The Korean drama "Anna" will be launched on Korean Drama TV on June 26. It started off right, which is pretty good. Although it has only been updated for two episodes, it is highly watchable and the story is complete enough. The heroine's emotions are on point and she is very emp

Korean drama "Anna" will be launched on Korean Drama TV on June 26. It started off right, which is pretty good. Although it has only been updated for two episodes, it is highly watchable and the story is complete enough. The heroine's emotions are on point and she is very empathetic.

In psychology, there is a category of people called "Ripley Syndrome", which is a personality disorder formed by people who are caught up in the desire to enhance their identity and lie constantly, so that in the end it is difficult for them to distinguish whether it is truth or a lie, and they live in fantasy.

The heroine Anna is such a person. In the early stage of the story, due to a special experience as a child, she became a person with Ripley syndrome. From then on, she began a life of lies. In the end, in order to satisfy her own selfish desires, she continued to lie. resulting in a tragic ending.

Anna's real name is Li Youmei. Because her family is not wealthy, and she is particularly afraid of being laughed at and said that her family is poor, she prays to her parents to complete what she cannot accomplish. In high school, she fell in love with her high school music teacher, but was abandoned by the music teacher. At this time, it was the first time that Yumi felt the oppression of reality and the full malice of the real world towards her, but at that time, Yumi did not recognize the reality. .

The second time was after transferring to high school. She was among the best in her hometown village. She thought she was better than everyone else, but it wasn't until she transferred to another school that she realized that being at the top of her class in a big city was nothing compared to being among the best in a small city.

Yumi came to Seoul to study in high school. She thought she could be admitted to college, but she failed. For the sake of face and vanity, she told her parents that she was admitted to college. After Yumei failed the exam again when she repeated the exam for the second time, she still deceived everyone and said that she had passed the exam. Not only did she pass the exam, she also used deceptive means to date a college student. When the two parties decided to study abroad, her boyfriend's mother discovered Yumi's fake identity as a college student. At this time, Yumi still had no regrets.

She didn't start her real life until she learned that her father had passed away. Her mother did not fully take care of Yumi because of her dementia. She still had high ambitions and came to work in an art studio, where she met the real Anna, the daughter of a wealthy family. The real Anna humiliated Yumi in every possible way and the housekeeper inside did the same, causing Yumi to run away and finally appear in the public eye as the fake Anna.

This is a work that was originally hoped to be made into a movie but ended up being a TV series. After watching the rapid advancement of the timeline in the first two episodes, it does have a cinematic touch.

For example: to express the time spent working in an art museum, a clip on an uphill road is used to show the changes. Every time I see a movie with this expression in the past few years, I feel that the director is sincere and ambitious, and dares to shoot and use it in this way. Complicated scenes, a lot of actors' arrangements, scene layouts, and costumes are all just for these tens of seconds, which is really luxurious.

This South Korean filmed "Anna" is suspected of imitating the American filmed "Fictional Anna". Both dramas are inspired by the Anna Sorokin story that broke news in the United States in May 2019.

American drama, "Fictional Anna"

This is the real American scammer, Anna Sorokin

But I think the Korean drama is better than the American drama, because there are many changes in it that are more suitable for Asian customs, and in Some of the detailed changes are also very surprising, such as:

First, when Anna met with the employing parents, she said that she mainly looked at hair and shoes to judge whether the mentality was calm. I also hope these two will be extra attentive. Anna's expression was particularly calm at the moment.

The relationship between mother and daughter and father and daughter that should be the closest is bought by money. Such two parties sit together and talk about how to behave better and be more in line with that class. It has to be said that anyone with a fragile mind can easily get hurt in such a business relationship.

You must know that people who can act as other people's parents for money are actually hard to say that one day in the future they will not sell such transactions to people in need because of money. Therefore, Anna's performance in this scene was very calm and very powerful, which shocked the other party. The logic of this is: [Under the premise that they are all bad guys, who is more cold-blooded, has more potential sources of power, and who has a better chance of winning].

The second detail is the first blind date between Anna and her husband . There are several details that are very worth pondering. One is that when Cui Zhixun arrives, usually the girls who are sitting will stand up, but Anna always sits there and just nods to say hello. This behavior is quite ladylike.

When Cui Zhixun discussed the layout of this lounge, Anna said that the chairs were all imitations, the kind of banter between her eyebrows.

You must know that when girls meet popular and successful entrepreneurs, they may always lack momentum, and men can easily feel this. Therefore, in this round of confrontation, Anna not only mastered the momentum of the fake identity, but also knew very well where his weaknesses were when using her identity to collide with this self-made man.

The next more important fatal blow was that when the man was embarrassed, she revealed that she was actually not in a hurry to get married. Anna knew in her heart that the man must feel that he failed in this blind date at this time. The man is the one who is more anxious to get married. This kind of psychological eagerness to find a woman with good education, good family background, and good looks to marry to support his career. The more urgent the desire, the more cautious you must be. So the result of the first meeting is that the man becomes the person being tested, and he strives for three opportunities to be tested. This is the power of Anna. There is no sign of weakness due to identity fraud. Strong inside and out.

