can be renewed and recharged? How old do you guys hope to live? The film "Time Planning Bureau" explains this hypothetical topic very well! In the quiet city at night, after a man and a woman ran towards each other crazily, why did this beautiful woman suddenly die?

What if life can be renewed and recharged? How old do you guys hope to live? The video " Time Planning Bureau " explains this hypothetical topic very well!

In the quiet city at night, after a man and a woman ran towards each other crazily, why did this beautiful woman suddenly die? Also, why was this rich man with 12 bodyguards kidnapped? After they opened the huge safe, what did they take out? A series of brain-burning mysteries are revealed in today's Emei version of the movie commentary "Time Planning Bureau".

In other words, Will, who lives in a poor area with his mother and is already 28 years old, works hard every day to earn more time. In addition to extending his life and that of his mother, these hours must also meet daily needs. Living expenses, and time loan to repay the bank. But everything was broken by a lucky accident.

It is said that after a tiring day, Will came to a bar to relax. A man with 100 years of age attracted the attention of Will and other criminals. He and his colleagues said that this man was in danger and was extremely unreasonable. 100 years of time were robbed by criminals, because time is money and time is everything, but now it is too late. This man has been targeted by criminals, but the kind-hearted Will decided to walk away. Taking risks, the man who was vomiting in the bathroom was successfully rescued while the criminals were not paying attention, and was brought to a very safe abandoned building.

Through conversation, Will learned that this man's name was Henry, a well-known person from a wealthy area. According to his actual age, this man is now over 110 years old. Although his body maintains the appearance of a young man, his brain and Nervously, he was tired of the luxurious life of immortality and moved to a poor area. Just like that, they talked happily, and it was early the next morning before they knew it.

At this time, the rich man had woken up and gave all of his 105 years to Will, leaving only 5 minutes for himself. Will had also woken up at this time. He looked at his wrist. I had a good time. In 105 years, he was surprised and saw through the window not far away. This famous person was sitting on the edge of the bridge. As time disappeared second by second, he finally freed himself and fell from the bridge. Although Will ran over quickly at this time, it was already too late. Will was annoyed and helpless, but his every move was also recorded by a camera not far away.

Regarding the unexpected death of this well-known person from the wealthy area, the police quickly identified Will as the suspect through on-site investigation and access to surrounding camera surveillance, although Will was not the murderer. At the same time, time robber Smith was also eyeing Will. He knew that the 100 years of time must belong to Will.

But even so, a sudden accident happened. That night, Will's mother finished her night shift. Just when she got on the bus and was about to swipe her card, the time that originally took one hour to travel two kilometers suddenly increased to two hours for two kilometers. This was only one and a half hours left for her. For Will's mother, it was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue. She was so frightened that she retracted her hand. Even if she begged the driver, it was of no avail. She was so impatient that she could only run home quickly.

Will, who has had 105 years, was holding flowers and happily waiting for his mother's arrival, but when the bus stopped, his mother was not on the bus. An ominous premonition came to Will's heart, so he quickly He ran forward, because he knew that his mother's time was definitely running out, but no matter how fast he and his mother ran, Will was still late at the last second, and his mother's time ran out.

Faced with the unexpected death of his mother, Will was extremely sad. He despaired of this management system of poverty and wealth, heaven and hell, short life and long life, so he decided to leave this sad place and vowed to use his own He uses his power to change this situation and vows to fight to the end with the upper class in the wealthy area.

After passing through one pass after another, Will successfully arrived at a wealthy area like a paradise. People here have plenty of time. There are luxury cars and beautiful women everywhere. When he got off the car, as the The richest man, Susan, the daughter of the president of time bank , noticed this unique Will.

At this time, Will had already arrived at the front desk of the luxury hotel and booked a luxury suite quite generously. After Will had breakfast the next day, on the recommendation of the hotel bartender, he came to the Rich People's Daily It was a must-visit place to visit. Here he took the risk and staked all of his only 100 years, because he had spent nearly 5 years passing customs and booking a hotel. Fortunately, at the end of his life In 10 seconds, he won the president of the Time Bank's 900 years in one fell swoop. So far, Will already has a thousand years of abundant time.

