After "Meng Hua Lu" and "Seeing Deers in the Deep Forest" both ended, the TV drama market has welcomed another fierce drama. "Happiness to Ten Thousand Houses" is the main theme drama that the audience is looking forward to this year. This time the drama did not disappoint the au

After " Meng Hua Lu " and " Lin Shen Jian Lu " both ended, the TV drama market has welcomed another fierce drama. " Happiness to Ten Thousand Homes " is the main theme drama that the audience is looking forward to this year. .

This time the drama did not disappoint the audience's expectations after it was broadcast on Beijing and Dragon TV . It won first and second place in the real-time ratings of satellite TV. Zheng Xiaolong once again proved his creative skills to the audience.

The most important aspect of dramas with rural reality themes like this is its down-to-earthness. Various issues such as marriage troubles and exclusion of people with foreign surnames are all shown through the lens, as well as the sophistication of people in rural areas and the various behaviors of all living beings, which makes the audience Immerse yourself directly in the story.

At the same time, the actors are also a big plus. He Xingfu, played by Zhao Liying, is brave enough to take on the responsibility. No matter who you are, if you bully people, just give them a stool first. Wan Shantang, played by Liu Wei, is also a good protector. Face, the mother-in-law played by Chi Peng is flattering but can also understand her daughter-in-law. Each role is interpreted deeply into the hearts of the people.

What is even more satisfying is that the production of the play is very careful, with full details of the costumes and scenes, and a true description of the current countryside.

restores the fireworks in rural areas, and people who are poor are also poor.

Ever since I clicked on the feature film, I have been moved by "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Houses". Every detail carries the good times in the audience's memory. The story of the play The background takes place in the countryside in 2009, which is still in the development stage of new rural areas.

In that period, it was a major event in the village for anyone to get married. They had to give enough space and pay attention to good luck. The team that picked up the bride had to have an even number, and the cars were all tied with red ribbons. It was already a big color TV. Not a bad dowry.

When we arrived at the wedding venue, the tables, chairs and benches in the open air were all old and wooden, and the tableware and chopsticks were cheap. But there were a lot of people. After all, the gift money was spent, and they all wanted to make their money back with their families. The scene of eating a banquet has been completely replaced.

In rural areas, the highest status is the village cadres. It is simply an honor to have them deliver speeches at the wedding, especially for a small family with a foreign surname like the Wang family that He Xingfu married into. They must not fawn over their children!

What's more, getting rich depends entirely on the leadership of cadres. How can rural people be so rich? He Xingfu still has wood piled on the kitchen floor, one wall is white and one is black, and the light bulbs have no covers. Even the ones she wears on her head are not covered. It's just a few dollars for a lot of blackhead rope, and it's a minimalist style.

Looking at the living room again, there is a green fly swatter hanging on the wall, an old-fashioned rice cooker and a thermos bottle on the table. There are too many elements, as if you have traveled back in time, especially there is a set of DVDs under the TV. Which viewer's DNA has moved? A real memory kill!

Even the clothes she wore were shabby from the shop floor. He Xingfu's mother-in-law wore a torn vest that could be bought at a street stall for a few dollars at night. It was old and yellowed and wrinkled. At first glance, she looked like an old rural lady whose family was not wealthy.

Some people still have bulky old TVs at home. The TV cabinet underneath is so scratched that the skin is peeling off. There are also patches on the TV cabinets. Daily necessities like these can be used for several years after being repaired. It is simply a big deal. The word "poor".

After reading the details of this era, I just want to say "Absolutely amazing!". It restores the most authentic fireworks in the countryside. It can also be seen how miserable the conditions were at that time. The older generation was really afraid of poverty. When He Xingfu's parents-in-law saw that their daughter-in-law had offended the secretary, they immediately went to her house and knelt down. Isn't it terrible to be poor? What's terrible is that people are poor and have short ambitions.

Old drama bones Zhang Xiqian and Chi Peng also performed the humbleness of the old man just right. The bottomless flattery and apology made people feel sad and heartbreaking. It can be said that director Zheng Xiaolong not only captured the image of the poor, but also captured the soul of the poor.

domestic drama infinite people? Let's learn from Zheng Xiaolong.

They all say that there are no poor people in domestic dramas. It's not because some dramas are too outrageous in the description of characters and scenes, completely contrary to the lives of ordinary viewers.

is like Wang Manni in " is only thirty ". She is obviously a migrant worker with a monthly income of more than 10,000 yuan, and she also spends 7,000 yuan a month renting a house, just because there is a balcony for her. Take a look at the beautiful night view of Shanghai.

traveled abroad. In order to enjoy the high-end restaurants on the cruise ship, she spent 18,000 yuan to upgrade the ordinary suite to a sea view room, and she also bought herself a pair of discounted shoes every month.

Of course, this is nothing. The key is that a pair of shoes costs more than 3,000 yuan. If you dare to live an ordinary life into a high-class life, it is also delicious. How many mines are there in this house?

Even in " My True Friend ", the female protagonist Cheng Zhenzhen, whose family clearly has no mines and whose monthly salary is two thousand, still leads an enviable life. She lives in a one-bedroom and one-living room in a well-decorated house in this area of ​​Shanghai. .

When people are poor, they eat instant noodles. When she is poor, she eats self-heating hot pot that costs tens of dollars. She also does charity when she has nothing to do. She gives two hundred dollars to strangers without hesitation. It is rare for her to be so poor and not eat fireworks. See you.

The male protagonist played by Lu Han in " Sweet Crit " is also poor. He works hard and studies, and has to support his younger brothers and sisters, but even with this, he can rent a duplex apartment in Shenzhen.

The heroine said with emotion, "I thought I knew what it meant to be poor, but today I really understand." Audience: No, you don't understand. I can only say that the plot is not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

If you want to say that idol love dramas are suspended, then family life dramas should be more down-to-earth. The Mi Tao family in "小生得" is a family from out of town, and they wash dishes next to the public toilet. Isn't this difficult enough? However, children can spend thousands on tutoring. This is an expense that a normal family can afford.

and "Come on!" which recently ended on CCTV. "Mom", a single mother works as a bank teller, and her monthly salary is not too high even if she thinks about it, but she insists on sending her child to an aristocratic kindergarten with a monthly tuition of 8,000 yuan. This is a life that we ordinary people cannot imagine.

All in all, I hope that Chinese directors can learn from Zheng Xiaolong how to shoot "poor people". They don't just say that they are poor or have pitiful wages, even if they are really poor, they don't pay attention to details, and start from ordinary people. If you look at life from a different perspective, you will naturally not be able to impress the audience with your works.

On the other hand, "Happiness to Ten Thousand Houses" is a conscientious drama. Whether it is in terms of production or the reflection of human nature and life, it can directly penetrate the hearts of the audience. The audience's satisfaction can be seen from the ratings and word-of-mouth. Do you know if you are impressed by the details?