The variety show "Singer" on February 4, 2017 really made Chengdu popular. Singer Zhao Lei sang the song "Chengdu". The search volume of Chengdu reached 384,000 times the next day, followed by "Chengdu Travel Guide." "Chengdu Food" has become a hot search.

Chengdu, everyone knew him a long time ago because of Jiuzhaigou, Panda

And a variety show "Singer" on February 4, 2017 really made Chengdu popular. Singer Zhao Lei sang the song "Chengdu", The next day, the number of searches in Chengdu reached 384,000 times, and "Chengdu travel guide, Chengdu food" became hot searches one after another.

In 2015, Chengdu began to formulate a large-scale talent drainage plan. As of the seventh national census, the resident population exceeded 20 million, making it a megacity. In the first year of the epidemic, that is, 2020, the number surged by 4.35 million people. In the ten years from the sixth census to the seventh, there were only an increase of 5.82 million people, which is simply incredible. And among these 20 million people, do you know how many Chengdu green cards there are? So do you know what they value when they settle down?

Every time when cities are ranked in various categories, whether Chengdu speaks out or not, it will definitely be the one who takes the blame. Xiaohongshu recently published a ranking of livable cities in 2022. There is no doubt that it is ranked third in the country! What's the reason for this?

The college entrance examination is over, and it is time to compete for top scorers from all over the country. So what is the education in Chengdu like? The picture below shows the ranking of the number of people admitted to Qingbei in 2021. There will be two Sichuan science champions in 2022, both with scores of 710, and they are both from Chengdu No. 7 Middle School . The education in the five traditional old cities is very good, and Qingyang and Jinjiang are the leaders in comprehensive strength.

2 In a megacity with a population of 1 million, transportation and medical care are particularly important. There is a joke on the Internet that "where there are roads, there must be Sichuan A cars"; Chengdu now also has a fifth ring road. Chengdu has the second largest car ownership in the country, with 6.33 million vehicles, equivalent to a family of three. There is a car at home. The Third Ring Road in Chengdu has 16 lanes in both directions, but there is no time when there is no traffic jam.

Chengdu will have 36 subways in the future. No matter which district you live in, you can be sure that you will reach the subway when you go downstairs.

The pinnacle in medical care, West China Hospital of Sichuan University , undoubtedly the first, ranked 14th in the world, the global leader in dentistry,

Then do you know how much Chengdu loves its people?

html From June 10th to 30th, Chengdu issued digital RMB on three major platforms: JD , Vipshop , and Meituan . offered a maximum discount of 600 yuan for purchases over 5,000 yuan. Some people joked: This time the number Yuan seems to be issued for apple .

No, the digital renminbi has just ended, and the Chengdu Municipal Government is going to issue consumer coupons through UnionPay QuickPass again. How can my wallet bear it? It doesn’t seem worthwhile if I don’t grab it, but I feel bad if I grab the money.

Why can Chengdu attract so many people?

What is the most popular in Chengdu? Hot pot, mahjong, banks, beauties, there are many of them!

Chengdu is a city with everything except the sea. Housing prices in Chengdu are not expensive, with an average price of around 20,000. If you want to settle in Chengdu, you have to ask yourself what your specialty is, because the economic pillar of Chengdu is the electronics industry.

Never run at night in Chengdu, because there are too many delicious foods, tourism, luxury goods, investment in education, food, drink and entertainment around Chengdu, all of which empty our wallets.

I know he is good, but he is also very bad.