On the morning of June 29, the opening ceremony of the 2nd "March 3" National Film Exhibition was held in Nanning, Guangxi. This film exhibition lasts for five days, and movie fans can go to Guangzhou Film International Cinemas to watch the 10 exhibited films for free. The "March

On the morning of June 29, the opening ceremony of the 2nd " March 3rd " National Film Exhibition was held in Nanning, Guangxi. This film exhibition lasts for five days, and movie fans can go to Guangzhou Film International Cinemas to watch the 10 exhibited films for free.

Holding the "March 3" National Film Exhibition is a positive measure to implement the spirit of the "4.27" important speech during the inspection of Guangxi and the spirit of the 12th Congress of the Autonomous Region, strengthen ethnic cultural exchanges, and solidify the construction of a demonstration zone for the awareness of the Chinese nation's community.

This event is jointly sponsored by the Autonomous Region Film Bureau, the Autonomous Region Ethnic and Religious Affairs Committee, the Autonomous Region Department of Culture and Tourism, and Guangxi Cultural Industry Group . It includes an opening ceremony, an awards ceremony, a national cultural performance, a round-table film forum, and a screening of outstanding national films. The theme aims to tell the story of the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, seek new ideas, new measures and new forces for the development of national films, and explore how national films can seize opportunities and develop innovatively in the new era.

According to reports, in order to provide a rich feast of national films to the broad audience, the event planning team spent half a year from inviting films to reviewing and recommending films, and carefully selected "天的Ju美" from more than 300 films. " It's March 3rd of the year again " "Red Son·Going Alone to the Meeting" "Gas Station on the Horizon" "Liu Sanjie" "Drifting in the Wind" "Mother's Airport" "Animism" "Wings of Singing" "Kashgar Guli" " and 10 outstanding ethnic minority films from 9 provinces and autonomous regions across the country participated in the screening, focusing on the unique films of Zhuang, Mongolian, Tibetan, Uyghur, Blang, Dai and other ethnic minorities. National stories show the audience the colorful national film culture and the era of unity and progress of Chinese people of all ethnic groups from multiple angles.

html From June 29th to July 3rd, the above 10 participating films will be screened for free at Guangzhou Film International Cinemas Starlight Store, Xinmeng Store, Xianhu Store, and Youai Store, with 2-3 films being screened every day.

In recent years, domestic filmmakers have created excellent films such as " Biluo Snow Mountain ", "Nightingale", " Awa Mountain ", " Tianqin " and "It's March 3rd Again", which have created a good society influence and made positive contributions to the inheritance and development of excellent national traditional culture. Since its inception, the "March 3" National Film Exhibition has used national films as a link to bring national films into thousands of households, allowing more people to participate in cultural activities of appreciating national films, and enhancing exchanges, exchanges and integration among people of all ethnic groups. , which promotes the cultural construction and prosperity of ethnic minority areas.