The hit drama "Police Honor" is so down-to-earth. It popularizes the daily life of a police station to the audience, tells the story that there is no black and white truth in this world, and tells the audience what empathy is with each example.

The popular drama [Police Honor] is so down-to-earth. It popularizes the daily life of a police station to the audience, tells the story that there is no black and white truth in this world, and uses examples to tell the audience what empathy is. . Each character has a full image and a rich inner world. Director Wang is wise but foolish, the instructor is sincere, Director Gao is witty and capable, and Director Chen is considerate. With such a complementary leadership team, it would be impossible for the police station not to be warm. possible.

There is no intrigue in the workplace or sudden bloody love in this drama. There is only the warmth shown by the police while handling the case, the warmth of a big family. When I was watching the show, I had an immersive feeling, as if I was a member of the Shibalihe Police Station. The police officers flashing on the screen all had blood, flesh, and souls. Four smart trainee police officers and four police masters with different personalities. Their thinking patterns and behaviors run through the entire TV series. I often feel happy with their happiness, cry with their pain, and rejoice with their success, but there is one person who makes me unable to be happy, and my heart still aches.

He is Cao Jianjun, a good policeman who can talk to both parties in the conflict during mediation. When arresting criminal suspects, he is as strong and strong as a criminal policeman. He devotes all his body and mind to the daily work of the police. Just like this, a policeman hit a car while driving drunk. However, he was good at mediating and had a dispute with the other party. He uttered wild words in front of the traffic policeman and tried to resolve the conflict as a policeman. When he failed, he drove away and finally ended up in jail. Prison and expulsion. Is this the saying that character determines destiny? But the Cao Jianjun we see is kind to people, skilled in business, and has a harmonious family. How can he still have this side?

Psychological research has found that only 5% of the inner activities that we can detect on a daily basis are only 5%, and the remaining 95% are subconscious thoughts hidden underwater. It is like an invisible hand, dominating a person's personality, personality and psychology. This research tells us that what we usually see in Cao Jianjun is only his positive side. The rest of the negative energy such as inferiority, grievance, anger, jealousy, eagerness for quick success and quick gain are suppressed by Cao Jianjun.

Let’s take stock of the subconscious that has been suppressed by Cao Jianjun. Let’s talk about her mother-in-law first. Cao Jianjun’s wife has a sister and her brother-in-law is a businessman. He often uses money and gifts to please his mother-in-law. During family gatherings, the vain mother-in-law was naturally smiling at her eldest son-in-law, while she was full of ridicule at her son-in-law Cao Jianjun.

My brother-in-law was on the blacklist because of debts. My mother-in-law asked Cao Jianjun to help my brother-in-law get rid of the blacklist. Cao Jianjun thought this was illegal and refused, so my mother-in-law immediately started mocking mode. The eldest son-in-law was caught engaging in prostitution and was taken to the police station. After the incident, the mother-in-law still did not say "no" to the eldest son-in-law. She quickly advised her eldest daughter not to divorce because of the incident. Then she began to criticize Cao Jianjun for his incompetence. As a police officer at the police station, she also treated herself My brother-in-law was locked up all night. Cao Jianjun was deeply hurt by his mother-in-law's sharp words. He didn't get angry, didn't reply, and didn't even explain. However, he suppressed all the grievances, injustice, inferiority, anger, and jealousy into his subconscious.

No matter how much his mother-in-law looked down on him, his wife still supported him. For her police career, his wife took on all the housework. Every time she was ridiculed by her mother-in-law, her wife did not hesitate to vent her anger on Cao Jianjun's behalf, and then angrily left her parents' home with Cao Jianjun, claiming that she just liked Cao Jianjun and vowed never to return to her parents' home again. Facing his wife who was venting his anger on him, Cao Jianjun was moved to tears, so he suppressed his guilt and gratitude to his wife, his own incompetence and unwillingness to his subconscious.

I said in the previous article: Our brain seems to be a unit, and it also has a supervisory department. The main responsibility of this department is to limit the subconscious overflow of negative energy.But there are times when the supervisory authorities fail in their duties, and that is when people's consciousness is in a trance. After Cao Jianjun got drunk, he burst out all the negative energy that he had suppressed in his subconscious. Only when he woke up did he realize that he had caused a big trouble.

The repressed subconscious is the most secret power deep in the human heart. If the subconscious is not revealed, people will always be controlled by the subconscious. Only by understanding one's own subconscious can one be aware of one's own invisible pressure and heal one's own psychological trauma. Only by sorting out your complex emotions can you get out of your own psychological cycle.