He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as "Toward the North", "The Moon Is Secretly Crying", "Like You", "Torch", "Homeland", "My Home on the Plateau", "Gelsang Flowers in the Sky", etc. All the rage.

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He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

He Jing and her daughter

He Jing was once a smash hit singer. She sang "To the North", " The Moon Is Secretly Crying ", "Like You", "Torch", "Homeland", "Plateau My Home", " The End of the Sky" Popular songs such as "Gelsanghua " became very popular.

He Jing's love journey has been bumpy, and he has experienced two failed marriages full of pain. In 2002, He Jing remarried to singer and businessman Zhu Xiaodong , and they had a daughter, He Yanlin.

Media reported that He Jing and Zhu Xiaodong married into a wealthy family. However, He Jing's real married life is full of scars and shocking.

In 2008, He Jing divorced Zhu Xiaodong, and her daughter lived with her. Now that they have been divorced for 14 years, what is the life destiny of He Jing and Zhu Xiaodong?


He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

As early as 1993, He Jing became popular across the country for singing the hit song "To the North". The lyricist of this song is Song Xiaoming, and the composer is Sun Chuan. It is a masterpiece praising Beidahuang.

In 2001, He Jing released the album "The Moon Cries Secretly", in which the title song of the same name was widely sung. From the 1990s to 2010, He Jing was very popular in the music industry.

He Jing's career had no setbacks, but there were tears in the emotional vicissitudes. When she was still a minor, her parents divorced due to personality differences. Later she experienced two failed marriages. He Jing is young, but her heart is full of vicissitudes of life.

Today, "Celebrity Fine Pin" is here to show you a true three-dimensional He Jing who has experienced emotional pain and is unyielding...

He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

He Jing

He Jing was originally from Shandong and was born in Beijing on August 22, 1973. His father is An electronic engineer, he came to Beijing from Shandong to study when he was 20 years old. He Jing's mother is from Beijing and is also an intellectual woman. He Jing also has a younger sister.

He Jing's father has a bad temper and is very strict with his daughter. He Jing has been rebellious since she was a child. Because her father was too strict, He Jing was very introverted. She seldom spoke at home and used singing as a channel for her to vent her anger.

He Jing's mother also has a strong personality. Due to their inconsistent personalities, her parents often quarreled at home.

The parents fell in love with each other and gave birth to two daughters, but their relationship was difficult to integrate. Growing up in such a discordant family environment, He Jing felt very miserable. She longed for a warm home at a young age.

In 1988, after graduating from junior high school, He Jing was admitted to the Beijing Tourism School to study Japanese. The school is a technical secondary school, but it is easy to find jobs. Most of its graduates work as tour guides in major travel agencies in Beijing.

He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

He Jing and her sister He Ying (left)

Because she liked singing, He Jing was admitted to the Beijing Working People's Cultural Palace during her schooling and became an amateur singer.

After training, He Jing was able to read music scores. After getting a copy of the music score, she could sing the song in 10 minutes.

In 1989, when He Jing was 16 years old, her parents divorced due to personality differences. Although my parents have always been noisy, I finally have a family.

Now that her parents have broken up, He Jing feels like a lonely swallow. Her home has been destroyed by naughty children. She doesn't know where to find another home?

He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

He Jing

As early as when her parents were divorcing, He Jing had begged her parents, hoping that they would not separate for the sake of herself and her sister.

Father said: Your mother and I are becoming increasingly disharmonious. Living together again will be harmful to the whole family.

My mother also said: It's good to separate, everyone is relieved, and each other feels at ease. On the day her parents completed the divorce procedures, He Jing stood in front of the school and cried for a long time. She felt that the sun was dark that day.


In the spring of 1990, when He Jing was about to graduate, she met the composer Gao Dalin .

He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

Gao Dalin

Gao Dalin was born in Harbin in 1962, 11 years older than He Jing. Gao Dalin is a musical talent, his father Gao Yang is a famous composer, and his mother is a singer.

