It’s July again this year, the bauhinia has been blooming for 25 years, and the new era has enriched the new practice of “one country, two systems” – thousands of homes in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are filled with warm lights, celebrating the 25th anniversary

2024/05/2707:56:33 entertainment 1884

It’s July again, the bauhinia has been blooming for 25 years, and the new era has enriched the new practice of “ one country, two systems ” - Thousands of homes in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are filled with warm lights, celebrating Hong Kong’s return to the motherland on the 25th On the occasion of the anniversary, as the country engages in new economic development and the country accelerates the historical journey of forming a new pattern of comprehensive opening up to the outside world, the performing arts in the Bay Area usher in new development opportunities.

China Performance Cinemas, which started in Guangzhou and has long been committed to cultural and artistic exchanges and cooperation between Hong Kong and Macao, has just celebrated its 12th birthday. With the words "accumulate strength for a century, the art will sail", it has become the "national team" of performing arts and the "new force of theater". "Responsibility and responsibility. Looking back on this journey, China Performance Cinemas has focused on theater construction and performing arts development in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, continuously promoting exchanges and cooperation between Hong Kong and the mainland in the field of culture and art, and has achieved fruitful results.

It’s July again this year, the bauhinia has been blooming for 25 years, and the new era has enriched the new practice of “one country, two systems” – thousands of homes in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are filled with warm lights, celebrating the 25th anniversary - DayDayNews

China Performance Cinemas is deeply involved in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

The theater community connects the stars in the world

As the "national team" of China's performing arts, China Performance Cinemas was established in 2010 and started in Guangzhou. The first directly-operated theater was among Guangzhou Grand Theater ranked among the top ten opera houses in the world . In the following more than ten years, landmark theatrical performance venues in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area such as the directly-operated theater of China Performance Cinemas, Zhuhai Huafa China Performance Grand Theater , Foshan Grand Theater, and Shenzhen Esplanade Arts Center successively opened. The construction of a theater community is beginning to take shape. The theater brings together outstanding artists, art groups, and art programs to gather art in space and connect hearts with art. The stars are shining, and the stars in the world are connected.

In January 2021, China International Culture Group Co., Ltd., where China Performance Theater Line is located, was transferred as a whole to Bauhinia Culture Group. The integration and development trend with the cultural construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, especially with the cultural and artistic fields of Hong Kong, has further demonstrated its vitality.

The starlight of the theater blends into the lights of thousands of homes

The artistic charm highlights the humanistic spirit of the Bay Area

The theater is a weathervane of urban culture. With the construction of theaters in various places and the rise of theater culture, dramas continue to pour into people's horizons, becoming increasingly popular and gaining more and more fans. Audiences enter the theater to watch performances, receive art education, and participate in art experience activities... At the same time, they gradually have higher spiritual pursuits in addition to artistic experience. They are looking for a spiritual habitat and like-minded friends here. In immersive programs and new performing arts spaces, art has even begun to be integrated into itself, striving to be the "actor".

It’s July again this year, the bauhinia has been blooming for 25 years, and the new era has enriched the new practice of “one country, two systems” – thousands of homes in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are filled with warm lights, celebrating the 25th anniversary - DayDayNews

△Guangzhou Grand Theater

It’s July again this year, the bauhinia has been blooming for 25 years, and the new era has enriched the new practice of “one country, two systems” – thousands of homes in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are filled with warm lights, celebrating the 25th anniversary - DayDayNews

△Foshan Grand Theater

The higher the audience’s expectations, the heavier the theater’s cultural responsibility. Each theater under the China Performance Theater chain is rooted in the city to build an artistic brand, integrating the star of the theater into the lights of thousands of homes, with unswerving determination. Build a palace of urban culture and art and promote the development of night economy in various places. Among them, Guangzhou Grand Theater and Shenzhen Esplanade Arts Center, as the dual flagship theaters of China Performance Cinemas in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, are steadily building brand models for the theater chain, linking directly operated theaters and partners in the Bay Area, and promoting cultural construction in the Bay Area. and cultural exchanges, building an art exhibition and international cultural exchange platform covering the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area urban agglomeration, and building the Greater Bay Area cultural brand project. It has achieved fruitful results in strengthening cultural confidence with artistic charm and shaping the humanistic spirit of the Bay Area.

