Reporter Li Xinrong/Taipei report Hu Yuwei's baseball drama in the eight original drama "Dear Adam" opened up the daughter of Tsang Pei-chi's hostility to him, and then narrowed the distance between the two parties. During the filming, Hu Yuwei also showed his warm and masculine

reporter Li Xinrong / Taipei report

Hu Yuwei took over the plot of baseball in the eight original drama "Dear Adam", opening up the daughter of Zeng Peici in the play's hostility to him, and then narrowing the distance between the two parties. During the filming, Hu Yuwei also showed his warm and masculine personality. He cared about Dai Yazhi, who played the daughter of Zeng Peici, and praised her improvement in catching skills. Hu Yuwei said frankly: "I like to communicate with children and I also like to joke with them." He directly addressed the young actors in the movie. Playing together feels like getting along with your own daughter! Hu Yuwei generously confided: "I really want to be a father! I think being a father is also a stage of life."

Hu Yuwei plays baseball with Zeng Peici's daughter. (Photo / Provided by Bada)

Hu Yuwei said that catching and throwing baseballs with children in the play is very similar to his dream scene: "I throw baseballs with my children, and he catches and throws them like this, even though it goes back and forth, repeatedly. The action may be a bit boring, and the picture may feel boring, but it is actually a small activity that brings the relationship between father and daughter or father and son closer.” Although he does not play the role of a father in the play, it is similar to the interaction between parent and child, which makes Hu Yuwei. I can’t help but reveal that I think children are cute as long as they are obedient and polite.

Hu Yuwei longs to be a father. (Photo / Provided by Bada)

Regarding the topic of raising children in the future, Hu Yuwei said that he should be a strict father who pretends to be a black face: "I will pay more attention to the 'respect' part, so if I want to teach these, I may have to be more serious in order to teach them well. The child's manners." He also imagined that the child would react disapprovingly or not, but growing up from the tutoring provided by his parents, Hu Yuwei felt that such a request was right.

Hu Yuwei also laughed and said that he dreams of drinking beer with his son or daughter in a bar in the future. He revealed that his drinking capacity is not bad. When he is drunk, he will talk more and sometimes become louder, but he will not go crazy. status. Bada's original drama "Dear Adam" premieres every Sunday at 8pm on Bada Drama Channel across Taiwan.