Text/Huang Taozi Any woman who can watch the drama "Meet Wang Lichuan" will probably shed tears for Li Qiulian's sad ending. Because of the illness, Li Chuan couldn't love, and Xiao Qiu couldn't love. The two struggled in the torrent of emotion, and finally had to let go. It was

2024/06/1003:47:33 entertainment 1545

text / Huang Taozi

Women who can watch the drama " meets Wang Lichuan " will probably shed tears for Li Qiulian's sad ending. Because of the illness, Li Chuan couldn't love, and Xiao Qiu couldn't love. The two struggled in the torrent of emotion, and finally had to let go. It was really unlucky.

Just as Ji Chuan said, no matter which side we turn to, Li Chuan will be the unlucky one in the end. bone cancer , bone cancer lung metastasis, myelodysplastic syndrome , in the fourteen years from the age of seventeen to thirty-one, Li Chuan was constantly teased by fate and watched by the god of death. "Living" has become a A kind of blessing, "always living" has become an unattainable luxury. It is such a young man whose life is almost withered that has attracted many female viewers and made them immersed in his emotional story and unable to extricate themselves. What is the reason for this? I think in addition to the actors' superb acting skills and affectionate interpretation, another reason is Wang Lichuan's perfect character.

1. Li Chuan is a professional and fast player.

Li Chuan went to college at the age of fifteen and was a young genius. At the age of twenty-seven, he was already a famous architect. He became famous and became a legend in the architectural world.

Li Chuan has his own design concept - pursuing natural environmental awareness and transcending the limitations of the times as much as possible. Qinglian Theater was designed based on the natural geographical environment of Wenzhou, integrating the essence of Taoism and the connotation of classical culture. It is an excellent embodiment of his design concept.

There is a plot in the drama. Jichuan wants to change the location of the air vents. Li Chuan asks reproachfully: Do you want to increase air pollution? The overbearing brother Jichuan was choked and had no choice but to blame brother Li Chuan for being "not easy to talk to". Li Chuan emphasized seriously: I am responsible for what I signed. The elder brother had no choice but to surrender to his younger brother who had a high sense of responsibility. Li Chuan's consistency in design concept and execution is admirable.

Li Chuan worked hard and followed his example. Even though he was weak, he still had to conduct on-the-spot inspections and check all the drawings in person, and it was common for him to stay up all night drawing. If there were any flaws in his colleagues' drawings, Li Chuan would point them out mercilessly and put forward strict requirements. He pursues excellent quality, strives for excellence, and is meticulous.

It’s strange that such an outstanding and handsome young man is not admired.

Text/Huang Taozi Any woman who can watch the drama

2, Li Chuan of the professional elite

Li Chuan has strict requirements on design and is 100% attentive to users. This is his workplace principle.

Li Chuan is a strict self-discipline. He goes to work at the company at seven o'clock every day, and often works until late at night after returning home from get off work. He always appears in front of everyone in his best condition. His suit is straight and his demeanor is elegant and pleasing to the eye. Even the crutch that symbolizes his disability adds a gentlemanly touch to him.

When dealing with his collaborator Lisa, Li Chuan can be said to be both strong and soft, with both reality and reality. Ji Chuan invited him to go with Lisa to ask for written proof of the advance payment of more than 20 million yuan. Li Chuan would not say anything, and he would achieve his goal as soon as he did. He first expressed his respect to Lisa, "Madam, we have great trust in you", then pointed out that 20 million is not a small amount, and proposed that there must be written proof. When Lisa refused to accept his legitimate request, Li Chuan also became tough and did not hesitate to assume that an accident occurred: If my wife suddenly suffered a car accident, there would be no proof between us. Also, if the loan is repaid at the end of the year, what about half a year's interest? This seemed like an understatement, but it revealed the essence of the other party's advantage and forced the other party to consider his request. Sure enough, after Lisa "complained" to Grandpa Wang, she replied to Jichuan, and the 20 million was received on Friday. Li Chuan is indeed a master in the workplace, and he wins immediately as soon as he takes action.

During the bidding process for Qinglian Villa, when he heard that Li Chuan was going to return to Switzerland early, Jack objected to Li Chuan leaving midway on the grounds of cooperation and interests. Li Chuan counterattacked Jack: "When it comes to cooperation and interests, you really don't take it. I'm an outsider. How much did Lisa let us go and didn't pay us much of the balance? If Frank hadn't asked for mercy from my grandfather, we would have met in court." Jack was speechless. He had no choice but to ask Li Chuan to put the overall situation first and stay and be responsible until the end. Li Chuan accepted the offer and said he would be responsible to the end. Li Chuan was really aware of everything and could advance and retreat freely.

Text/Huang Taozi Any woman who can watch the drama

When dealing with competitor Jiayuan International, Li Chuan behaved differently. On the way to hand over the bid, there was an encounter. Jichuan and the driver got out of the car to check the situation. Seeing that no one was injured, Jichuan acted like a domineering CEO and gave money to appease him, handed over his business card and left his phone number. Unexpectedly, he was still surrounded by a crowd. . Li Chuan, who was sitting in the car, opened the door and shouted loudly: Get in the car and call the police to deal with it! Isn't that right? The top priority is to hand over the bid. The time for handing over the bid must not be missed. Since no one is injured, let's leave it to the police. Unexpectedly, Li Chuan's shout attracted the group of people. They swarmed around him, pulling and pulling, and even hit him twice. In this chaotic and critical moment, Li Chuan immediately handed the bid document to Xiaoqiu. In order to make her obey the command, he also emphasized: It is dangerous here, the bid document is here, you hurry up and submit the bid! The most important thing is to submit the bid on time, otherwise, everyone’s hard work and efforts over the past half month will be in vain. Xiaoqiu understood the idea and immediately took the bid and ran away.

