Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single "Beauty Like Frost" attracted the most attention. In this album, there are 5 new songs written by Fang Wenshan. The familiar formula, familiar ta

2024/07/0308:23:33 entertainment 1095

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Fang Wenshan


"'s greatest work " music album cover (picture below)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's Toutiao Gongzi mistakenly

Jay Chou's 's new music album was launched as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million, instantly dominating the charts, and the single "Beautiful Beauty Like" "Frost" attracted the most attention.

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's Toutiao Gongzi mistakenly

In this album, there are 5 new songs written by Fang Wenshan. The familiar formula, the familiar taste, the rich Chinese style, the rich atmosphere of classical poetry, and the plain words are very Fang Wenshan.

Fang Wenshan is Jay Chou's best friend, a royal lyricist, and has a lofty status in the Chinese music industry. In 2007, he won the Best Movie Theme Song Lyricist Award at the Hong Kong Film Awards. The winning track of

is " chrysanthemum platform ".

What kind of love past has he had?

The east wind breaks, and the joy is thin (picture below)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's headlines, the son mistakenly


On January 26, 1969, Fang Wenshan was born in a worker's family in Hualien County. There are four brothers and sisters in his family.

He has a dark, round face, like a taro just dug out of the ground.

Because he had no money, none of his four little kids went to kindergarten. They ran in the fields and barren mountains, just like Su Wu, a sheepherder, running among the reeds by the North Sea.

Parents herd them like sheep.

When he was in elementary school, Fang Wenshan often went to construction sites to pick up cans and broken cement bags, and sold them to make money to support his family.

He also served plates, newspapers and takeaways in restaurants.

Fireworks get cold easily, but still water is silent (picture below)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's Toutiao Master mistakenly

When he was in elementary school, Fang Wenshan's grades in various subjects were not good, which gave the teachers a headache. He is good at writing essays, fast and well, and is often used as a model essay by teachers to preach in class.

After graduating from elementary school, Fang Wenshan entered a vocational high school. After graduating from the vocational high school, Fang Wenshan put on a military uniform and went to the information army. He stayed in a spacious and bright office to answer the phone, which was quite comfortable.

The Zen of the other world is the enlightenment of this life (picture below)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's Toutiao Gongzi mistakenly

In his spare time, he read in the reading room of the army and browsed more than a thousand ancient books.

He especially likes the lyrics of Li Qingzhao , such as green, fat, red and thin.

After retiring from the army, Fang Wenshan worked as a maintenance worker in a textile factory. Soon he worked as a truck driver in a logistics company. He also installed cameras and engaged in interior decoration.

While working, he would carry the electric drill while reciting poems:

"The endless falling trees are rustling, and the endless Yangtze River is rolling in..."

Everyone laughed at him for being a fool.

How deep is the courtyard, Qili Xiang is floating in the Peach Blossom Stream (picture below)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's Toutiao Young Master mistakenly


He has taught himself screenwriting and passed the screenwriting certification. After graduation, no one asked him to be a screenwriter.

In depression, he wrote more than a hundred lyrics, typed them out on graph paper, bound them into a volume, designed a logo, and submitted them to major record companies.

A few months passed, and his submission letter disappeared.

Yu Linling, to Changting Evening (picture below)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's Toutiao Young Master mistakenly

Fang Wenshan was so heartbroken that he was ready to burn these lyrics.

One night, a record company called Alpha called him and offered him a trial position.

He boarded a narrow-gauge train and headed for Taipei.

At that time, his youth was like the endless receding fields outside the train window, like some green past, full of longing for a good harvest. When

arrived at the company, he realized that he had been cheated. There was no salary in this job. He only had income if someone was willing to buy his lyrics. Fang Wenshan barely survived by riding a motorcycle to sell tapes.

Lady, a pot of old wine, and a bowl of hot porridge (picture below)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's Toutiao Young Master made a mistake


He met a young man, which changed his life's destiny.

