June is coming to an end, and everyone is lamenting that the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Who knew that the entertainment industry is also so "hot", with 6 melons popping up one after another. Some people have been exposed to cheating, some have been arrested for indecen

html June is coming to an end. Everyone is lamenting that the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Who knew that the entertainment industry is also so "hot", with 6 melons popping up one after another.

Some people have been exposed to cheating, some have been arrested for indecency, some have been plagiarized for external entertainment, and some have been fined. All of them are not simple, and all of them are big melons.


After Weiya was fined 1.3 billion, her husband fell over again

At the end of 2021, leading anchor Weiya was fined 1.341 billion for tax evasion, and major live broadcast platforms also banned her live broadcast room.

After retiring behind the scenes, Wei Ya passed her "mantle" to her husband Dong Haifeng. Relying on the huge popularity accumulated in the early years, the couple's mom-and-pop shop is still prosperous.

Although Wei Ya’s husband is the only one taking the leading role, the products that should be brought are also sold out, and the "old guys" in the live broadcast room also support it.

But unexpectedly, only half a year after his wife Wei Ya was fined, Dong Haifeng also promoted in the live broadcast that the drinks he sold could cure " Helicobacter pylori ". Due to exaggeration and false propaganda, he was fined by the relevant departments for violating the Advertising Law 190,000 yuan.

Before, there was a wife who evaded taxes, and later there was a husband who violated the law. Netizens all laughed and said: "Sure enough, if you are not a family, you will not enter the same house." After the news of

being fined 190,000 yuan was exposed, many netizens thought that the fine was too small. The sky-high fine of

1.4 billion is still fresh in our minds. Netizens thought that the fine of 190,000 was "spreading water". In fact, this is not the first time Dong Haifeng has been fined.

As early as last year, Dong Haifeng's company was fined 530,000 yuan and turned over to the state treasury because of illegal advertising published by the law.

Obviously there are lessons learned from the past, so why do some internet celebrity anchors take desperate risks?

In the final analysis, it is because of "high risk, high reward". The promotion fee given by the supplier alone for the exaggeratedly promoted "magic" drink was more than 190,000. It is not an exaggeration to say that the supplier helped pay the fine.

This fine is not painful at all for a big internet celebrity with daily sales exceeding one million. No wonder some netizens said it would be better to ban the live broadcast room directly.

With the injection of more and more capital, the original purpose of live streaming to "get rid of middlemen and achieve a win-win situation for hosts and consumers" has slowly gone off the rails.

anchors charge high advertising fees, but their bottom line is getting lower and lower. They make money from consumers while deceiving them.

hopes that Internet celebrities, anchors, and other industries can be more standardized and truly achieve a win-win situation for manufacturers, anchors, and consumers.


All the top couples get into trouble, and they are both happy and worried.

Lu Han Guan Xiaotong is recognized as a top couple in the entertainment industry. Once something happens to the two of them, the hot search will definitely stop.

No, both of them have been on the hot search list recently, Lu Han because of the fried chicken shop, and Guan Xiaotong because of the milk tea shop.

A certain fried chicken restaurant used Lu Han’s image for commercial promotion without Lu Han’s authorization. Later, Lu Han sued the fried chicken restaurant. In the end, the fried chicken restaurant was ordered to pay Lu Han 5,000 yuan for infringement of portrait rights.

Yes, it’s 5,000 yuan. As a popular star, Lu Han naturally has the 5,000 yuan to spare, but this time he was protecting his own rights, and netizens also supported him.

Guan Xiaotong, who is Lu Han’s girlfriend, has fallen into negative news. The milk tea brand "Natural Dai" was exposed to illegal recruitment to make money, and the franchisees collectively sued the court. After the news broke about

, Guan Xiaotong, who was described as the "naturally stupid store manager" on the promotional poster, was at the forefront of the limelight. Netizens believed that this milk tea shop was opened by her as a shareholder.

But with the announcement, netizens' criticisms have subsided a lot. It turns out that the "natural fool" who is facing lawsuits is not Guan Xiaotong's property.

Although the company used the slogan "Join hands with Guan Xiaotong to start a business, Guan Xiaotong is the store manager" to attract franchisees, in fact she did not participate in the investment. Instead, her father indirectly held 35% of the shares, and her mother became the company's supervisor. .

As soon as the announcement came out, although the voice of public opinion became much quieter, it still had an impact on her. After all, no one could judge whether her daughter also had a share of the money earned by her parents.

This wave is a "trap for daughters". Celebrities can already make money at the "speed of light", but the right way to make money is to make money step by step and abide by the law.

I hope that the celebrities themselves, their relatives and friends can stay in their own right, so that the trees and cypresses can last forever.


" Xie Guangkun" was exposed as cheating

A video has been circulated on the Internet recently. The actor Tang Jianjun who plays "Xie Guangkun" in the TV series " Country Love " is interlocking with a woman at the wine table. It looked very intimate, which surprised many netizens.

Everyone may be a little confused when talking about the name Tang Jianjun, probably because everyone is more familiar with his name "Xie Guangkun". He is a disciple of Zhao Benshan , and is also an duo turned actor.