Gao Dalin started learning piano and violin at the age of 4, and could compose music at the age of 14. In 1977, 15-year-old Gao Dalin was admitted to the Middle School Affiliated to the Central Conservatory of Music.After graduation, he joined the China Central Orchestra as a bassist and composer.

Gao Dalin was full of musical talent, and He Jing looked at him with admiration in his eyes. In addition, He Jing's parents had just divorced, and she was emotionally lonely, so she became deeply attached to Gao Dalin.

Gao Dalin was mature and steady, and brought He Jing a new feeling in life and music, and soon the two fell in love. He Jing admired Gao Dalin very much and always called him Teacher Gao.

He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

He Jing and her mother

In 1991, He Jing proposed marriage to Gao Dalin. Growing up in a war-torn family, He Jing felt insecure and longed for Gao Dalin's love.

In March of this year, He Jing and Gao Dalin went through the marriage procedures in Beijing.

Before getting married, He Jing told her mother, but did not tell her father. He's mother is unhappy in her marriage and hopes He Jing can live a good life. She made a request to Gao Dalin: Marriage is very trivial, and it also faces temptation. You must treat my daughter well in the future. It has not been easy for her since she was a child.

Gao Dalin replied: I will take good care of He Jing in this life.

However, Gao Dalin quickly broke his promise. Because of the intervention of a Taiwanese female singer named Qian Baihui, Gao Dalin and He Jing's marriage changed.

He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

Qian Baihui

Not long after his marriage, Gao Dalin met Taiwanese female singer Qian Baihui during a performance. Qian Baihui, formerly known as Zhong Lanrui, was born in Taiwan, China in 1963 from a poor family. She has an older brother, a younger brother, and a younger sister. The family of five relies on her parents to work part-time jobs to support themselves.

Qian Baihui went to a karaoke bar to support her family by singing in high school. In the 1980s, Qian Baihui became popular in Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Mainland due to her singing of songs such as " Walking Through the Coffee House " and "When I Miss You", thus changing the destiny of herself and her family.

After meeting Gao Dalin, Qian Baihui was attracted by his handsome appearance and outstanding talent, and took the initiative to express her love to him.

Gao Dalin felt that he was a married man and declined. Qian Baihui was very persistent in love and came to Beijing from Taiwan several times to visit Gao Dalin.

He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

Qian Baihui and Gao Dalin

Qian Baihui is young, beautiful, famous, and has quite favorable economic conditions. Gao Dalin couldn't resist her temptations and fell in love with Qian Baihui.

Later, Gao Dalin filed for divorce from He Jing. He did not hide the real reason and spoke frankly about his love with Qian Baihui.

He Jing was immersed in happiness. For Gao Dalin, she gave up her job, washed and cooked at home every day, and took good care of Gao Dalin. Unexpectedly, she would be abandoned.

Although He Jing loves Gao Dalin, she is a self-respecting and self-respecting woman and does not want to kneel down and beg for charity from the other party.

In June 1991, He Jing divorced Gao Dalin after just three months of marriage.

He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

He Jing

Qian Baihui's intervention led to He Jing's divorce, which caused a huge sensation at the time. In order to attract attention, a tabloid published an article like this: "200,000 yuan plus a Xiali solves the problem."

In fact, He Jing did not receive 200,000 yuan and a Xiali car when she divorced Gao Dalin. This is purely a rumor. Some readers did not know the truth and said that He Jing was greedy for money and exchanged marriage for property.

At that time, He Jing had no say and no channel to refute the rumors, so the rumors seemed to become truth.

Not long ago, Gao Dalin said in an interview with the media that he had never been married. This made He Jing's heart completely cold and broken into pieces.


After the divorce, He Jing had no income, and some of her previous friends also left her. Some performance companies were misled by the media and felt that He Jing was greedy for money and no longer invited He Jing to sing on stage.

He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

He Jing

In order to support herself, He Jing buried the pain of divorce in her heart and went to the karaoke bar to sing. At the same time, she also went to the Central Conservatory of Music to improve her musical literacy.

With the release of songs such as "Toward the North" and "Like You", He Jing began to become popular in the music industry.

