Foreign film companies usually save their biggest, boldest, and scariest movies for the summer, when you can cool off in the theater with the air conditioner blowing on or break into a cold sweat on hot days.

2024/06/0611:45:32 entertainment 1877

Foreign film companies usually save their grandest, boldest, and scariest movies for the summer of the year. On hot days, you can cool down in the theater with the air conditioner blowing or break into a cold sweat.

Let us take a look at the list of movies selected by foreign media as the most suitable for summer viewing.

1: Spirited Away

Chihiro and her parents drove to their new home, and accidentally entered a mysterious tunnel on a suburban road - they went to another strange world - a medieval town. The smell of food wafted from the distance. Mom and Dad feasted, but then they turned into pigs! At this time, many strange-looking, translucent people gradually came to the town. In order to rescue her parents, Qianxun embarks on a wonderful journey.

Foreign film companies usually save their biggest, boldest, and scariest movies for the summer, when you can cool off in the theater with the air conditioner blowing on or break into a cold sweat on hot days. - DayDayNews

2: Listen attentively

is an animated film of and Hayao Miyazaki released in 1995.

Yue Daowen , who is studying in the third grade of junior high school, is a girl who likes to read. Every time she sees the name Amasawa Seiji on her library card, she is full of curiosity about this person.

Foreign film companies usually save their biggest, boldest, and scariest movies for the summer, when you can cool off in the theater with the air conditioner blowing on or break into a cold sweat on hot days. - DayDayNews

3: Sunny Summer Friends

The story takes place in a beautiful seaside town in the Italian Riviera region. It tells the story of Luca, his friend Abeto (voiced by Jack Dylan Grazer ) and his new friend Julia (Ai (voiced by Ma Berman) comes of age during an unforgettable summer filled with gelato, pasta and endless motorcycle rides.

Foreign film companies usually save their biggest, boldest, and scariest movies for the summer, when you can cool off in the theater with the air conditioner blowing on or break into a cold sweat on hot days. - DayDayNews

4: Summer Vacation Adventure

Faced with the former principal’s conspiracy to eliminate summer and make it disappear, Deweiler and his friends must of course fight hard and defend summer vacation.

Foreign film companies usually save their biggest, boldest, and scariest movies for the summer, when you can cool off in the theater with the air conditioner blowing on or break into a cold sweat on hot days. - DayDayNews

5: Each has his own youth

The story of Jake, a freshman who has just entered college, and his baseball teammates experienced over a weekend.

Foreign film companies usually save their biggest, boldest, and scariest movies for the summer, when you can cool off in the theater with the air conditioner blowing on or break into a cold sweat on hot days. - DayDayNews

6: Moonrise Kingdom

New On the small island of Penzance , there is a group of boy scouts stationed at Ivanhoe Camp. The cute comedy story happened in this summer camp.

Foreign film companies usually save their biggest, boldest, and scariest movies for the summer, when you can cool off in the theater with the air conditioner blowing on or break into a cold sweat on hot days. - DayDayNews

7: Do whatever you want

On the hottest day of the summer, long-simmering tensions between black and Italian-Americans in the Bede-Stuy community exploded.

Foreign film companies usually save their biggest, boldest, and scariest movies for the summer, when you can cool off in the theater with the air conditioner blowing on or break into a cold sweat on hot days. - DayDayNews

8: Walk With Me

The four teenage families have their own problems, and they all have their own worries. During the journey, everyone's character is fully reflected: the weakness and strength of the four boys' characters are maximized in a series of actions such as dodging the train, climbing over the iron gate, and crossing the forest; everyone has their own An elusive dream...

Foreign film companies usually save their biggest, boldest, and scariest movies for the summer, when you can cool off in the theater with the air conditioner blowing on or break into a cold sweat on hot days. - DayDayNews

9: The Pink League

This fictional version of the true story of the All-American Women's Professional Baseball League was a huge success, featuring an all-star cast including Geena Davis, Tom Hanks and Madonna.

Foreign film companies usually save their biggest, boldest, and scariest movies for the summer, when you can cool off in the theater with the air conditioner blowing on or break into a cold sweat on hot days. - DayDayNews

10: Sisterhood

This hilarious comedy about a group of friends traveling together over the summer stars Tiffany Haddish in her breakout role.

Foreign film companies usually save their biggest, boldest, and scariest movies for the summer, when you can cool off in the theater with the air conditioner blowing on or break into a cold sweat on hot days. - DayDayNews

11: Mamma Mia

There's nothing more fitting for summer than dancing with Meryl Streep on an idyllic island in Greece.

Foreign film companies usually save their biggest, boldest, and scariest movies for the summer, when you can cool off in the theater with the air conditioner blowing on or break into a cold sweat on hot days. - DayDayNews

12: A match made in heaven

Two little girls, Annie (Lindsay Lohan) and Holly (Lindsay Lohan), meet at summer camp. They looked strikingly similar, but they couldn't get along. Quite by chance, they found out that the other person was their twin sister.

Foreign film companies usually save their biggest, boldest, and scariest movies for the summer, when you can cool off in the theater with the air conditioner blowing on or break into a cold sweat on hot days. - DayDayNews

13: Hot Afternoon

Sonny (Al Pacino) can be regarded as the most unlucky bank robber in the history of the United States. On a midsummer afternoon, Sonny and his companion Sailor (played by John Cazare) broke into Brooklyn Bank in New York City in preparation for the robbery. Perseveringly, the bank had just completed the transaction and there was no cash at all in the vault. The unlucky Sonny and Sailor turned to hostage-taking and confronted the police to make demands.But four hours later, the scene of the robbery was as busy as an amusement park with onlookers and busy police. Sonny actually won applause from the crowd when he walked out of the bank and questioned the police.

Foreign film companies usually save their biggest, boldest, and scariest movies for the summer, when you can cool off in the theater with the air conditioner blowing on or break into a cold sweat on hot days. - DayDayNews

14: Nora Dog

The first collaborative work of two legends of Japanese film Toshiro Mifune and Akira Kurosawa ( Akira Kurosawa ), it tells the story of a young policeman who lost his gun on a sultry summer day, and then... As the heat and danger approached, he became more and more panicked.

Foreign film companies usually save their biggest, boldest, and scariest movies for the summer, when you can cool off in the theater with the air conditioner blowing on or break into a cold sweat on hot days. - DayDayNews

15: Haunted House

Several girls decided to spend their summer vacation in a villa in the countryside. What's bad is that it's haunted by ghosts, ghosts, and monsters, which completely blurs the lines between silly, surreal, fun, and scary.

Foreign film companies usually save their biggest, boldest, and scariest movies for the summer, when you can cool off in the theater with the air conditioner blowing on or break into a cold sweat on hot days. - DayDayNews

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