It’s really unexpected. Eason Chan is 48 years old this year. The recently popular "Lonely Warrior" surprised him. He shot a video of himself in the morning, noon, afternoon and night, whenever he needed to take a rest. I heard someone next door playing his song "Fight? Fight! Wi

2024/05/2614:13:32 entertainment 1989

is really unexpected.

Eason Chan is 48 years old this year.

The recently popular " Lonely Warrior " surprised him~

He shot a video~

The video is of himself in the morning, noon, afternoon, and night, whenever he needs to take a rest.

I heard someone next door playing his song

" Do you want to fight? Fight! With the humblest dream. To the sobbing and roaring in the dark night "

looked like he couldn't sleep even if he wanted to, and finally collapsed~

Do you want to Parents with children at home! Hahahaha [face covering]

It’s really unexpected. Eason Chan is 48 years old this year. The recently popular

used to be popular among people born in the 1980s and 1990s, but now children born in the 1980s and 1990s have fallen in love with his "Lonely Warrior"

Haha, favorite singers can also be passed down.

The songs you like are magical.

It’s really unexpected. Eason Chan is 48 years old this year. The recently popular

Also, the children love this song and are very supportive!

At least the lyrics of this song are good, and the melody is also very magical~

Even Eason Chan was shocked after hearing it sung by so many people~haha

Speaking of Eason Chan, he is really excellent~

It’s really unexpected. Eason Chan is 48 years old this year. The recently popular

Eason Chan was born in Hong Kong, China, and his ancestral home is Guangdong Dongguan City, Province.

He is not only a Chinese pop male singer, but also an actor.

Many song albums have received many awards, both at home and abroad!

It’s really unexpected. Eason Chan is 48 years old this year. The recently popular

is also an excellent lyricist and composer.

He can write a good song for his baby daughter and give it to her~

Moreover, Eason Chan also received an honorary doctorate in music from Kingston University in the UK~

He himself said: Although he did not know that there is a doctorate in music. But it made him feel a sense of accomplishment~

I really didn’t expect the popularity of “The Lonely Warrior”.

It’s really unexpected. Eason Chan is 48 years old this year. The recently popular

But some netizens said:

The main reason is the good lyrics and the good melody~

Also because of the epidemic, many doctors and nurses on the war will play this song, and many promotional videos of anti-drug heroes will also play this song as background music.

As soon as I heard this song, I felt full of power, and I felt like I wanted to fight for it ~

The lyrics and melody are really magical ~

It’s really unexpected. Eason Chan is 48 years old this year. The recently popular

And the tone is not very high or very low, which is just right for everyone to sing In the form~

some netizens found that in many dental or hairdressing places, the song "The Lonely Brave" is played when the children can't sit still and don't have the courage. The effect of

is immediate! Haha [applause]

includes Eason Chan's " ten years of ". Is it the song that the parents of these children also followed when they were young?

will almost always sing a song during karaoke~

Therefore, children’s love is irresistible~

It’s not a bad thing if he can sing a popular song~

Haha, it’s just so popular

It’s really unexpected. Eason Chan is 48 years old this year. The recently popular

almost has a single It has been hummed many times by children ~

I hope Eason Chan will release a good song again, a good song that everyone can sing ~

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