In the past few years, He Jing also starred in TV series such as "Zhan Dian's Wife" and "Paradise Next Door". In "Paradise Next Door", the 6 songs performed by He Jing were all composed by herself.

After the release of the album "Heaven, Earth, Love and People" directed, produced and sung by He Jing in 1997, it was very popular among fans.

The following year, He Jing joined China Coal Mine Art Troupe and became a signed singer of Huang Xiaomao Popular Company.

He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

He Jing and Fang Jiwei

In 1999, He Jing was 26 years old and still single. Although her parents were divorced, He Jing was worried about her personal problems and rushed to get married whenever she had the chance.

He Jing longs for a beautiful love and marriage, but where can she find a man who makes her heart beat?

The appearance of Zhu Xiaodong became another life disaster in He Jing's fate. Zhu Xiaodong was born in Jilin in the 1960s. He was a singer and later went into business.

According to media reports, Zhu Xiaodong was the original singer of the song "Tears Behind Bars". At that time, he received a generous royalty and earned the first pot of gold in his life.

He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

Zhu Xiaodong

How did He Jing and Zhu Xiaodong meet and fall in love? At that time, a well-known national media published a long article of more than 5,000 words. The author claimed to be a friend of He Jing and his wife and interviewed the person involved. The

article describes in detail how He Jing and Zhu Xiaodong met and fell in love. According to the article, He Jing met Zhu Xiaodong in the autumn of 1995 under the introduction of a friend, and Zhu Xiaodong subsequently pursued He Jing.

Zhu Xiaodong was born in Jilin in 1964, 9 years older than He Jing. He is only 1.66 meters tall, about the same height as He Jing, and not handsome in appearance.

He Jing did not like him, but Zhu Xiaodong was very persistent in his pursuit of He Jing. While He Jing was recording songs in the recording studio, Zhu Xiaodong bought midnight snacks and stood outside in the cold wind, waiting for two hours.

He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

He Jing and Zhu Xiaodong

Half out of emotion and half out of love, He Jing and Zhu Xiaodong established a romantic relationship in 1996.

He Jing and Zhu Xiaodong had a sweet time. He taught He Jing how to drive, and He Jing successfully obtained his driver's license. After obtaining the driver's license, Zhu Xiaodong bought a Suzuki Jeep for He Jing.

However, as the relationship deepened, He Jing discovered that Zhu Xiaodong had a very paranoid personality and asked to break up with him. Zhu Xiaodong disagreed and actually took sleeping pills to put pressure on He Jing.

Fortunately, He Jing sent him to the hospital in time. After more than 4 hours of rescue, Zhu Xiaodong saved his life. After experiencing this life-and-death shock, He Jing and Zhu Xiaodong broke up.


He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

He Jing

Soon Zhu Xiaodong went to Macau to gamble and owed a large debt. Later, this behavior completely overturned his life.

In 1998, a friend invited He Jing to dinner. When she rushed over, she found that Zhu Xiaodong was also there. It turns out that Zhu Xiaodong couldn't let go of He Jing and began to pursue her again. This dinner was arranged by him.

He Jing did not accept Zhu Xiaodong's love, and she avoided this man from then on. In 2001, He Jing released the album "The Moon Cries Secretly". She invested a lot of money to record this album. Some of the money was remuneration for her performances, and some of it was borrowed by He Jing from friends.

One day, Zhu Xiaodong suddenly came to the recording studio and gave He Jing 50,000 yuan. This was really timely help, and she accepted it, saying that she was borrowing it from Zhu Xiaodong and would return it to him later.

He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

He Jing and Zhu Xiaodong

Zhu Xiaodong did not answer the call and left after a while. Two months later, He Jing suddenly learned from a friend that Zhu Xiaodong was robbed by gangsters while parking in the parking lot. He was stabbed in the leg more than 10 times and was being rescued in the hospital.

He Jing rushed to the hospital to visit Zhu Xiaodong. He was in a coma due to excessive blood loss. He Jing shed tears.

After Zhu Xiaodong woke up, his first words were to He Jing: I love you! He Jing grabbed Zhu Xiaodong's hand and accepted his feelings with tears.