Not only does Xie Guangkun have a wife in the movie, but Tang Jianjun is actually already married in reality. His wife's name is Wang Xiaohua. The two have always kept a low profile, and there has been no news of disagreement.

After watching the video, netizens suspected that "Xie Guangkun" had cheated. It is indeed not etiquette for a married man to behave like this.

Some netizens revealed that "Xie Guangkun" had actually been divorced once before Wang Xiaohua. Not only that, his ex-wife Sun Xiaoyu also publicly released a video condemning "Xie Guangkun" and saying that he had cheated on her during marriage.

As the incident unfolded, "Xie Guangkun" quickly deleted the video of him holding hands, but did not respond to netizens' messages.

doesn’t know where things will go next, but time will give us the answer.


Di Lieba's style was copied

"Cosmic Empire" once again showed its "strength", this time it "stole" Di Lieba's style in a certain TV series.

In a popular Korean drama, the heroine's costume style surprised netizens. It almost "perfectly reproduced" Di Lieba's makeup in the domestic TV drama.

If the clarity were a little blurrier, everyone might wonder if it was the same person.

Although it is indeed not a big deal, the tolerant attitude of some netizens towards plagiarism has caused huge waves in the originally peaceful discussion environment.

Some netizens said it was not plagiarism, as the country next door also has the same type of "cultivating immortality" themes, and some netizens said that domestic entertainment also "stole" many Korean programs.

But in fact, Taoism has been passed down as a native religion in my country for more than a thousand years, and it is unique in its theme of "cultivating immortality" that is based on Taoism and combined with folk mythology.

We cannot deny that there are indeed some domestic programs and variety shows that are plagiarized, and we should also condemn them. However, plagiarism of cultural heritage is the bottom line of civilization. South Korea "stolen" the culture and "applied it to the World Heritage" as its own. He has long been a "habitual offender" in this regard.

Civilization is no small matter. We can tolerate the "coincidence" of "matching shirts", but if we slowly get used to such "tributes", I can't believe how much cultural pride we can be proud of in the future.

A thousand-mile embankment collapses in an ant nest. This question is worth pondering.


Deyun Club Chen Xiaohua was arrested for obscenity

Dashan Deyun Club in the cross talk world is in trouble again. Guo Degang disciple and former Deyun Club artist Chen Xiaohua was arrested for breaking into a girl's bedroom and attempted assault.

According to official reports, Chen Xiaohua deliberately took off his clothes first and then broke into other people's homes.

The artist involved has been detained by relevant departments, and more details are still under further investigation. However, although the person has been caught, netizens have launched a heated discussion on whether Deyun Club has failed in its management and education.

Deyun Club issued a resignation statement as soon as Chen Xiaohua's accident happened. Although it showed his determination to clean up the family, things have already happened and Deyun Club's logo has been printed on it.

Chen Xiaohua is an introductory disciple of Guo Degang. He once publicly announced: "We have been lucky enough to meet each other after many years of hardships. Now I have fulfilled my wish. When I join Guomen, I must keep my original intention, accept the teacher's orders, and respect the teachings."

Perhaps Deyun Society is indeed It’s time to reflect on your own mistakes. In recent years, problems have continued to arise with its artists. Although the company and the master cannot be blamed, Deyun Club cannot let it go. It should warn the artists that they should cultivate their virtues and follow the rules no matter what happens. Be law-abiding.

Just like Guo Degang often said, "Being a good person comes first when doing art, and morality comes first when being a human being." We don't want Chen Xiaohua to appear again, jokes like this .


The "strongest" paparazzi is dead? Hyping news to gain attention

Taiwanese paparazzi reporter Ge Siqi became famous on the Internet because he exposed the cheating photos of Wang Xiaofei. His skill in taking photos made Zhuo Wei, known as "China's No. 1 Paparazzi", write a poem to praise him.

But when netizens expected him to reveal more "real things", they didn't expect that his "strongest" persona would begin to collapse not long after he was established. After

continued to attack people randomly on social media, the ugly Gesiqi set his sights on Lin Zhixuan .

first suddenly broke the news that Lin Zhixuan had a "hidden disease." In order to increase the credibility of what he said, he also added tidbits such as "Lin Zhixuan's stewardess girlfriend" was also infected.

Lin Zhixuan was shot inexplicably, so he posted a rebuttal, but Geschi was even more enthusiastic, responding in the live broadcast room, "If you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing yourself."

Let everyone go back to the incident itself, just like what Lin Zhixuan said In that case, let alone whether he was really sick, is an old news story from 14 years ago really worth resurrecting?

What's more, Geschi used the word "heard", which completely broke the "real" character he had worked so hard to establish before. If he can't guarantee authenticity as a paparazzi reporter, how can he still be in the entertainment industry? What about the circle?

Smart netizens have long since passed the stage of "hearing the wind is the rain". Everyone believes more in the fact that there are pictures and the truth. Instead of telling stories to attract attention, it is better to discover more real news.

I hope everyone can eat melons rationally. No matter how sweet the melons in the entertainment industry are, they are not as delicious as the iced watermelons in summer.

Be a sensible netizen, love life and society.