It’s July again this year, the bauhinia has been blooming for 25 years, and the new era has enriched the new practice of “one country, two systems” – thousands of homes in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are filled with warm lights, celebrating the 25th anniversary - DayDayNews

△Shenzhen Huafa China Performance Theater

It’s July again this year, the bauhinia has been blooming for 25 years, and the new era has enriched the new practice of “one country, two systems” – thousands of homes in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are filled with warm lights, celebrating the 25th anniversary - DayDayNews

△Shenzhen Esplanade Arts Center

He Ying, general manager of Guangzhou Grand Theater, once introduced at the 2021 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Theater Conference: To create core values, Guangzhou Grand Theater has gone through three stages.The first is to introduce a large number of international plays, such as "throwing money to make operas"; the second is to provide a platform for local troupes, and many plays are premiered here; the third is to create our own original plays. In 2018, we created the original opera "Marco· Polo", we have established an original drama studio in the past two years. In 2021, we will produce original plays such as "Mobile Transformation", "Breath", and "Existence and Time 2.0". We will increase our efforts in original development.

Content is king and channels win. While creating the core value of content, China Performance Cinemas is also strengthening channel construction day by day in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The theaters under the China Performance Theater Line, represented by the Guangzhou Grand Theatre, have expressed the hope that more theaters can communicate with each other, deepen their understanding and promote each other, including repertoire, management, personnel and other aspects. Theater construction can be done better!

It’s July again this year, the bauhinia has been blooming for 25 years, and the new era has enriched the new practice of “one country, two systems” – thousands of homes in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are filled with warm lights, celebrating the 25th anniversary - DayDayNews

△On December 6, 2021, the 12th China Guangzhou International Performing Arts Fair "The First Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Theater Conference" was held at the Guangzhou Grand Theater Experimental Theater.

Bauhinia flowers have been blooming for 25 years, accumulating strength for a century.

China Performance Cinemas’ cooperation with Hong Kong has yielded fruitful results.

In the spring and summer of 2022, China Performance Cinemas celebrates its 12th anniversary. It proposes “Building Power for a Century of Art and Navigation” "The theme, as always, adheres to artistic cultivation, emphasizes the unique sense of responsibility and mission of cultural and art institutions, and focuses on the cultural integration and development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. This is a major focus of China Performance Cinemas.

China Performance Cinemas has been opening up channels to promote art exchanges and cooperation between Hong Kong and Macao and the mainland. Under the guidance and support of the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, "China Performance Cinemas" has formulated the "Supporting Hong Kong and Macao Cultural Contents Mainland and Overseas Exchange Plan" for many years since 2018. Through the Silk Road International Theater Alliance operated by it, Through institutional channels such as the Overseas Chinese Cultural Center, outstanding stage art works from Hong Kong and Macao are selected to tour the mainland, participate in national art festivals, and carry out cultural exchanges overseas.

This program has helped Hong Kong and Macao art groups to participate in the "Meet in Beijing" International Arts Festival, China International Youth Arts Week, Silk Road International Arts Festival, Guangzhou Art Festival, China International Choral Festival, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Arts Festival, Asia Art Festival and Yellow River Culture and Art Festival, etc. Not only that, the plan also organizes young people from Hong Kong and Macao to carry out cultural exchanges in the mainland, launches "Cloud Gathering in Hong Kong and Macao" online performances, etc., improves the "visibility" and "visibility" of Hong Kong and Macao art troupes in the mainland and overseas, and promotes the development of Hong Kong and Macao art troupes in the arts. aspects of development.

It’s July again this year, the bauhinia has been blooming for 25 years, and the new era has enriched the new practice of “one country, two systems” – thousands of homes in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are filled with warm lights, celebrating the 25th anniversary - DayDayNews

It’s July again this year, the bauhinia has been blooming for 25 years, and the new era has enriched the new practice of “one country, two systems” – thousands of homes in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are filled with warm lights, celebrating the 25th anniversary - DayDayNews

It’s July again this year, the bauhinia has been blooming for 25 years, and the new era has enriched the new practice of “one country, two systems” – thousands of homes in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are filled with warm lights, celebrating the 25th anniversary - DayDayNews

It’s July again this year, the bauhinia has been blooming for 25 years, and the new era has enriched the new practice of “one country, two systems” – thousands of homes in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are filled with warm lights, celebrating the 25th anniversary - DayDayNews

Through continuous exchanges and cooperation, China Performance Cinemas is committed to creating the "cultural glue" of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, promoting and supporting Hong Kong and Macao arts troupes to integrate into the overall national development, and enhancing the sense of identity and belonging of Hong Kong and Macao youths to the motherland. Strengthen cultural identity and promote the return of people's hearts.

