National first-class actor Bai Qing, thousands of people died of illness to see off, 23-year-old grandson is the pride of Chinese

2020/12/1120:55:15 entertainment 2788

Spring Festival Gala is undoubtedly the memory of generations. Every New Year’s Eve, every family will stand in front of their TV, waiting for the show. Among the dazzling array of shows on the stage, the most popular show is the skit performance. The comedians use one bag after another to make everyone laugh.

National first-class actor Bai Qing, thousands of people died of illness to see off, 23-year-old grandson is the pride of Chinese - DayDayNews

I don’t know if you remember that a small old lady appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. She and Gong Hanlin co-starred in the sketch "Urban Outer", which left a profound impact on people. She is a national level Actor-Pachin

National first-class actor Bai Qing, thousands of people died of illness to see off, 23-year-old grandson is the pride of Chinese - DayDayNews

Younger friends may not be very familiar with the name Pachin, but they may be somewhat impressed when they see her photos.

Today, the editor will take you to understand the legendary life of this "old opera bone".


In 1938, Bai Qing was born in a poor family in Changchun City. He lost his mother when he was very young and has followed his father for life ever since.

National first-class actor Bai Qing, thousands of people died of illness to see off, 23-year-old grandson is the pride of Chinese - DayDayNews

's father is a firefighter. Although the salary is not high, but it is very stable, the two live on a meager salary. She grew up in this environment, has an independent personality since childhood, and is very sensible. Under the influence of her father,

chose to join the army at the age of 12 and became a small propagandist of the army. It was at this time that she had an indissoluble bond with art. In the army, she studied opera and Pingju, thinking After being discharged from the army, he can engage in art-related work.

National first-class actor Bai Qing, thousands of people died of illness to see off, 23-year-old grandson is the pride of Chinese - DayDayNews

was finally admitted to the Changchun Provincial Repertory Troupe with excellent results. Unfortunately, his career has not been on the right track, and he has no choice but to withdraw from the group due to physical reasons.

Fortunately, she was very optimistic, and then followed her master and entered a small theater troupe in Inner Mongolia to continue her artistic career, and she stayed there for decades.

National first-class actor Bai Qing, thousands of people died of illness to see off, 23-year-old grandson is the pride of Chinese - DayDayNews

It was not until 1997 that Bai Qing officially retired. He thought he could enjoy his old age and live his ordinary life. Z1z


Who knows, by chance, it happened that the director of "Xileen" was worrying about the role of an old lady, looking for a suitable actor.

National first-class actor Bai Qing, thousands of people died of illness to see off, 23-year-old grandson is the pride of Chinese - DayDayNews

Suddenly Bai Qing appeared in front of the director. Under the director's repeated invitation, he played the role of "the old lady throwing eggs". The wonderful performance was immediately praised by the director, and Bai Qing also made his official debut with this work. The sketch actor Gong Hanlin of

was looking for a suitable partner. Because of Bai Qing’s outstanding acting skills, the two discussed for a long time, and finally boarded the CCTV Spring Festival Gala stage and co-starred in the sketch "Urban Outer", which was instantly received by many audiences. favorite. After

National first-class actor Bai Qing, thousands of people died of illness to see off, 23-year-old grandson is the pride of Chinese - DayDayNews

became famous, it was naturally favored by many directors. He has appeared in TV series such as "Housework is like the sky", "Neighbors are crazy too", "Beautiful Contract" and other TV series, most of which play the role of "mother" , The acting career has gradually reached its peak.

National first-class actor Bai Qing, thousands of people died of illness to see off, 23-year-old grandson is the pride of Chinese - DayDayNews

was even awarded the title of "National First-Class Actor" by the country. It can be said that she devoted all her life's energy to the art career, and she deserves her current height.

As she got older, her body began to have problems. During an examination, her doctor diagnosed liver cancer.

National first-class actor Bai Qing, thousands of people died of illness to see off, 23-year-old grandson is the pride of Chinese - DayDayNews

was 70 years old at the time. After learning of her illness, she couldn't let go of her acting career to continue filming with illness. In 2008, she participated in the relay of the Beijing Olympic torchbearer.

National first-class actor Bai Qing, thousands of people died of illness to see off, 23-year-old grandson is the pride of Chinese - DayDayNews

finally failed to escape the torture of illness in 2014, and left us forever at the age of 76. The

funeral was kept simple in accordance with the old man’s wishes. Thousands of people came to see her off spontaneously.

National first-class actor Bai Qing, thousands of people died of illness to see off, 23-year-old grandson is the pride of Chinese - DayDayNews


have to say that the children who grew up in this environment are also very good. Bai Qing's grandson Liu Cheng is a firefighter and a fire hero.

National first-class actor Bai Qing, thousands of people died of illness to see off, 23-year-old grandson is the pride of Chinese - DayDayNews

Unfortunately, at 20A fire broke out in a company’s dangerous goods warehouse in Tianjin’s Binhai New District in 2015 and caused an explosion.

Liu Cheng’s fire brigade was the first rescue team to rush into the fire. Because the fire was too serious, Liu Cheng was killed in this rescue. He was only 23 years old.

National first-class actor Bai Qing, thousands of people died of illness to see off, 23-year-old grandson is the pride of Chinese - DayDayNews

In just one year, the loss of two relatives at home is heartbreaking. I only hope that my family can get out of the gloom of bereavement as soon as possible, and everything will be well in the future.

National first-class actor Bai Qing, thousands of people died of illness to see off, 23-year-old grandson is the pride of Chinese - DayDayNews

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