In October 2002, He Jing and Zhu Xiaodong registered their marriage in Beijing. The following year, He Jing gave birth to her daughter He Yanlin.

He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

After He Jing and her daughter

became mothers, He Jing withdrew from the music scene and devoted herself to raising her husband and children at home. According to media reports at the time: He Jing married into a wealthy family, lived in a mansion and drove a luxury car. Some media descriptions: Every morning when He Jing gets up, she sits in front of the floor-to-ceiling window at home, drinking milk and enjoying the bright eyes.

But at that time, some readers asked: What is the name of Zhu Xiaodong’s company? What business are you engaged in? How come the media never reported it? And Zhu Xiaodong and He Jing never mentioned it.

What outsiders don’t know is that after marrying Zhu Xiaodong, He Jing’s nightmare also began.

Zhu Xiaodong does not have a physical company, he plays karate, and he goes around swindling money in the name of He Jing. In order to successfully swindle money, he brought He Jing with him when discussing business and said: My wife is a big singer, don't you still believe me?

He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

He Jing

He Jing still remembers that when Zhu Xiaodong took out a loan to buy a Mercedes-Benz car, he forced her to sign. He Jing had never driven this car, so Zhu Xiaodong resold it and paid off the debt to a friend.

Later, the media accused He Jing of not paying back the debt, and she had a hard time defending it. He Jing still doesn't know how much money Zhu Xiaodong defrauded her! All this money was used by him to pay off his gambling debts.

Moreover, Zhu Xiaodong was suspicious by nature and regarded He Jing as private property. He prohibited He Jing from interacting with the opposite sex. He Jing received a call from the opposite sex at home, and Zhu Xiaodong was about to ask who the other person was. Sometimes he would call and warn the other party not to contact He Jing again.


What made He Jing even more horrified was that one day He Jing accidentally found a bug under the bed, which made He Jing's scalp numb.

He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

He Jing and her daughter are doing programs on the TV station

Living with Zhu Xiaodong is too scary! Only then did He Jing know that the Xiangjiang Garden Villa where she lived was rented by Zhu Xiaodong, and that He Jing paid for the more than 1 million yuan in renovation costs.

Zhu Xiaodong also mortgaged He Jing's sister's house to the bank on the pretext of financial constraints. As a result, Zhu Xiaodong could not repay the debt owed to the bank, and He Jing's sister's house was auctioned by the bank at a low price of 200,000.

He Jing's sister's family has no house to live in and is renting houses everywhere. He Jing was very sad and felt that she had dragged her sister down. She shed tears when she talked about it.

Those who do too much injustice will be punished by death. In 2007, Zhu Xiaodong defrauded a Beijing university out of 47 million yuan under the guise of cooperating with him in running a school.

One day in 2007, Zhu Xiaodong was suddenly taken away by the Beijing police at home. The police went around collecting debts, but Zhu Xiaodong spent all the 47 million yuan defrauded.

He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

He Jing

What shocked He Jing even more was that Zhu Xiaodong was sued by the People's Court of Daxing District, Beijing, for failing to repay his debts. Moreover, the Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People's Court is currently hearing another dispute involving Zhu Xiaodong's debt of tens of millions of yuan.

He Jing's scalp was numb: How much money did this man cheat him behind his back? Apart from paying off gambling debts, what did he do with the money?

In November 2007, The Second Intermediate People's Court of Beijing found Zhu Xiaodong guilty of contract fraud and fraud, and sentenced him to life imprisonment, deprived of political rights, for life, and confiscated all personal property.

Marrying Zhu Xiaodong is a shame and a nightmare. In January 2008, He Jingjue and Zhu Xiaodong went through the divorce procedures, and her daughter lived with her.

He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

He Jing and her daughter

In this failed marriage, He Qing not only gained a daughter, but also gained a lot of pain, which became a disaster in life.

After the divorce, the landlord took away the villa, and He Jing took her daughter to rent houses everywhere. In order to support herself and her daughter, He Jing began to make a comeback.