With the enhancement of original production capabilities, the number of original stage art works continues to increase. In 2020, the China Performance Cinemas Brand Strategy Center planned to launch the "China Performances Cinemas New Classic IP Project". After half a year of careful planning, it won the Ma Boyong novel " The stage play copyright of "Fifteen Days in Two Capitals" is being promoted in an orderly manner.

It’s July again this year, the bauhinia has been blooming for 25 years, and the new era has enriched the new practice of “one country, two systems” – thousands of homes in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are filled with warm lights, celebrating the 25th anniversary - DayDayNews

△The stage play "Fifteen Days in Two Beijings" poster

The stage play "Fifteen Days in Two Beijings" project invited the famous Hong Kong director Gao Zhisen and Hong Kong post-90s musician Huang Juncong to collaborate, integrating the fields of Hong Kong movies, stage plays and music The power of talents, the energy and ingenuity of young people, and the integration of "movie-like" creativity. After a year of creation process, the overall packaging was completed in October 2021, with 3 premieres in Beijing and 2 tours in Suzhou. Next, the project will also undergo a revival and a second tour.

It’s July again this year, the bauhinia has been blooming for 25 years, and the new era has enriched the new practice of “one country, two systems” – thousands of homes in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are filled with warm lights, celebrating the 25th anniversary - DayDayNews

△ On October 16, 2021, Hong Kong's " Wen Wei Po " conducted a special report on the stage play "Fifteen Days in Two Beijings".

In 2022, it coincides with the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. Special planning and celebration activities of China Performance Cinemas and its various departments and subsidiaries have been promoted, doubling the artistic care.The 2022 Guangzhou Arts Season planned and launched by the Guangzhou Grand Theater has a section of "Same Voice, Same Play, and Same Heart - Art Exhibition to Celebrate the 225th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return to China". From the beginning of June to the end of October, 11 outstanding performances will be presented in the form of live performances, Performed in the form of cloud screenings, on-site screenings, etc., we use literature and art to build bridges to build a new era and welcome new opportunities.

It’s July again this year, the bauhinia has been blooming for 25 years, and the new era has enriched the new practice of “one country, two systems” – thousands of homes in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are filled with warm lights, celebrating the 25th anniversary - DayDayNews

Shenzhen Esplanade and QQ Music jointly launched the first Sound of Bay Area Youth Piano Music Festival, focusing on young musicians from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, linking the youth of the Bay Area with piano art, promoting cultural exchange and innovation, and creating high-quality New life in the Bay Area.

It’s July again this year, the bauhinia has been blooming for 25 years, and the new era has enriched the new practice of “one country, two systems” – thousands of homes in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are filled with warm lights, celebrating the 25th anniversary - DayDayNews

The Anshan Grand Theater held a large-scale cultural and people-benefiting singing performance called "Always Follow the Party·Constructing a New Era" to welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and celebrate the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland.

It’s July again this year, the bauhinia has been blooming for 25 years, and the new era has enriched the new practice of “one country, two systems” – thousands of homes in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are filled with warm lights, celebrating the 25th anniversary - DayDayNews

△Anshan Grand Theater held the "Always Follow the Party·Constructing a New Era" large-scale cultural and people-benefiting music concert

Bauhinia flowers have been blooming for 25 years, accumulating strength for the first century in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and the fruitful results of China Performance Theater's cooperation with Hong Kong are exuding With the fragrance of art, more cooperation and exchanges are still brewing, landing, growing, and bearing fruit non-stop. In the future, China Performance Cinemas will continue to deepen its efforts in theater operations and the development of the performing arts industry in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, continuously improve the strength of the platform, create a model for the high-quality development of cultural and art institutions, and outpace the "acceleration" of cultural integration and development in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. ", forge ahead on a new journey.

Guanlan in the Bay Area, the sound of the tide remains the same. The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is gathering the giant waves of the times in the midst of deep integration, heading towards a brighter future with endless splendor. China Performance Cinemas will also continue to work hard on the development of performing arts in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and continue to work hard in cultural and artistic exchanges and cooperation with Hong Kong and other countries!

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