He met Jay Chou at the record company.Company boss Wu Zongxian introduced to Jay Chou:

"This is the company's newly signed songwriter Fang Wenshan."

They nodded to each other without talking, and the atmosphere was slightly awkward.

Jay Chou's Narrow Gauge Train-style Youth (picture below)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's Toutiao boy mistakenly

Wu Zongxian played a trial version of a song. After Fang Wenshan listened to it, he said that the song was too ugly. The song

happened to be written by Jay Chou.

Jay Chou has always been very confident in his own works. Seeing him criticizing others with disgust on his face made me feel uncomfortable.

At that time, Fang Wenshan looked like a food deliveryman.

They look at each other as a peer, and they don't like each other at first glance.

Once, Jay Chou was asked to write several songs in a short period of time.

Time was in a hurry. He had a few songs. After composing the music, he didn't have time to write the lyrics, so he picked up the manuscript Fang Wenshan put on the table and wanted to refer to it.

Fang Wenshan was very angry and felt that Jay Chou was very rude. The two sides started arguing and disliked each other.

Fang Wenshan and Jay Chou's narrow-gauge train-style youth (picture below)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's Toutiao boy mistakenly


It was only when Fang Wenshan arrived at the company that he realized that signing a contract here would not necessarily lead to the publication of his works. The usual approach of

record companies is to choose a topic and the new lyricists will compete for a pitch. If they lose the pitch, they will naturally get no royalties.

Fang Wenshan never won a pitch in the company.

His lyric writing style was unheard of and unseen at the time, and was not accepted by the industry.

Fang Wenshan had no choice but to ride a motorcycle and sell tapes everywhere to support himself.

Both Fang Wenshan and Jay Chou had no money to rent a house, so they built floors in the company. One time, Fang Wenshan couldn't sleep, so he got up to fight cockroaches, and the noise woke up Jay Chou.

Fang Wenshan and Jay Chou (pictured below)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's Toutiao master mistakenly

The two started to bicker about each other. After fighting for a while, both of them felt that the other party was really capable.

They stopped bickering and listened to the trial version of the songs together, analyzing the structure, rhyme and memory points of each song, and discussing the creativity and visuals of each song.

They became good buddies. Fang Wenshan is good at writing lyrics, and Jay Chou is good at composing. The two swords combined have created a legend in the music industry.

Music legend Jay Chou (pictured below)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's Toutiao son mistakenly


In 2000, Jay Chou published his first music album "Jay", which included a single "Lady" composed by Fang Wenshan.

Fang Wenshan and Jay Chou's narrow-gauge train-style youth (picture below)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's headlines, the boy mistakenly

In "The Lady", Fang Wenshan wrote:

Lady, go and break a willow branch every day

A pot of old wine and a bowl of hot porridge

Is three taels of silver enough? The sky is filled with yellow sand.

My horse is a little thin.

There is not enough fodder.

Jay Chou and Fang Wenshan’s narrow-gauge train-style youth (picture below)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today’s Toutiao boy made a mistake. A rap was added, using a part of the lyrics.

Fang Wenshan felt very angry. If you want to rap, I can write another song. Why are you ruining this song?

Jay Chou felt that there was nothing wrong with the Rap that he added impromptuly, but if he re-recorded it, it would lose its original flavor, and he refused to change it.

Fang Wenshan felt it was inappropriate. Repeating the lyrics here was too monotonous, and said angrily:

"I don't want royalties. Sing this song again."

Jay Chou refused to give in, and said angrily:

"I don't want royalties either. "No, I won't sing this song again!"

This song was decided according to Jay Chou's wishes.

Fang Wenshan was furious and talked about this matter for more than ten years, nagging him endlessly.