was wise and decisive in the chaos, grasped the key points, decided everything, and strategized like a flowing cloud, and it was none other than Wang Lichuan. And Xiaoqiu, who was ordered to face the crisis, did not live up to his expectations. He used a little trick, shouted "rob", stopped the pursuers with the help of passers-by, and successfully handed over the bid.

fought back against Tian Xiaogang and his ilk, while Li Chuan maintained a calm and relaxed style. Tian Xiaogang accused Li Chuan of robbing them for food. Li Chuan replied calmly: "You will have no food? If it is not possible, you will still robbing." Tian Xiaogang pretended to be innocent and asked Li Chuan, "What are you doing? "What do you mean?" Li Chuan stared at him coldly and said, "I don't need to say this. Everyone knows it well." No, the bumps on the road were deliberately caused by Tian Xiaogang and others. Son? How could such despicable methods escape Li Chuan's piercing eyes that have been trained for a long time in the workplace? I’m not going to say anything, just stick to it. Designer Tian, ​​please do it yourself. When dealing with shameless people, Li Chuan is really sharp and merciless.

How can Li Chuan not be admired for his principles and stance, his clear sense of love and hate?

Text/Huang Taozi Any woman who can watch the drama

3. Li Chuan, the people-friendly president

As the president, Li Chuan is strict with himself and arrives at the company to work at 7 a.m., but he is tolerant and gentle towards his subordinates.

He would bring coffee to the receptionist who had an injured wrist, and his caring attitude made Zhang Ying still recall it many years later; he would return the shoes that had been kicked into the elevator for the translator, and while apologizing, he would bend down and put them back on the ground. His elegant demeanor made Zhang Ying remember it endlessly. Emma will never forget him; he will argue with his brother about the driver's stay and coordinate the work, which makes Xiaofu grateful; he will also apologize to Jingwen on behalf of his brother and take action - sending delicious food to Jingwen Room service made Jingwen very happy; he would also go to the juice store to get fruit for an old woman he had never met before, and the old man who only met her once gave her a handwritten painting as a gift... Li Chuan did all of this naturally and smoothly, which made Jingwen happy. The recipient feels the warmth of spring breeze.

How can Li Chuan, who is so low-key and warm, not make people worried?

4, Li Chuan is the perfect boyfriend and a master wife protector

As Xiao Qiu’s boyfriend, Li Chuan is responsible like a brother, protective like a lover and caring like a father towards Xiao Qiu.

Xiaoqiu, when you encounter a robbery, your first reaction is to drop your bag and run. Is money more important than life?

Xiaoqiu, it’s not safe for you to ride such a long distance alone.

Xiaoqiu, you’re cold, put on your clothes quickly, okay?

Xiaoqiu, you are not allowed to go out at nine o'clock from now on, remember?

Xiaoqiu, don’t drink anymore. When you get sick, you will know how important health is.

Xiaoqiu, who said you should stop drinking for me? Isn’t your life your life?

Xiaoqiu, are you still out at this late hour? Don’t you know it’s very unsafe outside? Go home quickly.

Xiaoqiu, lie down quickly, I will read " Memories of Lost Time " to you, and you will fall asleep soon.

All these warnings and instructions can’t be described enough for Xiaoqiu’s care and comfort, and endless affection and attachment for Xiaoqiu...

Text/Huang Taozi Any woman who can watch the drama

Buying clothes, giving mobile phones, chasing to the train station to solve problems, rushing to Kunming to resolve conflicts , acting naturally and appropriately at his aunt's house in order to win the parents' approval. As a 100% boyfriend, these are all manifestations of Li Chuan's maturity, restraint, thoughtfulness, and meticulousness. When

dealt with Xiao Qiu's unwarranted leak, Li Chuan showed an all-powerful spirit of simplifying the complex and making the final decision.

"I think Xie Xiaoqiu has not been leaked at all. First, she doesn't understand architecture at all. She can't understand the drawings. Even if the secret is leaked, she doesn't know what to say; secondly, I have never talked to her about my design ideas, She didn't know what my plan looked like; thirdly, when she came to my room, she only brought a pen and a dictionary. Under my eyes, she didn't steal anything or record anything at all. "These two or three reasons were clear and logical, and they immediately stunned Vice President Zhang Shaohua at the venue. When he argued with Janet later, Li Chuan said, "That's enough, let's break up the meeting, Shaohua and Janette stay!" This concentrated the focus of the conflict to the smallest scope, leaving room for room and making it easier to protect Xiaoqiu. Finally, at the four-person group meeting, Li Chuan said, "I agree with the internal investigation, but oppose judicial intervention!" He immediately pulled Ji Chuan and Shaohua into the ally camp, leaving Janette alone. Someone really worked hard for Xiaoqiu's reputation and career future.

Grandpa Wang terminated the contract with Jiutong and Xiaoqiu faced unemployment. Li Chuan tried every means to persuade Jichuan to let Jiutong handle the advertising business of Maple Spring Bay, and decided to bribe Lisa with a jade gift as a decision-maker. Jichuan said, "You have to pay for the jade." Li Chuan said "OK" without thinking. It was really a generous move. For Xiaoqiu, Li Chuan did everything he could but kept it secret.

Such an excellent, perfect, warm and affectionate Li Chuan is really hard to move.

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