Following the "e-sports chair", Rita has another word of tiger and wolf: when he plays hard, he must rush

2021/01/2517:51:15 entertainment 156

Among the many female commentators of LPL, whoever has the strongest driving ability must be Rita. Some time ago, Rita was still in the live broadcast room cos Pikachu, and the words of tiger and wolf surprised many water friends. Although it is a bit worse than other cos, this did not affect Rita's mentality at all. During the live broadcast recently, Rita began to show off her figure again.

Following the

In the Rita live broadcast room, Rita talked about her preference for playing games. As an auxiliary player, Rita said that she can only play soft supplements, and playing hard supplements cannot control herself. This kind of speech also made the water friends look confused. Although Rita's game level is not outstanding, it is still a bit strange to be so exaggerated. For such doubts, Rita quickly explained.

Following the

But before explaining, Rita started to show off. First of all, Rita showed her looks. Under the close-up, the friends seem to understand what Rita is going to do. Is this the rhythm of driving? Sure enough, after Rita praised her appearance, she said how good she was, without fat, and even deliberately smoothed out the folds of her clothes to show off her figure.

Following the

Afterwards, after showing off his strengths, Rita finally returned to the topic. Rita said: "I am just a player who plays soft supplements. I can't control myself when I play hard supplements. Hard assistants like to do it very much." To say this, I am afraid that only Rita in the female commentary of LPL dares to be so bold. It is outrageous to drive a car and play with an assistant. However, after showing her self, Rita was still a little embarrassed and said that she was "too artificial".

Following the

as the official female commentary,Rita's image is completely broken. Obviously, the looks and figure are good, and the career is developing very well, but in this respect, he likes to go slanting forward and rely on driving to activate the atmosphere. I don't know if the secret of Rita's singleness is here. There is a single tip every day. Apart from Rita, I can't think of anyone else who can keep this record.

Following the

In fact, whether as a commentator or a female anchor, you should keep the positive energy live broadcast in mind. Although Rita likes to drive, after all, the live broadcast is for the general public. If you have this idea, it is better to stop it in time. What do you guys think of this?


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