After Zhao Liying's "Happiness Comes to Ten Thousands of Homes" was released, it completely changed the recent trend of watching online dramas. After "Meng Hua Lu", the popularity of ancient puppet themes dropped, but rural themes were widely popular among the audience. The succe

2024/06/2920:26:32 entertainment 1207

Zhao Liying After the release of "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Homes", it has completely changed the recent trend of watching online dramas. After " Menghualu ", the popularity of ancient puppet themes dropped, but rural themes were widely popular among the audience. The success of this drama is due to the quality of the plot.

In terms of plot, the rhythm of "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Households" is online and interlocking. From the initial wedding dispute to the subsequent land acquisition and establishment of B&B , the connection is smooth and natural, and it is full of attractions. Audiences who prefer this drama are basically unable to stop after clicking on the first episode, and they are still not satisfied after 30 episodes.

After Zhao Liying's

Looking back now, there are really a lot of scum in "Happiness to Ten Thousand Houses". In the latest plot, Wan Chuanjia and Wan Chuanmei, two brothers and sisters, pretended to be Wang Xiuyu's college quota 10 years ago. His behavior was exposed, and the audience was furious and felt sorry for Xiuyu's life.

Just from the perspective of the plot, although Wan Chuanjia and Wan Chuanmei are hateful, they are not ambiguous at all in front of their relatives. After the accident, the two of them did not shirk the responsibility, but instead took the blame on themselves. Heirloom knelt in front of Wan Shan Tang not to ask for forgiveness, but to ask his father to take action to save his sister's reputation.

After Zhao Liying's

But Wan Chuanmei was blocking his father, fearing that Wan Shantang would be impatient and destroy the family. Indeed, the behavior of Wan Chuanjia and Wan Chuanmei is abominable, but the brother-sister relationship between the two is sincere.

No matter what we do here, we are all one family. But it's different here with the Wang family. The two characters who really make the audience angry are actually more hateful than Wan Chuanjia and Wan Chuanmei.

After Zhao Liying's

Lin Guizhi had an affair without telling He Xingfu, and Xiuyu suffered a moral kidnapping

When she learned that Xiuyu’s university place was replaced by Wan Chuanmei, Lin Guizhi’s first reaction was also angry. She was angry that the Wan family had taken away her daughter’s life. The Wang family is bullied everywhere. But soon, she suppressed her anger and began to consider what benefits this matter could bring to the Wang family.

After thinking about it, Lin Guizhi still did not dare to offend Wanjia. She did not dare to send Wan Chuanjia and Wan Chuanmei to prison. The worries and fears after the previous marriage and land acquisition once again influenced Lin Guizhi's choice.

After Zhao Liying's

This time, she hid He Xingfu's secret and begged Wang Xiuyu to accept Wanjia's compensation of 300,000 yuan. According to her theory, 300,000 yuan was the best choice compared with Xiuyu's ruined life. And more importantly, in the current environment at this moment, what Lin Guizhi lacks is money.

Wang Qingzhi and Yani have reached the stage of marriage discussion. In order to marry Yani, the future god of wealth, Lin Guizhi is willing to spend a lot of money. She wanted a decent betrothal gift and a glorious wedding banquet, but the 300,000 yuan that the Wan family paid was Qingzhi's happy marriage and the rest of their Wang family's lives.

After Zhao Liying's

In fact, it was already explained in the previous plot that Lin Guizhi was worried about the hundreds of thousands of betrothal gifts. She originally had her eye on He Xingfu's inn, but Qing Lai rejected it because of financial transparency. That's good, because Wang Xiuyu was openly giving money to Lin Guizhi, even if the result was that he had wronged his little daughter.

In fact, Wang Xiuyu has never been taken seriously in the Wang family. When Qinglai got married, Xiuyu contributed money and effort. Later, when Qingzhi went to school and got married, Lin Guizhi even made arrangements for Xiuyu to contribute money.

After Zhao Liying's

Xiuyu paid a lot for the family, but when Lin Guizhi distributed the family property, Qingzhi took away 350,000, Qinglai got 50,000, and Xiuyu received no cents.

Lin Guizhi's preference for boys over girls lies in her attitude towards Xiuyu over the years, and this time, she took action again. Regardless of Xiuyu's injustice, she just wanted to get some money to resolve the matter. Even Qingzhi on the side knew that even though the Wan family was rich and powerful, it was no match for the law, but Lin Guizhi was still afraid, too scared to tell the truth about Happiness, and just waited for the raw rice to be cooked.

After Zhao Liying's

As a mother, Lin Guizhi's behavior cannot be understood, and her selfishness and abomination make the audience feel even more distressed. However, although Lin Guizhi's abomination directly caused Xiuyu's tragedy, there was another person secretly sucking the blood of his own sister.

After Zhao Liying's

Wang Qingzhi becomes invisible at critical moments, and is the biggest blood-sucking worm in the Wang family.

In fact, when "Happiness to Ten Thousand Family" was first launched, the most normal person in the entire Wang family was Wang Qingzhi. He took action to stop Wan Chuanjia and tipped off Xingfu. He found out that he was a college student with higher education and correct outlook on life. But the audience never expected that such a seemingly decent brother was actually the most hateful.

After Zhao Liying's

He has always been enjoying the preferential treatment from the Wang family. The land expropriation incident was getting bigger and bigger, and He Xingfu argued with others and tried to find ways to file a lawsuit to seek justice. But at this time, Wang Qingzhi had already graduated and worked, but he didn't show any sign that he had no effort or money. When the Wanjia compensation arrived, he showed up with his little girlfriend.

After Zhao Liying's

Lin Guizhi gave most of the compensation to Qingzhi to buy a house, but without any shame or gratitude, he happily bought a new house in the city with the money.

When he arrived at his father-in-law and mother-in-law's place, he put on a high air, as if he was very capable. As a result, when it came to spending money at home, he showed no mercy at all and always accepted it silently, as if someone was forcing him to do so.

After Zhao Liying's

Now that it has been revealed that his sister was replaced in college, Qingzhi, who is also a college student, may not understand his sister's mood. But at such a critical moment, he still disappeared. Even Qing Lai, who was not accustomed to being a cultural loser, knew that he felt sorry for Xiu Yu and spoke for his sister, but Qing Zhi was not at all ready to lend a helping hand.

Next, Wang Qingzhi is getting married again, and the direct beneficiary of the money Lin Guizhi wants is Wang Qingzhi. By then, if He Xingfu hadn't intervened, the money would have easily gone into Qingzhi's pocket.

After Zhao Liying's

It is a pity that even Lin Guizhi may not have thought that his son, who has absorbed almost all the family's money, will not bring any big changes to the Wang family through his aloof appearance outside. Her good intentions have made her the mainstay of the Wang family, but she is also the biggest blood-sucking insect in the Wang family.

After Zhao Liying's

It’s ridiculous to think about it. No matter how you look at it from any angle in the play, the Wang family is the victim. But this group of victims is selfish and never united. Lin Guizhi, a mother who cannot see the grievances of her biological daughter, sells her biological daughter's life to others with a clear price tag, while the only top student in the family silently enjoys her preferential treatment at home, and openly sucks the blood of her own sister, but she does not even Not even the slightest bit ashamed.

After Zhao Liying's

All in all, in "Happiness Comes to Wanjia", the most disgusting characters are not the Wanjia, but the Wang family. With the comparison between them, Wan Chuanjia all looks pretty.

It is a pity that Xiuyu's life has been ruined. What is even more sad is that her life will continue to be ruined. The Wang family is patriarchal and ignorant, and her brother, a top student, is still waiting to suck blood.

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