Feng Yuanzheng said: "What do actors need? Actors need to rely on their characters to speak. A good performance is a complete performance that shapes the character." In 2001, China's first TV series "Don't Talk to Strangers" that intuitively reflected family violence was released

1. The "disappeared" Feng Yuanzheng

Feng Yuanzheng said:

"What do actors need? Actors need to rely on their characters to speak. A good performance is a complete performance that shapes the character."

Feng Yuanzheng said this with confidence and without any hesitation.

Because he is qualified to say this, the characters he has created give people a creepy illusion.

In 2001, China's first TV series "Don't Talk to Strangers " directly reflected family violence.

actor Feng Yuanzheng plays the doctor " Anjia and " who is gentle on the surface but twisted and perverted on the inside to a hardcore level, even his hair is acting.

Feng Yuanzheng's gloomy and depressed face has become the "childhood shadow" in the hearts of countless people.

In order to portray the role of a housewife, Feng Yuanzheng called a women's hotline to ask for advice on "how to beat his wife."

After Feng Yuanzheng obtained the "true biography", he became a master in the play.

So much so that after it was broadcast, Feng Yuanzheng became a "family man" that everyone called him.

I have to say that the characters created by Feng Yuanzheng are too real.

is so real that you can’t escape from the drama.

's "hatred" for Feng Yuanzheng was derived from the play and spread into real life.

went out to eat on the street. Feng Yuanzheng was slapped by his elder sister and told not to hit his wife in the future.

The bicycle placed in the corridor would be poked with a nail every now and then.

In the dressing room of the crew, the staff was dressing him up, which made the staff tremble with fear.

Feng Yuanzheng asked her: "Are you cold? Why are you shaking all the time!"

The staff member replied: "It's not cold. I was afraid that I would be beaten by you if I didn't dress you properly."

Not only that, but even All the good brothers around him "sneered at him."

After the TV series was broadcast, Feng Yuanzheng felt depressed and wanted to complain to his brothers.

In the end, the other party said: "Feng Yuanzheng, let me tell you, don't let me see you recently, If I want to see you, I'll beat you first. "

Feng Yuanzheng's acting skills can always grasp the character of the character no matter when and where.

June 9, 2022, is the "Classic Play Show and Guide" series of commemorative activities for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Beijing People's Art Institute.

Feng Yuanzheng's drama "Beep" is not artificial, there is no drama tone, and the performance is life-like.

Feng Yuanzheng's every expression, every action, and every line are perfectly executed.

He is really an experienced actor. Bone.

No matter how long it takes, Feng Yuanzheng is still Feng Yuanzheng, and he is willing to call him the "God of Acting"

You must know that as a national first-class actor, he graduated from Beijing People's Art Theater and is well-known at home and abroad.

Renyi is the only place that can still maintain the purity of the art world.

Renyi’s salary and benefits have always been open and transparent in the entertainment industry. Song Dandan , Xu Fan , Chen Xiaoyi , Hu Jun, Ding Zhicheng, He Bing, Pu Cunxi and others all receive a salary of 3,000 yuan from Renyi, or 1,500 yuan a month, but they never complain, and no one wants to change jobs.

Feng Yuanzheng. His acting skills were also developed through experience in human art.

However, looking at the history, this veteran actor has disappeared when he is not filming.

In the film and television industry, Feng Yuanzheng seems to have "disappeared" long ago.

2. The turning point of the dream, inspiring the inner dream of an actor

Feng Yuanzheng was born in the Air Force compound in Beijing. He is a native Beijinger.

His father was a great man who was once the chief of the Air Force.

Feng Yuanzheng has never been cold or hungry since he was a child. Everything he enjoys is the best.

Feng Yuanzheng is the third eldest child in the family, and there are three boys in the family.

Families without girls generally have a quiet atmosphere, and Feng Yuanzheng has been withdrawn since he was a child.

Happy time is always short-lived. When Feng Yuanzheng was 7 years old, his father was deployed to the countryside for some reasons.

A family of 5 has lived in the countryside for 5 years from the city.

During the past five years, Feng Yuanzheng lived comfortably in the city, and the pleasant rural life made him become naughty and mischievous.

Feng Yuanzheng has been influenced by his parents' career since he was a child, and he also fell in love with skydiving.