Because He Jing had not performed on stage for many years, He Jing lost the influence she had at that time. The initial performance was only 2,000 yuan. In order to earn more money, He Jing also sang in a karaoke bar.

In 2010, a friend of Zhu Xiaodong came to He Jing and said that the other party owed him 760,000 yuan and asked He Jing to pay it back on behalf of her ex-husband.

He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

He Yanlin and her grandmother

He Jing's daughter, He Yanlin, changed her surname to "He" from her mother after her parents divorced. When she learned that she had such a father, the little girl was often so sad that she cried at home.

Her daughter is growing up day by day. In order to preserve her self-esteem, He Jing decides to pay off her friend's debt for her ex-husband.

In 2011, He Jing sold her mother's small house and returned 760,000 yuan to Zhu Xiaodong's friends.

When my daughter came back from school that day, she choked with sobs and said to He Jing: Mom, thank you. He Jing cried.

She knew that what Zhu Xiaodong did had also caused great harm to her daughter. As a mother, she had to minimize the harm to her daughter for the rest of her life.


He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

He Jing

In this year, He Jing's single "Gelsang Flowers in the Sky" was deeply loved by fans. Her album "Quiet Selection" also caused quite a stir in the music industry.

What happened to He Jing made her mother heartbroken. When she went out to perform, her mother took care of her daughter for her. In order not to hurt He Yanlin's heart, He Jing's sister never said anything wrong about Zhu Xiaodong in front of her. Everyone was protecting He Yanlin's self-esteem.

2016 He Jing relied on her own hard work for many years to live a dignified life with her daughter. The mother and daughter have a home in Beijing. Although the house is not big, there is no shortage of love at home.

In 2017, He Jing was 44 years old. After two failed marriages, she no longer had extravagant hopes for relationships. But her mother couldn't see He Jing being single and always wanted her to start a family again.

He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

He Jing and her daughter

However, a middle-aged woman who has been divorced twice and has a daughter is more likely to be chosen. It was not easy for He Jing to find a satisfactory remarriage partner, so she fell out of bed every year.

In June 2022, He Jing was 49 years old and her daughter was in college. Today she is still single and dependent on her daughter.

So what is Zhu Xiaodong and He Jing’s life situation like after their divorce?

It turned out that on the day of the trial, Zhu Xiaodong's father passed away. He did not attend the court and went home to attend the funeral. He has full authority to entrust lawyers to handle relevant matters.

Zhu Xiaodong's lawyer was eloquent, saying that Zhu Xiaodong was once a singer and had done charity work, and hoped that the court could reduce his punishment.

He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

He Jing and Zhu Xiaodong

However, the collegial court believed that Zhu Xiaodong’s identity as a singer has nothing to do with this case. Zhu Xiaodong's pleading attitude was also not good, and the amount of money involved in the case was huge, causing huge losses to relevant units. The court sentenced him to life imprisonment.

After being imprisoned, Zhu Xiaodong shed tears of regret, but it was too late for any regrets. Why bother with today? Zhu Xiaodong should also think about how many people he has brought harm and pain to! Everything he has today is caused by the poison he planted.

Zhu Xiaodong will spend the rest of his life behind high walls. After her daughter entered middle school, He Jing allowed her daughter to visit her father. Every time He Jing sent her daughter there and she waited outside.

After meeting her daughter, she took her daughter home. He Yanlin is a smart and sensible girl. Although she is sad about her father's situation, she knows that her father's situation is all her own fault. She can look at this problem rationally.

He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

He Jing was once a smash hit singer, singing such popular songs as

He Jing

More than 30 years ago, Zhu Xiaodong once sang "Tears Behind Bars", and now he sings "Tears behind Bars" again inside the high wall. He was a free singer back then, but now he is a prisoner who has lost his freedom. What kind of life experience does this gap in life bring to Zhu Xiaodong?

He Jing and Zhu Xiaodong divorced 14 years ago. She has always been single and struggled to raise her daughter.

Zhu Xiaodong is behind bars and will spend the rest of his life behind bars!


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