Everyone loves costume dramas, but it is better to say that everyone loves costume beauties. For those actresses who often play costume beauties, costumes in costumes are naturally not a problem, but just like not everyone is suitable for costumes, those To the audience, beauties

Everyone loves costume dramas, but it is better to say that everyone loves costumed beauties. For those actresses who often play costumed beauties, costumed looks are naturally not a problem, but just like not everyone is suitable for costumed looks, Those beauties in ancient costumes who are more beautiful than the four beauties to the audience may not necessarily become beauties if they put on modern clothes.

For these ten actresses, there is such a problem. They dress up in ancient costumes and look like fairies, but when they put on modern clothes, they want to ask "who are you?"

As far as these female celebrities are concerned, the temperament of their ancient costumes is excellent, but changing into modern costumes will somewhat expose the flaws in their facial features.

The elegant and cool Luwu in "Bu Bu Jing Xin", Zhao Hede in "Mother Yi Tianxia" can be both beautiful and sinister. For Guo Zhenni , her ancient costume temperament is completely manageable. A person of extreme temperament.

Guo Zhenni's most stunning performance was when she played the fox demon in "天师中ku". Even when she was transformed into a monk and nun, she could not hide her charming temperament. Simple makeup was enough to support her entire beauty.

However, when she changed into modern clothes, what happened to Guo Zhenni's "nightmare" bangs? She looked like a crossdresser wearing a hair condom. Her long hair was slightly more visible, and her curly short hair made her look even more like a nightmare. It was a nightmare, and all the facial features became rustic.

Moreover, the refined photos of Guo Zhenni in the early years also look so unrecognizable. Is this really the same person?

In fact, if you look at her selfies in recent years, you can see that they have no special features. It can only be said that she can better improve her advantages in costume dramas.

Yan Danchen 's Chang'e appearance was praised by many viewers as "the most beautiful", and her other costume looks were also talked about. Her facial features are exquisite and attractive, and she is a well-deserved beauty when paired with the costume look.

In the modern drama style, Yan Danchen’s beauty has no place. Her eyes are too big, giving her a dull look. Her hair style and skin color also make her extremely rustic, far inferior to her appearance in ancient costumes. Beautiful.

In daily life, Yan Danchen has not found her own beauty. Either the style is not suitable or the clothes are too old-fashioned. In recent years, Yan Danchen's facial features are also indescribably strange. Compared with the looks in costume dramas when he was young, they are not even the slightest bit different. .

Xu Lu, the former "Keyun" , has also acted in many costume dramas. Whether it is the glamorous and cool style, or the luxurious Republican style style, Xu Lu's unique temperament is quite rare, although just looking at the facial features It's not absolutely beautiful, but when combined together it has a very period look.

But if she changes to a modern look, Xu Lu can change from a beauty in the Ming and Qing Dynasties to a factory girl in the 1990s. If her hair is shorter, Xu Lu can also become a bad neighbor with parents in the east and short in the west. The difference is too big Is it big?

In fact, long-standing female stars like Guo Zhenni, Yan Danchen and Xu Lu show their elegant and noble temperament in costume dramas, but in modern dramas, if their appearance is not good, they will easily become "fierce". If you are not careful, they will become rustic, so costume dramas are suitable for them.

But the "little fairy" Bai Xue in "小鱼儿与花无que" is another situation. She looks sweet, but she is still not suitable for modern clothing. In costume dramas, whether she is the protagonist or not, she gives people the feeling of a super sweet, super cute and willful princess.

Bai Xue loses her sweetness when she puts on modern clothes. On the contrary, it highlights the exotic style of her deep facial features. Facial features have advantages. Ancient clothes can weaken her edge, but the combination of her facial features in modern styles is far inferior. The sweet look in the costume looks good.

Especially in some of her portrait photos, it can be seen that her facial features are beautiful, but her appearance is still a little worse than her costume.

There are also several female celebrities who have a problem with their looks. Ancient costumes can help them enhance their temperament. Modern costumes are not only very ordinary, but also have a bit of Internet celebrity feeling.

Meng Ziyi in red in " Chen Qing Ling " and " Legend of the Condor Heroes " is very beautiful, but her appearance in white clothes also has another flavor, which weakens the sense of aggression on her facial features and gives people a more Refreshed.

After changing the ancient costume look, Meng Ziyi’s modern look is really hard to describe. If I didn’t know her, I would really think that she was an Internet celebrity invited by the director from nowhere, and she has lost all the temperament of a star.

Peng Xiaoran in " East Palace " is the Bai Yueguang in many people's hearts, but without this costume, her appearance has also dropped a lot.

Every time I see Peng Xiaoran, I really want to ask "Who are you?" The change in makeup is too drastic, and the beautiful high skull is gone. I really don't dare to recognize her!

Peng Xiaoran is a little different at every stage. She makes herself look different and imitates others, but she doesn't know that having her own style is the real thing.

Although Zhao Yingzi 's ancient costume appearance cannot be said to be beautiful in the traditional sense, her facial features are still very upright and three-dimensional, and her beauty is very elegant. She is somewhat of a beauty, and her temperament is still much stronger than that of many new actors.

Under the modern look, Zhao Yingzi seems to have changed into a completely different person. She has such a strong sense of "internet celebrity" and her facial features are too sharp. The roles she plays are far from beautiful.

The former Zhang Meng is irreplaceable in costume dramas. The hairstyle of the dish is gorgeous, especially the photo of wearing a plaid shirt, which is simply a masterpiece. The shape of the flag head after that is also very cute and has a temperament. It's a bit stubborn and beautiful.

However, the modern style couldn't stand a closer look. Not only did it have an earthy smell, but also the Internet celebrity flavor gradually appeared. The costume drama couldn't stand watching either. She could only blame herself for not thinking about it.

Others blame their own poor clothing. She is obviously a great beauty, but she insists on wearing ugly clothes.

None of Liu Yifei 's costume looks are ugly, she can be called a "celestial being". Even though she hasn't filmed costumes for so many years, her costume looks have been preserved, and she is even more beautiful in the entire episode of "梦华录".

But in real life, Liu Yifei is not that beautiful. Her appearance in Golden Eagle Goddess is mediocre, and her appearance in various modern films is not as outstanding as in costume dramas.

What’s even more terrible is her terrible aesthetic. She has transformed herself from a beauty into an “ordinary girl”. Can these clothes still remind people of the “fairy sister”? What a handsome and willful person!

Lan Xi, who plays Shen Meizhuang , also has the same troubles with clothing. When she was young, Sister Mei was a glimpse, but her age does not affect her appearance in ancient costumes at all. She is still breathtakingly beautiful.

Lan Xi, who changed into ancient costumes, did not use her good looks in other types of film and television dramas, which wasted a good skin.

The scariest thing is that Lan Xi prefers ugly clothes despite her good looks. When she wears ugly clothes, let alone recognizing her as "Sister Mei", who would think she is a star? The temperament of rural female entrepreneurs.

In addition to the above ten, there are actually many female stars who have found the right path in costume dramas, but they have not mastered the proportion of modern styles. Some have good looks according to the occasion, and some have fashion aesthetics that cannot keep up.

However, just like Jiang Qinqin and Tong Liya, they are still beautiful without the ancient costumes. The most important thing is to find the right style that suits you!