As the countdown sounded, Shanshan, who was in the audience, waved happily to Zhan Yushen. Zhan Yushen responded with an almost teasing smile, because he saw all the staff angrily hushed at her. gesture, the show was about to start, and this kind of live broadcast program did not

2024/05/2419:22:38 entertainment 1818

Childhood sweetheart

As the countdown sounded, Shanshan, who was in the audience, waved happily to Zhan Yushen. Zhan Yushen responded with an almost teasing smile, because he saw all the staff angrily hushed at her. gesture, the show was about to start, and this kind of live broadcast program did not - DayDayNews

Male protagonist: Zhan Yushen

Female protagonist: Zuo Shanshan

"Little brother, you have to work hard!"

As the countdown sounded, Shanshan, who was in the audience, happily faced Zhan Yu Shen waved, and Zhan Yushen responded with an almost teasing smile, because he saw all the staff angrily making silent gestures to her. The show was about to start, and this kind of live broadcast program did not allow her to make sudden noises. .

Shanshan shut his mouth obediently. When he saw Zhan Yushen in the player's seat with an expression that was half-smiling but not smiling, Shanshan stuck out his tongue in embarrassment and showed a cute and silly smile.

With the accompaniment of the band, the show started grandly. Zhan Yushen did not feel any nervousness at all. He ignored the two live hosts who introduced each other with a barrage of greetings as soon as they came on the stage. He spoke to Shanshan as if he was staying out of the incident. A secret code, a secret sign asking her to behave.

Shanshan wrinkled her little nose, and quickly sat upright, assuming what she thought was the most well-behaved posture. Little did she know that all the little moves between the two of them were clearly captured by the camera, and the audiences of the two countries who were watching in front of the TV Everyone could see it clearly, and the audience at the scene also saw this admiration through the broadcast on the live TV wall. In an instant, the whole room burst into laughter, and even the host could not avoid it.

Since everyone’s eyes were on the youngest contestant, the host would not miss this opportunity to interview. On the spot, the two people gathered around Zhan Yu cautiously, talking in a hurry. A series of visits.

"As the youngest contestant, are you under a lot of pressure?", "Are you confident?", "Why do you want to participate in this competition?" Questions like these, the two hosts performed their duties well. The most detailed interview.

It’s just that, as if against each other, Zhan Yushen’s Qingjun’s face showed no special reaction, let alone answering questions. Compared with the enthusiastic faces of the two hosts, Zhan Yushen looked at the two hosts. His expression looked cold... No, it was as if he didn't want to pay attention.

The scene was awkward for a second, but fortunately the two hosts were experienced and quickly changed the topic. And, luckily, they turned to something that Zhan Yushen would definitely talk about this time - "Now let's listen What did my sister say?" The two hosts attracted Shanshan and took away everyone's attention from Zhan Yushen.

Shanshan jumped onto the stage, but walked directly to Zhan Yushen.

"I heard that our little contestant Yu Shen signed up to participate because of her younger sister." The host is very knowledgeable and even researched the reasons why the contestants participated, but their research was a little lacking.

"She is not my sister." Zhan Yushen corrected unexpectedly.

"Huh?" It was really difficult for the host to continue talking. Even Zuo Zi and Lin Yueyao in the audience were stunned. They really didn't understand why Yu Shen would say such things.

Just before the scene became embarrassing, Shanshan came to the rescue of the two hosts. She smiled extremely brightly and sweetly explained to the two hosts, "I am not a sister, I am my little brother's bride." "La!"

's innocent comment caused a huge "laughing" effect, and the scene burst into uncontrollable laughter. Lin Yueyao and Zuo Ping even smiled tacitly at each other. The host also smiled at this answer.

Zhan Yushen glared at Shanshan reproachfully, and everyone could see clearly in that look, as if he was complaining about Shanshan leaking their secrets. There was still a slight blush on his beautiful face, so Fu's embarrassment makes people find it even more funny, and they also sincerely fall in love with this cute pair of childhood sweethearts.

"It turns out that our young contestant Yushen brought his young fiancée to cheer." Host A teased Zhan Yushen.

"Then let's ask Yushen's little fiancée to give her a kiss of blessing and wish Yushen success." Host B yelled.

"No!" Shanshan refused loudly.

's loud and resounding rejection made the two hosts stunned for a moment.When Shanshan saw that everyone was quiet, she explained to the host seriously!

"I have to wait until my little brother gets the big trophy before I can kiss him." This is the procedure her mother taught her! Shanshan gave her mother the face to tell her the reason for her refusal.

"Huh?" The two hosts were stunned again, and then they laughed unceremoniously like the audience.

Shanshan ignored those people and looked at Zhan Yu seriously while laughing. Shen explained, "Brother, you must win! You can't lie to Shanshan."

Zhan Yushen didn't say anything, maybe because he felt a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say, so he just touched her head soothingly 

Shanshan smiled, knowing that this was her little brother's promise to her. She was waiting to go back and show off to Dabao Amao and the others!

Although she just said that she would wait until he is weak before kissing him, this is just Lin Yueyao's explanation after all. Obviously Shanshan is more inclined to the host's suggestion. She can see that her hands have already autonomously pulled down Zhan Yushen's. neck, and then kissed him hard on the lips, and added in a soft and sweet childish voice: "Come on!"

What a, what, what a cute little girl! After seeing Shanshan Tongzhi's innocent actions, every audience member couldn't help but admire in their hearts.

