"Da Ming Feng Hua" finale, the first time I understand Sun Ruowei

2020/01/2719:44:15 entertainment 1037

"Daming Fenghua" was well received after the broadcast, Sun Ruowei as the heroine has never been liked, whether it is the role positioning or Tang Wei, but due to the impact of the latest epidemic situation, "Daming Fenghua" only understood Sun Ruowei when the low-key end .

In the first half of "Da Ming Feng Hua", people made crazy calls for the four sons of the Zhu family, confessing Hu Shangyi and Hu Shanxiang's acting skills and career. Then after Hanwang went offline, many people began to abandon the drama, saying that they didn’t want to watch it, but the second half was only reading The best time to understand Sun Ruowei and Zhu Qizhen. Z1z

Zhu Qizhen was a child spoiled by people around him in the early days. Sun Ruowei worried that he could not do well in the throne, and remembering Zhu Zhanji’s entrustment, she demanded him severely and harshly. The court maids and eunuchs around him held him wholeheartedly, causing him There is no one in the world, I am the biggest in the world, so it caused a change in the Tumubao. Zhang Yixing's performance in this section is very appropriate, and the feeling of contempt and contempt of the world suddenly came out.

Where is Sun Ruowei at this time? She once said to Zhu Zhanji that only those years before entering the palace are the happiest in this life.

is true, why Sun Ruowei didn’t listen to her father’s decision to get into Zhu Zhanji’s carriage because she didn’t want her teammates to die for unknown reasons. She had great love in her heart and wanted to rescue the 30,000 Jing’s orphans, so she started to ride. Entered the track set by history for her.

It is very difficult for a responsible person to live easily. Unfortunately, Sun Ruowei, who stands in the upper position, is such a person.

Zhu Gaochi was seriously ill, and she did everything she could to share the worries of the political situation; Zhu Di died and won the throne for nine deaths. She said that her husband and wife had the same fate, and there was no complaint; after the death of her husband, she took care of the unfinished country for her husband, and took care of herself for her son. She has spent all her life running for responsibilities and seeking politics in her place.

Her son Zhu Qizhen was detained by Wala. She was at ease to bear the humiliation and not say a word for the bright days of the Ming Dynasty. She stabilized the government and showed compassion to the people. After her son seized the throne, she didn't fall into the trap, she just wanted to get the court on track.

So some people say: Sun Ruowei is not the main heroine, she is just a witness to a period of past history, an ordinary woman, her life is home, country, husband and child. Regardless of Sun Ruowei's status as the queen mother, in the second half of the play, she is just a kind mother who prays for her son to return home even if she walks out of the palace blindfolded.

Besides, Tang Wei's acting skills in this show do have some problems, but these problems are also inextricably linked with the lines and styles. Therefore, many people understand her role in the second half of "Da Ming Feng Hua", as for the interpretation of the role. , I don’t know if Tang Wei of was in the late stage when he was acting. He obviously improved his acting skills during the post-dowager period.

On the whole, Tang Wei has a fairly accurate grasp of the character's psychology in various periods. It can be said that it is a process of gradually entering the role from weak to strong. For a TV series that respects history but is inaccurate about the feelings of the characters, it is quite good to have such a presentation. ​Z1z

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