The third detail is: We are all guessing that Anna’s husband, the so-called new self-made rich man, is actually a liar. From the moment the two families sat together to discuss the wedding, we could already feel from many details that the two groups may have a tacit conspiracy to get what they need.

Otherwise, it is very illogical to ask which parent who is truly financially well-off and has no intention of retreating from the marriage when he hears that his daughter is going to marry a man who started his business through illegal business.

If the male protagonist has achieved his current social status from scratch, his judgment and observation will never be out of line, and he must have noticed the weirdness of Anna's family, but after weighing the pros and cons, you will find that this is his eagerness to get married. ideal candidate. So the arrival of a wedding seemed so perfect, gorgeous and enviable, but at its core it turned out to be such an illusion.

The fourth detail: In the first episode, when True Anna was introduced to her future mother-in-law, she was given a shot of Yumi . At that time, she had been observing how the eldest lady showed her elegant demeanor.

In fact, there are many details in this film that are interesting enough. It has to be said that Anna is a very strong person, not because of lying, but because the changes from the inside out of a person when lying are enough to support such an expression that has no factual basis.

The more important irony is that Anna shattered the solidified class ladder by lying, and she still stood out even when she relied on lies to send herself into such an unattainable circle.

It can be seen that those family backgrounds, academic qualifications, and connections are not actually manifestations of real ability, but more of a barrier to capable people. And this is the most ironic part of social phenomena.

Vanity is the core meaning of this drama, but vanity is also divided into levels: I once had a vain female colleague. Her father drove a businessman in a small county on the 18th line. The car was an BMW . This girl later found a boyfriend in Wuhan. He came from a good family and was a businessman. But her parents looked down upon this country girl.When the two were talking about marriage, the man's parents proposed to buy the boy a car. The girl said it was too cheap, and my father still drove a BMW! After that, they broke up. The girl secretly sold the man two computers and mobile phones, and also stole I swiped the man's credit card.

This kind of vanity is low-end! And Anna is obviously more than one level higher!

The reason why the fake Anna Yumi can successfully impersonate the real Anna is one of the reasons why I am very interested in this drama. In addition to the fact that there is no trace of poverty in Yumi’s appearance, the most important thing is that Yumi’s temperament is more beautiful than Anna Close to the daughter of a famous family in the public definition.

Poverty will leave traces on a person's body, such as teeth that were not corrected in childhood, and the "tired and ugly" appearance caused by staying up late and working overtime: dark circles under the eyes, a forward neck, myopic eyes, and not taking good care of them. Hair and skin, bloated figure.

Yumi Fortunately, her appearance does not leave many traces of poverty. She has neat teeth, smooth skin, and a well-proportioned figure. In the later stage, she only needs to take care of her hair and makeup, and then put on expensive suits. From the appearance alone, her poverty past is completely invisible.

On the outside, her temperament looks so gentle and humble, reminding people of the legendary elegant noblewoman.

But in fact, because of her good family background, True Anna lives her life freely and without scruples, and even has a hint of meanness and hypocrisy when facing employees.

However, in front of the ladies of the same circle, True Anna still put on the conservative clothes specially sent by Yumei. Under the supervision of her mother, she acted simple and shy, which was completely different from her actual personality of a Party Queen. This is why outsiders always think that noble women have gentle and modest personalities.

From this perspective, the fake Anna looks more in line with people's imagination of a young lady than the real Anna.

These two points are indispensable for Yumi's successful replacement of Anna's life.

So being gentle, humble, dignified and generous, these are always very important to women!

After watching the first two episodes of Anna, I came to the following conclusions, which can also be said to be my experiences:

[Pretend to be confident even if you are not confident]

The reason why Anna can counterattack is that she believes in herself enough. Although lying is wrong, her ability to deceive everyone without missing a beat just shows how strong her inner strength is. Whether in the workplace or in life, self-confidence and strong aura often mean that the person has sufficient ability. Just like the reporter asked when interviewing Rihanna, how do you achieve such aura? Rihanna said seriously: "pretend."

[Has strong execution ability]

The second thing about Anna that I can learn from is her execution ability. She just does whatever comes to her mind, without so much internal friction and ink stains. Even if he is discovered, he will deal with the person calmly. Although it is scary, he is straightforward and has strong execution ability.

[The normal state of work is to learn while doing and sell now]

If the previous Anna does not conform to the core values ​​of society, her change process as a university professor is worth learning from students who have just entered the workplace or changed careers. I worked during the day and crammed in knowledge and prepared lessons at night. In the end, I also received high praise.

Although it is important to be fully prepared to do things, the workplace often starts from scratch, and problems and troubles often come one after another. There is not so much time for you to fully prepare. Therefore, it is normal to learn while doing and sell now. Only by holding on to the pressure and constantly learning can you stay at your best in the workplace.

Anna Sorokin, the prototype character of "Anna", is a legendary female fraudster who plays tricks on New York's upper class society!

In the first two episodes, the heroine relied on her outstanding deception and beauty to get a lot of bonuses and spent money to hire fake parents to marry her second-generation rich husband. The following plot should be due to her husband's involvement in politics, which exposed her to the public eye, and the end of the second episode where she met the original Anna again.

Will she be exposed? Will the risk of exposure increase? How was she going to get over this big lie? It’s all worth looking forward to!