Fang Wenshan's narrow-gauge train-style youth (picture below)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's headlines made a mistake


In the single " Shanghai 1943 ", he wrote:

The yellowed Spring Festival couplets are still posted on the wall

Sima Guang has broken my rice vat

The Pixian bean paste brewed by my grandma

Disappeared in Shanghai in 1943

The handsome appearance of my parents back then

The sadness of black tiles and white walls

Looking back Chow Yun-fat The wind and frost

is the song "The Lost Great Shanghai 1943"

. This song has a unique style. It is a combination of Chinese style and electric guitar . Fang Wenshan wrote the lyrics of several songs and let Jay Chou choose at will.

Jay Chou fell in love with "Big Shanghai 1943" at a glance. This is also Fang Wenshan's favorite song.

There is a tacit understanding between them that heroes think alike.

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's Toutiao Master mistakenly


They have also collaborated on works such as " Grandpa's Tea ", " Double Knife ", " Dragon Fist " and other works.

In the single " Blue and White Porcelain ", he wrote:

The plain embryo outlines the blue and white brush strokes, which turn thick and light

Ranran Sandalwood Through the window

My thoughts are clear

The sky is blue, waiting for misty rain

And I am waiting for you

Your eyes are like koi

Ru kiln The hairline that has been burned for thousands of years

The bottom of the bottle is written Han Li

Imitate the elegance of the previous dynasty

The moonlight is salvaged

Like the blue and white porcelain passed down from generation to generation, self-care and beauty

Fang Wenshan’s Narrow-gauge train-style youth (picture below)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's Toutiao Gongzi mistakenly

The creation process of this lyric was quite difficult.

Fang Wenshan knows a few friends who know how to appreciate antiques, and it is very enjoyable to talk to them about bronzes, Song porcelain, and Ming and Qing furniture.

When Fang Wenshan received the score of "Blue and White Porcelain", he wanted to use the thickness of bronze to symbolize the steadfastness of love, and the mottled patina to metaphor the vicissitudes of life. When

started writing, I realized that the text was not on topic, and the music score was gentle, graceful, fresh and elegant, all in the style of misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River.

Jay Chou's "I'm Very Busy" music album (picture below)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's Toutiao Master mistakenly

Bronze is a tripod, a weapon, full of the dignity of history and the smoke of battle, which conflicts with the music score.

Fang Wenshan had no choice but to redefine the theme and chose blue and white porcelain from Ru kiln.

The glaze formula of Ru kiln is unique, and the technology of converting kiln into has been lost. Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty wrote a poem: "After the rain, the sky and blue clouds break the virginity, and this color is the future."

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's Toutiao Master mistakenly

Fang Wenshan borrowed the writing style of Song Huizong.

"Blue and White Porcelain" has light and elegant lyrics, ancient style and is his masterpiece.

In 2008, "Blue and White Porcelain" won the Best Lyricist Award at the 19th Golden Melody Awards.

At this time, Fang Wenshan and Jay Chou are no longer a pair of enemies who dislike each other, but two mysterious and mysterious elders who have a good understanding. They are a perfect match and are famous in the world.

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's Toutiao Master mistakenly


"Chrysanthemum Terrace" was invited by Jay Chou and Fang Wenshan to compose the ending song for the Zhang Yimou movie " Full City with Golden Armor ".

Your tears are weak and hurt

The night is too long and condensed into sadness

Who is the cold despair in the attic

The dream turns into a wisp of fragrance in the distance

The chrysanthemums are left with wounds on the ground

Your smile has turned yellow

The flowers have fallen

Your shadow is cut and disordered

I am wearing a military uniform whistling through the vicissitudes of life

Flowers are falling and people are heartbroken

Night is young

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's headlines, the son is mistaken

This song is sad, vicissitudes, and the historical flow that can make people's brains fragment, the beauty Yu Ji The sad scene before committing suicide brings a sense of the hero's doom to the face.

This is culture.

In the MV, Jay Chou is playing guzheng on a lake. His white clothes beat the snow. He is paying tribute to history.

The reflection of history and the reflection of youth will make people extremely sad.

Shake hands with the reflection of history, shake hands with the reflection of youth, and seek peace with the past. This is the path to peace and tranquility that leads to spiritual solace.