Not only that, for this foreign visitor, the president of Time Bank admired his all-or-nothing courage and courage, so he invited Will to attend a party at his private manor the next day, where Will was greatly surprised. , Susan, the daughter of the time bank president, as well as his mother and wife all look so young and beautiful. From the perspective of outsiders, the three generations of grandparents cannot identify each other's generation because they have endless time. and wealth. At this time, Susan also developed a strong liking for the foreign visitor Will, and invited him to dance and swim in the river together. The relationship between the two continued to heat up, and they both fell in love.

But the good times did not last long. The police also sent a time manager named Murphy. They came to the private manor where the party was being held and forcibly took Will away. Not only that, the police also confiscated the original famous person. The 100 years given to him and the 900 years he won by playing poker. Facing Will with only two hours left, he had no choice but to kidnap Susan, the daughter of the bank president, and drove all the way. After successfully evading Murphy's pursuit, he successfully returned to the hell-like poverty area.

Do you think this is the end? As the vehicle quickly passed through a blocking spike chain, the tire of the luxury car driven by Will burst and fell into the river nearby. It turned out that it was another good thing done by Time Bandit Smith. He originally thought he could intercept 100 years from Will. Unexpectedly, Will had no time. On the contrary, Susan sitting aside still had 15 years, so Smith took away all of Susan's time, leaving only half an hour for Susan in a hurry. time.

After waking up, Will and Susan ran to a pawn shop without thinking too much and used all their strength to trade Susan's diamond earrings for a rare day. The next plot is for Will and Susan to join forces to fight against their father, the president of the time bank, and to confront the time manager Murphy and the time bandit Smith.

The story has developed to this point. I believe that my friends are already very clear about the current plot. Yes, Will and Susan have successfully transformed into the embodiment of justice. They have participated in the robberies of the time bank many times and squeezed the rich. The time that the common people had was given to everyone in the poor area;

And Will, in the arm wrestling game with the robber Smith, won by cleverness and successfully killed three of Smith's followers and Smith in seconds; As for Susan's father, as Susan was abandoned by his own father, his father simply hired 13 top bodyguards to protect his own safety. He thought this was very safe, but his cleverness turned out to be a mistake. I pretended to be one of the bodyguards and cooperated with Susan to kidnap my father into his office and successfully stole a time memory worth one million years. Susan's father looked helpless and blind. However;

On the other side, Murphy, the time manager sent by the police, pursued Will and Susan, and finally died suddenly due to exhaustion of his own time. And the one million years of time they stole from Susan's father were also distributed to everyone in the poor areas. So far, in this polarized future country, there is no difference between poverty and wealth, heaven and hell, and Su As a result, Shan's father's time bank was completely bankrupt and the police station was closed because there were no more time thieves. The entire film ended perfectly.

In general, this film is definitely a suspense masterpiece that subverts our normal cognitive thinking, because this story is set in the future 200 years later. For this film, the editor summarized three incredible things:

The first incredible thing is time

Because it replaces the currency in circulation, people’s consumption, travel, and remuneration are all settled by time;

The second incredible thing is The polarization between poverty and wealth

People living in poor areas can only get up to 48 hours a day no matter how hard they work, while people living in wealthy areas rely on raising time bank loan interest rates in poor areas and wanton Drive up social prices to squeeze the time of poor people for their own use;

The third incredible thing is age

The age of people living in poor areas is fixed at 25 years old, and at the age of 25, the life clock begins to count in seconds; There is no time limit on the age of people living in wealthy areas. Their time span can be as little as a hundred years, as long as a thousand years, or even tens of thousands of years. They can be said to be immortal.

Well, the above is the exciting content of this issue. Thank you to the handsome guys and girls in front of the screen. You are so good and you still follow and support us. Emei is deeply grateful. In addition, all the articles of the editor have been updated with the synchronized film and television commentary . Those who want to watch Friends, you can follow us and appreciate it by yourself. Your support is the driving force for us to continue to create original works of and . In this way, we will see you in the next issue.

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