On June 30, according to Hong Kong media, Gao Zhisen's daughter held a wedding in the UK a few days ago. As a father, he naturally had to go to the wedding in person. In addition to posting a warm photo of the father and daughter, Gao Zhisen also experienced a The Tube in the UK,

The 63-year-old well-known director Gao Zhisen has not only directed many well-known works, but is also a very patriotic director. He often posts comments on social networks and angrily criticizes bad people, making them very afraid. Recently, Gao Zhisen once again aroused heated discussion among netizens.

html On June 30, according to Hong Kong media, Gao Zhisen’s daughter held a wedding in the UK a few days ago. As a father, he naturally had to go there to bless the wedding in person. In addition to posting a warm photo of the father and daughter, Gao Zhisen also experienced The Tube in the UK, and went out of its way to share my feelings.

According to him, the epidemic is still spreading in the "free air" of the London subway. Except for Gao Zhisen, only one person in the entire carriage was wearing a mask. In addition to insinuating his anti-epidemic measures, Gao Zhisen also said that except for the ground section, there is no network for the rest of the journey, and the mobile phone is like "isolating from the world."

In order to prove that what he said is true, Gao Zhisen specially shared Three live photos. It is not difficult to see from the exposed pictures that the entire carriage looks very harmonious, but no one is wearing a mask. This can explain why the local epidemic is still so serious.

Gao Zhisen’s ride has attracted different opinions from people from all walks of life. Netizens with personal experience said: They have been on the ride and they have five good experiences: it’s so hot, it smells so bad, it’s so old, it’s so dirty, and it’s so scary.

It is not difficult to feel the "complexity" of the local subway from his words, but some netizens said that after all, London's subway has been around for a long time, and this situation is excusable. In addition, some people think that it is good not to have the Internet, at least they can take a break.

In response to the opinions of netizens, Gao Zhisen once again shared his opinions during the live broadcast. He said, what era is it now? It was understandable that there was no signal ten years ago, but now there is no signal under the subway, which is really unacceptable.

As one of the most positive Hong Kong directors, Ko Chi-sen not only criticizes the current ills, but also never ambiguities when facing problems.

I still remember the scene three years ago when Gao Zhisen, Tony Leung, and others gave a speech in the rain. It was really exciting.

In the past two years, in addition to caring about national affairs, Gao Zhisen has also used his own practical actions to contribute to Hong Kong's education. He once founded Spring Stage Production Co., Ltd. and is committed to the promotion of creative and innovative education in Hong Kong.

Perhaps many young netizens think that Gao Zhisen is not able to shoulder these important responsibilities, presumably because they do not know much about his past. It is reported that Gao Zhisen has not only made contributions in the directing world, but also has his own achievements in producer, screenwriter, actor, host and planning.

" Thirteenth Prince of the South China Sea ", " I have a date with spring ", "Happy Ghost", " A happy event at home ", etc. These works are all written by him. Such a talented artist, Why can't we shoulder these important responsibilities?