Every year, celebrity rights protection cases happen, and celebrities' rights protection cases frequently appear on the hot search lists. Some of them sue for spreading rumors and defamation, and some sue certain companies for infringement of their portrait rights. In these lawsu

Every year, celebrity rights protection cases happen, and celebrities' rights protection cases frequently appear on the hot search lists. Some of them sue for spreading rumors and defamation, and some sue certain companies for infringement of their portrait rights. In these lawsuits, celebrities usually complain and get some compensation, but this is not the case for everyone. Those who can freely spread rumors and infringe on the rights of others on the Internet, after all, the Internet is not a lawless place. There will be legal constraints everywhere, and the law is also the bottom line.

On June 30, two celebrities successfully defended their rights and received compensation, namely Wang Kai and Zhang Yixing . So what happened to them? Let us first take a look at Wang Kai’s incident. According to the Beijing Court Trial Information Network, the online infringement liability dispute case between celebrity Wang Kai and black fan Li accused the defendant of making malicious personal attacks on the plaintiff and deliberately defaming the plaintiff's reputation, constituting reputation infringement. The defendant was ultimately sentenced He must apologize to Wang Kai on Weibo within seven days of the judgment taking effect and pay a total compensation of 35,000 yuan.

It is reported that the netizen made malicious slanders against Wang Kai on the Internet. Wang Kai showed no mercy and prosecuted him, so that he got the punishment he deserved.

Let’s take a look at Zhang Yixing’s incident. Netizen Wang Moumou published untrue remarks against Zhang Yixing on social platforms, which attracted the attention and spread of the majority of netizens, causing damage to Zhang Yixing’s reputation and causing extremely bad effects.

On June 30, Zhang Yixing's studio announced the follow-up results of the lawsuit against the Internet rumor mongers: Zhang Yixing won the lawsuit. According to the verdict, the rumor-mongering netizen posted an apology letter on the rumor-mongering platform. Zhang Yixing also reminded everyone not to spread rumors. He also The compensation will be used for charity.

The network environment needs everyone to work together to maintain it. Netizens are asked to be cautious when speaking and not to cause adverse consequences to themselves.