" Hear the Sound of Rain " poster (picture below)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's Toutiao Master mistakenly


In 2013, Fang Wenshan directed the romance film "Hear the Sound of Rain". The film tells the story of the band's lead singer Allen, who met by chance He meets a deaf female college student Yu Jie (played by Han Yujie ). The two had many misunderstandings as they got along. The ending of

is sad.

After learning that Fang Wenshan was preparing for this film, Jay Chou took the initiative and asked to be the music director of the film.

This is a musical film describing wet youth, with rainy days as the main scene, and youth, dreams, inspiration, and betrayal as the themes.

Wu Zongxian's narrow-gauge train-style youth (picture below)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's Toutiao son mistakenly


After Wu Zongxian brought Fang Wenshan to the company, he tried to pair him with Jay Chou.

He asked Fang Wenshan, how was the music composed by Jay Chou? Fang Wenshan said, just so-so, he is really annoying.

Jay Chou said that Fang Wenshan does not understand music and is music-impaired.

Before Jay Chou released his first album "Jay", he found a song "You Are Happier Than Before" among Fang Wenshan's lyrics, and I admired it after reading it.

He composed the music for this song and sent it to Wu Zongxian. He defrauded a sum of royalties and gave Fang Wenshan a lot of benefits.

tasted the sweetness, and their cooperation became frequent.

The Two Swordsmen (picture below)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's Toutiao Master mistakenly

Wu Zongxian promised that if Jay Chou can compose 50 songs within ten days, he will release an album for him.

To achieve this goal, Jay Chou invited Fang Wenshan to work. The two of them ate instant noodles, slept on the floor, and worked day and night. Finally, they completed the fifty songs in ten days.

Wu Zongxian was too busy, so he handed the manuscript to Yang Junrong . Yang Junrong read the manuscript and was overjoyed. He said to Wu Zongxian:

"I want to personally praise Jay Chou. If I don't win, I will resign automatically!" Under the guidance of Yang Junrong, Jay Chou selected 10 songs and published his first music album "Jay". The title song "Xingqing" by

won the 24th Top Ten Chinese Golden Songs Outstanding Mandarin Song Award. The entire music album of

won the 12th Golden Melody Award for Best Pop Music Singer.

's single "Lady" has a unique style and attracted the attention of the music industry.

Fang Wenshan became a pioneer in the music industry.

Fang Wenshan recalls the past (picture below)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's Toutiao son made a mistake


Wu Zongxian sold the company to pay off debts due to investment mistakes. Fang Wenshan and Jay Chou fell into an isolated and helpless situation.

On July 19, 2007, Yang Junrong, Jay Chou and Fang Wenshan jointly established Jewel Music Co., Ltd.

Fang Wenshan once had a girlfriend, and it was Jay Chou who set him up.

However, they dispersed as they walked.

One day, Jay Chou called Fang Wenshan and said:

"Do you have any new songs? I've long been tired of reading what you wrote before!"

Fang Wenshan's impatient voice came from the other end of the phone:

"You started with me Can't you just pick one out of the hundred songs in the drawer? I'm still busy!"

Jay Chou obediently picked one out of the hundred songs to compose, and composed the song "The Falling Rain" Sound 》.

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's Toutiao Young Master mistakenly


Later, Jay Chou found out that Fang Wenshan had been broken up in love and was in a bad mood.

At that time, Fang Wenshan's youth was a narrow-gauge train track leading to the future, with rust all the way.

Gu Xiaoli 's narrow-gauge train-style youth (picture below)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's Toutiao young man mistakenly

until he met Gu Xiaoli.

When Fang Wenshan goes down the stairs, he likes to ride on the stair handrail and slide down, enjoying the thrill of flying.

On this day, he still followed his old habit and when he was sliding down, a figure appeared at the top of the stairs.

is too late.

Fang Wenshan ran headlong into the arms of this figure.

He smelled the plain fragrance of women's hair.

Fang Wenshan apologized and met this beautiful woman named Gu Xiaoli.

