Reporter Wu Ruici/Comprehensive Report "Corner Friends" once again appeared on the big screen during the summer vacation. The new heart-warming story "Corner Friends Movie Version: The Magical Son of a Blue Moon Night" has Chinese dubbing with actress Alyssa Chia, co-starring dau

reporter Wu Ruici / Comprehensive report

"Corner Friends" once again appeared on the big screen during the summer vacation. The new heart-warming story "Corner Friends Movie Version: The Magical Son of the Blue Moon Night" has Chinese dubbing with actress Alyssa Chia , and her daughter Wutong is co-operated Sister (Angel), the mother and daughter collaborated for the first time to dub a movie. As a fan of the corner friend, Angel immediately agreed to the job offer, but she was also afraid of being replaced if she did not perform well. On the other hand, the younger sister 咘咘, Bo Niu was even more ecstatic, saying she wanted to go to the dubbing scene with her. Her excitement made people laugh and cry.

Wutong girl is dubbing for the movie and is working with the movie queen Alyssa Chia for the first time. (Photo/Provided by Nuctech Movies)

Angel is a loyal fan of Corner Friends. "Because they are small, round and chubby, each character has its own uniqueness. I think they are very cute." When I received the job offer She agreed without any hesitation. She laughed and shouted, "I was very excited at the time. I thought my mother was teasing me!" When her younger sisters, Bibi and Ponyo, learned that she would be dubbing for a movie with her mother, Alyssa Chia, they kept confirming with her, "It's true." Is it a lie?" He even wanted to go to the dubbing scene. He was even more excited than Alyssa Chia and Angel, which made them both laugh and cry.

Wutong girl was so nervous that she couldn't eat and was afraid of being replaced. (Photo / Provided by Nuctech Films)

Angel gave her first experience of dubbing for the movie "Corner Friends Movie Version: The Magical Child of a Blue Moon Night". She was actually so nervous when she entered the recording studio that she was so anxious that she couldn't even eat lunch, "Because it's The first time, I was very nervous, afraid that I would be replaced if I didn’t do it well.” However, her mother, Alyssa Chia, practiced with her at home beforehand. Sure enough, during the actual working hours, even though Angel was dubbing for the first time, her performance was very natural. , even Alyssa Alyssa couldn't help but transform into a "daughter fan" and kept praising: "Your voice is really cute!"

Alyssa Alyssa and Wutong Mei dubbed for "Little Friends in the Corner Movie Version", even Bubba and Ponyo were super excited. (Photo / Provided by Nuctech Movies)

The Chinese dubbing trailer released by the film company on the 30th can also hear the sweet voices of Alyssa Chia and Angel. Netizens can't help but praise "Angel's voice is so cute" and "The voices of the two It's all so warm." The movie is expected to be released on August 5.