He wants to become a professional skydiver.

In 1976, Feng Yuanzheng gave up the college entrance examination and participated in the election.

Unfortunately, Feng Yuanzheng lost the election.

By some strange combination of circumstances, Feng Yuanzheng entered a zipper factory and became a worker.

Feng Yuanzheng has been independent since he was a child, and he is not willing to devote his whole life to the factory.

While working in a factory, he was studying acting.

In 1984, Beijing Film Academy was enrolling students, and Feng Yuanzheng saw the information.

happily signed up. With his cleverness, he easily passed the three tests.

However, Feng Yuanzheng was rejected because of his appearance.

Unconvinced, Feng Yuanzheng also applied for Chinese drama , but the results were also unsatisfactory.

Carrots and greens have their own preferences, but gold will always shine.

Nortel judges looked down on Feng Yuanzheng, but a female director Zhang Nuanxin had a "soft spot" for him.

Zhang Nuanxin thinks that he is a good actor and will become a great actor in the future.

So, Zhang Nuanxin found Feng Yuanzheng and expressed his feelings.

Feng Yuanzheng, who has never been in the entertainment industry and has no professional acting training, easily won the male lead in " Youth Festival " directed by Zhang Nuanxin.

After the broadcast of "Youth Festival", Zhang Nuanxin suggested that Feng Yuanzheng apply for the Beijing People's Art Troupe.

In 1985, Feng Yuanzheng was admitted to the People's Art Academy.

Also admitted were Wu Gang, Ding Zhicheng, Wang Gang, and Gao Dongping.

When they were in school, they often got together and were called the "Five Tigers of Humanity and Art".

Now, they have been together for more than thirty years, from classmates to colleagues, from walk-ins to important roles on the stage.

Feng Yuanzheng is among the five of them. His performance has always been among the best, and he has always been in the C position in drama performances.

Feng Yuanzheng met Mersing, a female professor at the Higher Academy of Arts in West Berlin, Germany, while he was studying in the Humanities and Art Institute.

Mel Xing valued Feng Yuanzheng very much and taught him acting without reservation.

and invited Feng Yuanzheng to go to Germany to study the Grotowski School of Acting.

Feng Yuanzheng refused. At this moment, he had a little girlfriend who needed to accompany him.

However, it didn’t take long for Feng Yuanzheng’s relationship with his little girlfriend to end.

After falling out of love, he temporarily resigned from his position as an artist and came to Germany with 8,000 yuan and a suitcase.

When he came to Germany, Feng Yuanzheng would go to the theater every week. After watching it, his blood would boil and his eyes would fill with tears.

The reason why he is like this is because he wants to return to the stage as an actor.

After staying in Germany for half a year, Feng Yuanzheng discovered that the biggest problem was that he could not be an actor here.

At that time, he missed his home and Beijing Renyi very much.

Feng Yuanzheng hurriedly got on the train back home.

3. The power of love allows him to find himself again.

In 1991, Feng Yuanzheng, who had nothing to do, often went to the People's Art Theater to watch people's performances.

Looking at his friend performing on the stage, his heart is ready to love acting.

Feng Yuanzheng found his boss and said that he wanted to return to work in the arts.

In this way, Feng Yuanzheng once again stood on the stage of human art.

Feng Yuanzheng works harder and is more motivated than before, in order to one day be on the big screen.

At that time, Feng Yuanzheng was also 29 years old and at the age of marrying a wife.

However, Feng Yuanzheng is still alone.

Faced with his parents' urging to get married, he could only agree.

Soon, a happy event fell from the sky.

The heroine of the movie "The Jackal Enters the House" has been selected as the heroine of Liang Danni, who is already a big star.

The male lead was still undecided, and finally the leader asked Feng Yuanzheng to give it a try.

This trial gave Feng Yuanzheng a taste of love.

Liang Danni is also a person in the arts. Her father is also a soldier. Both of them grew up in a military compound.

have common hobbies and topics, and they get along very well.

Liang Danni will discuss character creation with Feng Yuanzheng and share her experience with him.

As time goes by, the two get closer and closer, go to work together, get off work together, and even go to the bathhouse to take a bath together.

The two people who have always referred to themselves as "brothers" also help each other in their careers.

Obviously Liang Danni helped Feng Yuanzheng get more.

