Dong Yuhui is a Phoenix man who came from the countryside. He entered New Oriental after graduating from Xi'an International Studies University, and then entered the field of live streaming. Because of his strong knowledge base, he was loved by fans, causing New Oriental's stock

Dong Yuhui is a Phoenix man who came from the countryside. After graduating from Xi'an International Studies University , he entered New Oriental , and then entered the field of live streaming. Because of his strong knowledge reserve, he was loved by fans. made New Oriental's stock in seven days It skyrocketed by 500%, with 5 million followers in three days, and sales of nearly 100 million in seven days. He is a newly rising sales leader.

And Wei Shen has occupied a place in the field of mathematics with his talent and focus. He has been working quietly in the teaching position of Peking University . A reporter accidentally discovered Wei Shen holding steamed buns and boiled water in a mineral water bottle. Such a mathematician This is how genius comes into the public eye.

Outstanding people often have many similar traits. Many people think that Dong Yuhui and Wei Shen have many similarities, such as their appearance, their attitude towards marriage, their material requirements, their pursuit of career, etc. .

Let’s talk about appearance first. Both of them are relatively thin and have square faces. I always feel that there are more successful people with square faces. From a phrenology point of view, is there any explanation for this? The nose is high and the eyes are not big. Put photos of two people together, and their faces can even overlap.

Secondly, regarding the attitude towards marriage, a reporter once interviewed Wei Shen on this issue about whether he was in love. Wei Shen directly said no. Indeed, a girl had written him a love letter, but he did not take it seriously, thinking that the other party was in love. joke.
Wei Shen said that he spent all his time and energy on scientific research work and had no extra time to think about marriage and love. Wei Shen's parents were also not anxious about this issue.
The same is true for Dong Yuhui. Although Dong Yuhui's parents are very concerned about their son's marriage, Dong Yuhui himself is extremely calm about it. He believes that the more a person reads philosophical books, the more thorough his understanding of love will be. He cited Schopenhauer and Nietzsche and other philosophical figures will give examples.
also quoted Socrates 's famous saying: "A good marriage can only bring you happiness, but a bad marriage can make you a philosopher."

Of course, Dong Yuhui also admitted that he also has some flaws in his character. For example, inferiority and stubbornness, etc., there must be a dark spot behind everyone's bright spots.
Finally, both of them have extremely low material requirements.
Wei Shen finds it troublesome to eat, and is very indifferent to food cravings. During interviews, reporters often saw him carrying two steamed buns and a mineral water bottle. The same goes for clothes, which are extremely simple.
Dong Yuhui said that he is not afraid of the future. Even if he can't stay in New Oriental, even if he doesn't become popular in the future, it doesn't matter. If it doesn't work, he can become a rural teacher and go to the countryside to work as a teacher. Both
people are leaders in their respective fields, and they are both people who have escaped from low-level taste.
demonstrates in Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory : "People generally have five levels of needs, the first level of physiological needs; the second level of safety needs; the third level of belonging needs; the fourth level of esteem needs; the fifth level of needs. Self-realization."
It is obvious that these two young people have crossed the first four floors and reached the fifth floor. They may value the realization of their ideals more than the food, fancy clothes, luxury cars, and beauties.

The two of them are very focused on their careers.

Wei Shen kept doing mathematics even when he was lying in bed. When he saw the rain falling on the ground, Wei Shen would try to deduce the formula. It is no exaggeration to say that mathematics has become a part of Wei Shen’s life.

Dong Yuhui had never been exposed to English in elementary school. Dong Yuhui, who thought he had a poor memory, almost went crazy learning English. After being admitted to college, he found every opportunity to correct his English accent and became an English teacher at New Oriental after graduating from college.

The most fearful word in the world is seriousness. Focusing on one field for a long time has made Wei Shen and Dong Yuhui what they are today. Excellent
people, even if they are in different fields, have many qualities in common.

Of course, some people think that there are many interesting differences because they are in different disciplines.
For example, Dong Yuhui always smiles when he looks at people, with sparks and lightning. He looks at everyone with affection, as if looking at a lover. Wei Shen, on the other hand, looked at everyone in a daze, no matter who he looked at, he looked like a fool.

Wei Shen speaks very directly, yes means it, no means no, while Dong Yuhui can praise even a piece of mud into a flower for you, and can tell you the past and present life of this piece of mud, as well as the meaning of its existence.

For example, he explained why Yellow River Why do you have to go around in circles? Dong Yuhui said that the Yellow River is to moisten more land. If Wei Shen came to answer, he might find various data to prove it.
Dong Yuhui's character is more lively, while Wei Shen's character is very reserved. A reporter once asked Dong Yuhui how he could prove in one sentence that he had watched "Journey to the West". Dong Yuhui directly reproduced Li Lingyu Jade Rabbit Spirit . His figure was extremely enchanting and his eyes were very charming. The shyness of the Jade Rabbit Spirit was revealed in his eyes. The sultry performance is 100%, which is unimaginable for Wei Shen.

Some netizens said something very interesting about the differences between the two. You can check it out.

Mr. Lu Xun wrote in "Hot Wind · Random Thoughts 41": "I hope that all Chinese youth will get rid of the air conditioning and just move up, without having to listen to the words of those who give up on themselves. Those who can do things will do things, and those who can speak out will speak out. There is a certain amount of heat, Just shine a little light. Just like a firefly, you can shine a little in the dark. You don’t have to wait for the torch. "Compared to those half-lived entertainment industry celebrities and those weird Internet celebrities who "eat a peach". He should be the idol of Chinese youth and the hope of China’s future.