Recently, Yang Mi tilted her head while walking forward and bumped into a pole. This time, she bounced off! Some netizens said: She is probably too old to walk unsteadily or because of playing games.

2024/07/0209:04:33 entertainment 1650

Recently, Yang Mi walked forward with his head tilted and bumped into a pole. This time, it bounced off!

Recently, Yang Mi tilted her head while walking forward and bumped into a pole. This time, she bounced off! Some netizens said: She is probably too old to walk unsteadily or because of playing games. - DayDayNews

Some netizens said: I guess I am old and cannot walk steadily or it is because of playing games.

Some netizens said: Although her eyes were sutured not long ago, there may be something wrong with her eyes. I personally sympathize with her. But as a public figure, she repeatedly resorts to such vulgar behavior to promote herself. Don't you feel 's blushing?

Famous writer Liu Xinda said: Seeing Yang Mi hit a pole while walking, Liu Xinda thought of her eyes being stitched up not long ago. Liu Xinda would like to ask Yang Mi, don’t you walk without a heart, don’t you walk without eyes, why are you always the one who gets hurt? Aren’t you afraid that teenage fans will imitate you?

Recently, Yang Mi tilted her head while walking forward and bumped into a pole. This time, she bounced off! Some netizens said: She is probably too old to walk unsteadily or because of playing games. - DayDayNews

I would like to advise Yang Mi that as an artist, you must be guided by the core socialist values ​​ and must promote the positive energy of socialism. It is best to stick to the bottom line. You must have the people in your heart, serve the people and always be on the road, never forget your original intention. , Fang has always been successful.

Yang Mi must apologize immediately, don't make people as annoying as Huo Siyan, don't go around trying to steal the limelight, and keep a low profile. Yang Mi, just remember one thing: you must be patriotic! Comrade Wang Shuo once said: Can we not regard ignorance as personality!

​ It is recommended that Xiao Mi Mi quickly re-read "The Self-cultivation of Actors" three times, and hand over an in-depth review after reading it, and promise that nothing like hitting a telephone pole will happen again in the future. The impact is very bad and not harmful. In line with the requirements of socialist core values!

Recently, Yang Mi tilted her head while walking forward and bumped into a pole. This time, she bounced off! Some netizens said: She is probably too old to walk unsteadily or because of playing games. - DayDayNews

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