Feng Yuanzheng contracted chickenpox while filming "General Feng Baiju" and needed hospitalization.

Liang Danni was filming on the set during the day and went to the hospital to take care of Feng Yuanzheng at night.

At that time, they were just "brothers".

Feng Yuanzheng saw everything Liang Danni did.

In his heart, A woman who can treat you sincerely at this time, regardless of everything, must be a good woman.

This illness made Feng Yuanzheng realize his feelings for Liang Danni.

There is not just "brotherly love" between them but the love between men and women.

Returning to Renyi, Feng Yuanzheng pursued Liang Danni.

However, Liang Danni rejected Feng Yuanzheng's pursuit.

Liang Danni is not sure about Feng Yuanzheng's love and thinks that Feng Yuanzheng pities and pities her.

It turns out that Liang Danni experienced a failed marriage, and Feng Yuanzheng was married for the first time.

In addition, Liang Danni is 8 years older than Feng Yuanzheng, and Liang Danni sees the gap and generation gap in every aspect.

In Feng Yuanzheng's stalking, Liang Danni agreed to be with him.

When they announced their relationship, they were opposed by everyone.

Both parents' parents advised them to break up, and even made harsh words to ask one party to leave.

Fortunately, their feelings were strong enough and were not affected.

They didn't have a luxurious wedding, no wedding room, no big diamond ring, and they didn't even prepare a decent wedding dress.

The two people who kept everything simple received the marriage certificate and became husband and wife.

After getting married, their relationship as a couple was very good.

Liang Danni’s career has always been better than Feng Yuanzheng’s, and it is Liang Danni who mainly earns money to support the family.

Feng Yuanzheng is a "wife doting maniac". Whatever Liang Danni wants, Feng Yuanzheng will get it for her.

Feng Yuanzheng always thinks about Liang Danni in his life. He is worried that Liang Danni is too old and pregnant to be too dangerous.

So, he and Liang Danni agreed to be " DINK ".

Feng Yuanzheng, who has never been successful, was dubbed the "soft rice man".

Feng Yuanzheng, no matter how others define him, he has been a bit player in Renyi for 8 years.

Feng Yuanzheng does not believe in evil, let alone admit defeat.

4. The image at the peak of his career limited his future development.

2001 was the 10th year since Feng Yuanzheng returned to China.

finally gave Feng Yuanzheng hope.

director Zhang Jiandong invited many well-known actors to play the role of "An Jiahe" when he started filming "Don't Talk to Strangers".

were all rejected without exception. The reason was: the character was too ruthless and perverted.

Zhang Jiandong was extremely helpless and had no choice but to seek help. Feng Yuanzheng was selected on the recommendation of a friend.

It was a role that no one dared to play. Feng Yuanzheng accepted the script after hesitating for a moment.

Feng Yuanzheng brought "An Jiahe" to life, and his selfish, twisted, and perverted behaviors were portrayed to the fullest.

"An Jiahe" had an immeasurable impact on Feng Yuanzheng's life.

Whenever there is news about the "B man", the audience will immediately identify Feng Yuanzheng.

In fact, many people only know "An Jiahe" but do not know that his real name is Feng Yuanzheng.

"An Jiahe" in the real-life version of "Don't Talk to Strangers" is scolded and cursed every year.

Back then, after the TV series was aired, Feng Yuanzheng’s mother-in-law seriously suspected that he would beat his wife.

Liang Danni's mother was very worried about her daughter, so she called her quietly and said: "Ni, your teacher told me if Feng Yuanzheng often beats you. Don't be afraid, I am your mother."

Liang Danni was shocked by her mother's words and deeds. She reassured her mother and explained to her that Feng Yuanzheng would not hit anyone, let alone her. On the contrary, he doted on her.

Liang Danni told her mother not to get too involved in the drama and to return to reality.

Feng Yuanzheng’s image as a good husband has always been questioned.

The more it is explained, the more it is misunderstood.

Even if there are ten thousand impulses in my heart to beat him, I must admit that Feng Yuanzheng's acting skills are superb.

In 2004, Feng Xiaogang directed a movie " A World Without Thieves ".

invited Andy Lau , Rene Liu , Ge You , Feng Yuanzheng, Wang Baoqiang , Li Bingbing and others to star.