She has short hair, like a brown coat wrapped around a palm tree.

She likes to wear sportswear every day. She has caramel-colored skin and her eyes sparkle like a cow in a bullpen in the dark night.

Fang Wenshan and Gu Xiaoli’s narrow-gauge train-style youth (picture below)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today’s Toutiao Master mistakenly


She came to the company to apply for the position of clerk, and Wu Zongxian asked her to be a music assistant.

At that time, her beauty was like the rare snow floating in the clouds on the top of Yangmingshan Mountain in Taipei.

Fang Wenshan fell in love with this beautiful woman, just like Bai Juyi fell in love with the rustling autumn breeze at the head of the Xunyang River.

Gu Xiaoli also fell in love with this talented man, just like Mencius fell in love with the chef who cooked for him, a hypocrite.

A wisp of tenderness enveloped them, just like the ever-changing raging waves covering Gulangyu Island in Xiamen, which was filled with the sound of pianos.

Fang Wenshan and Gu Xiaoli's narrow-gauge train-style youth (picture below)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's Toutiao boy mistakenly


The love between a seabird and a fish was just an accident.

Fang Wenshan commutes to get off work with her, and her soft words are as smooth as silk produced in Hangzhou.

They talked about music together, went shopping together, breathed together, laughed together, meditated ignorantly together, and sang wordless songs together.

The sound of their footsteps walking in sync resounded in the clouds of youth.

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's Toutiao Young Master mistakenly

In the sound of continuous rain, Fang Wenshan fell in love with this beautiful woman, just like Nezha fell in love with a white lotus that could entrust his soul.

Gu Xiaoli also fell in love with this talented young man, just like the Dragon King of the East China Sea fell in love with, Nuwa left behind, the Dinghai needle weighing one hundred and eight thousand kilograms.

Love came to them, just like the pirate ship driven by Columbus came to the beautiful and rich West Indies in 1492 AD.

Fang Wenshan and his son (pictured below)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today’s Toutiao son mistakenly

In 2012, Fang Wenshan and Gu Xiaoli obtained a marriage license and gave birth to a son before the marriage.

In February 2013, Gu Xiaoli and Fang Wenshan held a make-up wedding in Taipei.

At Jay Chou's wedding, Fang Wenshan and his family took a group photo with Kunling (picture below, red circle)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's Toutiao man mistakenly


Gu Xiaoli filled in for Jay Chou's single " Sea of ​​Flowers " Lyrics:

All the flowers are still and blooming

Far away and clear, love

Colorful time is dyed blank

Don’t want you to leave

She also wrote the lyrics for Jay Chou’s single "Summer":

The sun slowly reveals its smile

You Her smile is like a curved rainbow

Counting my fingers when I am afraid of the dark

Take me for a ride in the starry sky

Gu Xiaoli has also written lyrics for singers Li Wei and Wen Lan. She is a talented woman.

Fang Wenshan participated in ancestor worship activities in Yudu, Jiangxi (picture below)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today's Toutiao Gongzi mistakenly


When composing "We Sing a Song Together", Fang Wenshan took no money, just to promote cross-strait relations.

Fang Wenshan entered his name into the genealogy of Ganzhou 's ancestral home. He has not forgotten his homeland and his roots.

For Fang Wenshan, he always knows what he can do, what he can sing, and what he can express.

His lyrics draw on the artistic conception of many Song Dynasty poems. They are gentle, mellow, beautiful and graceful, directly reaching people's hearts, and are of their own style.

He never adds numbers, foreign languages, or symbols in his lyrics. He said:

"I like no makeup."

The most beautiful thing is not the rainy day, but the eaves that have protected you from the rain.

Gold Medal Word Writer——Fang Wenshan (pictured below)

Jay Chou's new music album was released as scheduled, with sales exceeding 100 million and instantly dominating the charts. The single

Today’s Toutiao Gongzi mistakenly

(Thanks for reading, Gongzi mistakenly wrote)

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