A 7-year-old boy in Hunan ran out of property and was in desperate situation without money for treatment. Father wanted to give up treatment

2020/12/1310:51:16 entertainment 2008

A 7-year-old boy in Hunan ran out of property and was in desperate situation without money for treatment. Father wanted to give up treatment - DayDayNews

"Do you think if I had money, I would not treat my son? I called for payment again in the morning." In the Department of Hematology, the Inpatient Department of Hunan Children's Hospital, Zhong Zhiding said to his wife Liu Yumei, who was crying silently next to him. Recently, the couple quarreled constantly due to financial pressure due to the cost of child treatment. The 7-year-old Zhong Haikang, who had just fallen asleep on the hospital bed, was awakened by the quarrel between the two, crying and said: "Mom and dad don't quarrel, I didn't mean to be sick, don't leave me, I'm so scared!" The picture shows Zhong Zhiding's family of three in the ward

A 7-year-old boy in Hunan ran out of property and was in desperate situation without money for treatment. Father wanted to give up treatment - DayDayNews

Zhong Zhiding turned around and walked out of the ward after hearing what his son said. He was afraid that he could not control his emotions, and stood at the end of the corridor looking out the window helplessly. It has been raining for the past two days, but the rain did not wash away his worries. The wife cried and made trouble in the ward two days ago, complaining that she had no ability to treat her son. In order to lend money to the children for treatment, the couple had conflicts. Today, my wife hugged her son and said to him: "How much hardship did I have to marry you! I won't mention it. If your son's illness is not cured, what face do you have to return to your hometown!" Zhong Zhiding

A 7-year-old boy in Hunan ran out of property and was in desperate situation without money for treatment. Father wanted to give up treatment - DayDayNews

50-year-old Zhong Zhiding comes from a rural family in Taiyangping Township, Jingzhou County, Huaihua City, Hunan Province. The couple had always wanted a second child, and it was not until 2013 that they had their youngest son Zhong Haikang. However, Kangkang suffered from congenital softening of the throat, congenital heart dysplasia and many other diseases. Due to the softening of the throat, breastmilk can not be taken, so I can only feed with dropper milk. 20ml of milk needs to be fed for three hours. The milk either flows out from the mouth or the nose. It is always choked and rolled eyes. It is kept in an incubator for more than 20 days. life. The picture shows Liu Yumei feeding her children

A 7-year-old boy in Hunan ran out of property and was in desperate situation without money for treatment. Father wanted to give up treatment - DayDayNews

In order to let the children grow up healthy and healthy, Zhong Zhiding named his son Zhong Haikang. Ke Kangkang has always been physically weak and sickly. He was repeatedly treated in the hospital before he was one year old. He walked slowly after four months of rehabilitation when he was one year old and three months old. Due to physical reasons, Kangkang has never attended a complete kindergarten for a week. However, Zhong Haikang and his wife thought that their children's physique would change as they grew up, but Fate relentlessly teases them. A serious illness of the child came unexpectedly. The picture shows Zhong Haikang who is depressed

A 7-year-old boy in Hunan ran out of property and was in desperate situation without money for treatment. Father wanted to give up treatment - DayDayNews

In April 2020, Zhong Zhiding found that the child was vomiting several times a day, and he also said that his stomach hurts. The couple felt that something was not right, so they were immediately sent to the local hospital for examination. Due to limited equipment and medical conditions, it is recommended that the couple go to the provincial capital hospital for further diagnosis. On April 8, the couple took their son to Hunan Children's Hospital. After a series of examinations such as blood draw, electrocardiogram, and enhanced CT, they were diagnosed with malignant left Wilms tumor. The picture shows Zhong Haikang’s diagnosis certificate

After the diagnosis of

A 7-year-old boy in Hunan ran out of property and was in desperate situation without money for treatment. Father wanted to give up treatment - DayDayNews

, the doctor immediately arranged a tumor resection operation and successfully removed two tumors the size of an egg. Now Kangkang still has a 20 cm scar on his stomach. The doctor's plan is to perform 19 courses of chemotherapy after the operation, plus the cost of rehabilitation and medicine requires hundreds of thousands, which does not count infection and other complications. After hearing this, the couple hid their faces and cried, not knowing how to face the huge medical expenses. Because now they can't even cover the cost of PICC for the child, the child can only use the indwelling needle for chemotherapy. The picture shows Zhong Zhiding comforting his wife Liu Yumei


