1905 Film Network News Recently, the distribution rights of the new film "Episode Country" directed by the Russo Brothers and starring "Little 11" Millie Bobby Brown were acquired by Netflix. After "Miss Holmes", Netflix once again cooperated with Xiaoxi.

1905 Movie Network News Recently, the distribution rights of the new film "Fantasy Country" directed by Russell Brothers and starring "Little 11" Millie Bobby Brown were acquired by Netflix . After "Miss Holmes", Netflix once again cooperated with Xiaoyi.

"The Kingdom" is adapted from the popular comic of the same name by Swedish artist and designer Simon Stallenhage ("Loop Story" and "The Flood"). The original work reimagines the low-tech apocalypse of the American West in the mid-1990s. The visuals are outstanding. The story takes place in an alternate future. It tells the story of a teenage girl who discovers that a strange and cute robot that comes to her is actually sent by her missing brother. She and the robot begin to search for her brother in a world full of imagination. This world is composed of humans and various robots, and they discover a huge conspiracy in the process.

In terms of people behind the scenes, Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, the writing partners of the Russo brothers' "Grey Man" and "Avengers" series, wrote the script. In addition to Xiao Eleven, Star-Lord Chris Pratt is also discussing matters related to joining the crew. The film was announced two years ago and was originally produced by Universal, but it failed to materialize due to financial issues. The latest budget has exceeded US$200 million. According to the plan, the film will start shooting in October 2022.