"Heirloom" is a period family drama and a female growth drama. Although the three sisters of the Yi family were all born as young ladies, their growth experiences were also wonderful in the context of the times due to different biological mothers, different experiences, and diffe

"" is a period family drama and a female growth drama. Although the three sisters of the Yi family were all born as young ladies, their growth experiences were also wonderful in the context of the times due to different biological mothers, different experiences, and different marriage partners.

The play not only has the epitome of characters of that specific era, but also some characteristics of women in the new era. The eldest sister Yi Zhongling is gentle and generous, and is very measured about everyone and everything; the second sister Yi Zhongyu is smart and rebellious, but also shrewd and capable; the third sister Yi Zhongxiu is romantic and naive. The three of them are completely different in terms of personality and behavior. No matter how the plot and characters are set, female growth is their common theme.

Among them, the eldest sister Yi Zhongling is a gentle and ruthless character who cannot be ignored in the whole drama. She may seem weak, but her judgment and grasp of people and things, and her decisiveness when making decisions, are actually very strong. one side. Every move has a great impact on the growth of the two sisters. I personally think Qin Lan's performance is quite good.

From this perspective alone, we can observe and learn something from her.

For example, the words she said to Zhong Yu helped the second sister wake up and reflect on it together.

1. “I used to ask my grandmother why there are only women’s sutras in the world and no men’s sutras?”

“My grandmother told me that she taught me to read this book to help me stand firm in this world dominated by men. "

2."Whether you are reasonable or unreasonable, you cannot let others think that you disrespect your parents, otherwise they will poke your spine and make you unable to stand in this society."

3."Teaching you female celebrities to cook is not to ask you to cook for others. Being a cow and a horse allows you to learn to respect others before you respect them. "

4. "As a woman, you must first learn to be self-reliant. Secondly, you must learn to be a good person."

Know how to advance and retreat.

Don't let others think you are too smart on the surface, but you must be wise in your heart.

You can be weak on the surface, but you must have a strong heart that can withstand the wind and frost.

Perhaps, this is a characteristic shared by those women who are able to live their lives independently of the times and fate.

The Heart Sutra says, "Stay away from upside-down dreams and achieve nirvana."

What is reality and what is emptiness? As a woman, we need clear answers so as not to turn our lives upside down.