A 7-year-old boy in Hunan ran out of property and was in desperate situation without money for treatment. Father wanted to give up treatment - DayDayNews

, their family's income depended solely on Zhong Zhiding to make money on the construction site to support the family. Now they have to take care of their son in the hospital and they have lost their only source of income. In order to solve the problem of Kangkang's medical expenses, the couple sold all the valuables in the family and borrowed money everywhere. The money borrowed now has long been used up, and there is nothing to sell at home, and I have borrowed everything that can be borrowed, and the child's treatment has just begun. The picture shows Kangkang doing inspection

A 7-year-old boy in Hunan ran out of property and was in desperate situation without money for treatment. Father wanted to give up treatment - DayDayNews

Since his son was diagnosed, Zhong Zhiding knew that it would cost a lot of money to treat this disease, but he still wanted to fight for his son. Although he was mentally prepared for a long time, his inner line of defense was collapsing step by step under the huge economic pressure, and he had the idea of ​​giving up his son's treatment. The picture shows Zhong Zhiding taking the child out of the hospital

A 7-year-old boy in Hunan ran out of property and was in desperate situation without money for treatment. Father wanted to give up treatment - DayDayNews

In the past few days, Zhong Zhiding has been running around to raise money. He made phone calls and he borrowed less than 2,000 yuan. During the period, the child was hospitalized for fever and infection, and he was urged twice by the hospital for treatment. After Zhong Zhi calculated the next 500,000 yuan, while the child was asleep, he thought of giving up his son’s treatment.Fa told his wife, Liu Yumei immediately strongly objected when she heard it, crying and said: "Even if I kill my life, I must give Kangkang treatment."

A 7-year-old boy in Hunan ran out of property and was in desperate situation without money for treatment. Father wanted to give up treatment - DayDayNews

Liu Yumei could not understand her husband's thoughts, but the huge amount of treatment costs was so realistic that she had no choice but to cry secretly. I was found by my son who woke up several times. The sensible Kangkang knew that his mother was worried about her illness and would always comfort her mother and said: "Mom don't cry, I will give the injection obediently." Looking at such a sensible son, Liu Yumei could only wipe her tears. The picture shows Liu Yumei nursing her son

in the ward

A 7-year-old boy in Hunan ran out of property and was in desperate situation without money for treatment. Father wanted to give up treatment - DayDayNews

Now, Kangkang has undergone three courses of chemotherapy, and the cost of surgery plus chemotherapy has cost more than 120,000, most of which are borrowed. If it is not really impossible, Zhong Zhiding might think of giving up the child? He didn't want to live a happy family together. The picture shows Zhong Zhiding's family of three sitting helplessly downstairs in the hospital

A 7-year-old boy in Hunan ran out of property and was in desperate situation without money for treatment. Father wanted to give up treatment - DayDayNews

If you are willing to help this family, you can long press the identification QR code to view project details and make donations. If you can’t recognize it, you can save the QR code to your phone album, open it and scan it, and select the QR code from the album to scan and recognize. The project was initiated by the China Social Welfare Foundation's 919 Critical Illness Relief Project. It initiated fundraising on the Internet fundraising information platform "Water Drop Charity" designated by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and was responsible for project review, execution and information feedback. The final interpretation of this project belongs to China Social Welfare Foundation. For details, please pay attention to the "Water Drop Charity" platform dynamics. Supervision telephone: 4009-010-919.


A 7-year-old boy in Hunan ran out of property and was in desperate situation without money for treatment. Father wanted to give up treatment - DayDayNews

"Photosensitive Project" bridges public welfare photographers, charitable organizations, and fundraising platforms, publishing pictures and stories about families in distress, and helping to raise funds. The plan is a picture charity project jointly initiated by Toutiao, China Photographers Association, China Children’s Charity Relief Foundation, China Population Welfare Foundation, China Social Welfare Foundation and other charitable organizations with public fundraising qualifications. If you are in difficulty, you can privately write the official headline number of the "Photosensitive Project".

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