Among them, Feng Yuanzheng played a thief who robbed on the train.

Feng Yuanzheng gestured to the passengers with an orchid finger, and said in a "girly" tone: "Be serious, be serious, don't laugh, we are robbing"!

As soon as these words came out, the audience was successfully brought out of the perspective of "An Jiahe".

A good actor doesn't care whether he plays a leading role or a supporting role, and he doesn't care about the character's image.

What he cares about is whether the characters are brought to life.

Feng Yuanzheng always agreed to roles that others didn't want to play without even saying a word.

In 2008, Feng Xiaogang planned to film " If You Are the One ". Feng Yuanzheng played "Ai Moli" wearing tight clothes, light makeup, and red nails.

Feng Yuanzheng's every frown, smile, and every move seemed to say: "I am the most beautiful."

In just a few minutes of performance, Feng Yuanzheng presented and conveyed a vivid image of a sissy.

Feng Yuanzheng’s outfit can make Ge You laugh until he burst into laughter.

Ge You joked: "Yuanzheng, you look more like a woman than a woman like this."

Feng Yuanzheng's feminine, pretentious and enchanting appearance left a deep impression on the audience.

At that time, Feng Yuanzheng was worried that his mother-in-law thought there was something wrong with his sexual orientation after watching "If You Are the One".

In order to let the public escape from the definition of roles, Feng Yuanzheng tried various roles.

In 2009, Feng Yuanzheng starred in the TV series " Detective Novel ", playing two roles respectively.

In the same year, Feng Yuanzheng played a "wife-controller" in "Middle Age". This kind of role is most popular with mothers-in-law.

From 2011 to 2014, Feng Yuanzheng starred in dramas such as " The Age of Steel ", " Deep Flowers ", " Cooking Women Are Crazy ", "Male Matchmaker", " Old Farmer ", and "The Unknown Man" .

But the audience's enthusiasm for Feng Yuanzheng remains lukewarm.

5, Feng Yuanzheng excels on stage and educates people behind the scenes.

3-year-old Feng Yuanzheng chose to change his lifestyle.

He began to try to be a director. The first drama directed by Feng Yuanzheng was "Sima Qian".

In the subsequent historical drama "Du Fu", Feng Yuanzheng was not only the director but also the starring role.

Feng Yuanzheng not only wanted to perform the poet's temperament, but also showed the greatness of poetry and the true side of a literati.

Feng Yuanzheng's every look and every movement has a perfect expression.

Feng Yuanzheng also needs to stand in the director’s vision to design the beauty of the stage.

There is also a choreographer. Feng Yuanzheng has requirements. The dance must be Chinese, modern, decent, and easy to understand.

The acting skills and stage performance of "Du Fu" have been unanimously praised by people.

As early as 2015, Feng Yuanzheng was awarded the honorary title of "Literary Worker with Both Morality and Art".

In 2020, Feng Yuanzheng took over the position of Pu Cunxin as the deputy director of Beijing People's Arts to cultivate young actors.

Not only that, Feng Yuanzheng is also a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. He put forward many constructive suggestions at the two sessions.

At the same time, Feng Yuanzheng is restricting actors' remuneration and also rectifying the impact of capital on the industry.

Being a teacher at the age of 60 is really not an easy task.

Feng Yuanzheng loves "acting", whether it is "acting" or teaching "art" to students.

Feng Yuanzheng’s acting skills and stage appeal are both very strong.

As Feng Yuanzheng gets older, it’s not that there are no TV series to act in, but that he doesn’t want to act in them.

Instead of playing useless roles, it is better to live in the world you love.

In his opinion, a performance that cannot be integrated with the character is intolerable to him.

Feng Yuanzheng has not been abandoned by the times, but he understands the meaning of the word actor.

As Feng Yuanzheng said, Beijing People's Art School taught him "people" and "art".

Today’s entertainment industry has long lost its original simplicity and innocence, let alone expressive acting skills.

The rest is nothing but profit.

On the other hand, Feng Yuanzheng did not create commercial value, let alone profit.

Apart from mastering acting skills, he knows nothing else, so he is destined to be slowly "abandoned" by the capital side. Feng Yuanzheng cannot fit into such a circle as


Therefore, Feng Yuanzheng’s “disappearance” is a “sadness” for the entertainment industry.