After Shanshan finished doing what she had always wanted to do, she walked back to her seat with her short legs, where Zuo Ping and Lin Yueyao were waiting for her, and they could see that their expressions were a bit scary. She looked proud. After all, it was not easy to give birth to such an enviable daughter.

After Shanshan arranged the flowers and everyone finished laughing, the program started again.

Both sides introduced the referees and contestants via satellite connection, and the prize money of up to 100,000 US dollars cannot be ignored. Finally, of course, they introduced the most interesting figure in this game──Zang Yuan Shinyan!

When the other host was interviewing him, the smiling boy suddenly asked into the microphone: "If I win, can the little girl just now be the prize?"

Through translation, everyone read from the subtitles Understanding what Kurahara Shinhiko said was just like understanding everything that happened from the pictures from Japan.

The Japanese host was stunned by the question, and quickly threw the hot potato to the Taiwanese host, asking them to ask what Taiwan meant.

Although the two hosts in Taiwan could not turn around and read the translated subtitles on the TV wall behind them, there was no language problem after the two hosts simultaneously translated from transmitted through the headphones, and their faces remained calm. He smiled, but in fact he had secretly scolded the other host dozens of times. It could be said that he was extremely unhappy. How do they handle a problem like


The two hosts are still smiling, their brains are almost exhausted and they can't think of an answer. They have never regretted it like they do now. How could they accept such a difficult program?

"Don't even think about it."

The sudden appearance of Japanese words made everyone stunned, especially the translators who were waiting for translation. Their brains were almost in knots as they waited for translation. Why did it appear in Taiwan? Japanese ?

The camera freezes on Zhan Yushen's calm and cold face.

"Hey, what did you say?" Zang Yuan Xinyan asked with a challenge on his naughty face.

Zhan Yushen snorted coldly, not even bothering to pay attention to him.

"Don't speak?" A pair of big wafer eyes turned in a circle, and Kurohara Shinhiko smiled mischievously, "That means you agreed. If I win, the little girl will be mine."

Slowly, Zhan Yushen turned his head and looked steadily at the camera during the broadcast. Through the transmission, the image of him squinting at his opponent was clearly conveyed to the TV wall in Japan.

"It's yours?" Zhan Yushen snorted mockingly with perfect Japanese pronunciation, "Just wait."

"Anyway, it's settled." Kurahara Shinyan didn't care about Zhan Yushen. He came to a conclusion without thinking.

Through the processing of screen splitting, the two eldest children on the screen are looking at each other from one side, which has the meaning of "sentimental swordsmen confronting each other for love".This development was completely unexpected, and all the viewers were excited. As for the four hosts who were located in two places, they were miserable. How could they continue with this?

"Uh... let's explain the rules now..." Someone finally spoke. Although it was a bit harsh, it changed the topic at least. After

briefly explained the rules of the competition, this somewhat fierce competition finally began... The first problem is an irregular three-dimensional figure composed of many small squares, and all players must combine these many irregular shapes. Regular three-dimensional wooden blocks are assembled into a complete large square.

As soon as the whistle sounded, all the contestants started to act in unison, except for two people. These two people were the big kids who attracted attention from the beginning, Kurahara Shinhiko and Zhan Yushen!

Compared with the hectic pace of other contestants, Kurahara Shinhiko’s movements can be said to be slow and orderly. Just watch him look at a pile of wooden blocks, then select a benchmark point, look again, and pick out the wooden block connecting this benchmark, and so on. Although his movements are slow, but Every time one is picked out, another one is put together.

As for Zhan Yushen, his movements were even slower. Kurahara Shinhiko had already worked almost half of the battle. He kept looking at the wooden blocks on the table from a distance... "Mommy, why are you so small?" Does my brother say strange things?" Shanshan was more curious about this question than the battle situation.

Zuo Ping and Lin Yueyao, who were watching from the sidelines, were anxious. After all, the little girl who was inexplicably used as a gambling code was their daughter.

"Because my little brother's mother is Japanese."

Lin Yueyao explained distractedly, and Zhan Yushen finally started to pick up the wooden blocks on the table.

"Why?" Shanshan asked again when Zhan Yushen was piecing together the wooden blocks piece by piece with an unstoppable posture.

In Zhan Yushen's uninterrupted piecing together, the prototype of the square was already in place, Zangyuan Xinyan glanced at Zhan Yushen, frowned and moved faster. Unfortunately, a complete and beautiful square appeared on Zhan Yushen's desktop.

Zhan Yushen's performance can be said to be a big hit. Under the applause of the audience, Lin Yueyao hugged Zuo Ping and screamed and jumped. Shanshan pulled her clothes and asked again, "Mom." "Hey, why is my little brother's mother Japanese?"

Lin Yueyao smiled happily. Now she is more interested in thinking about those old things.

"That was a long time ago..."

Chapter 4 As Lin Yueyao said, that was a long time ago.

It’s a long story. A few years later, when Shanshan was big enough to understand the whole story, Zhan Yushen had his grandmother take him back to Japan.

If she had known that one game would change everything, she would have stopped him from participating in that game. To this day, Shanshan, who is about to turn eighteen, is still deeply upset.

No one expected that this fiercely competitive IQ test competition would attract Zhan Yushen’s maternal relatives. Although they were not busy fighting for Zhan Yushen’s custody rights as soon as they appeared, after three years of involvement, that One year, when Shanshan was eight years old, Zhan Yushen was taken away.

It has been almost ten years now. Relying on letters and phone calls, these two childhood sweethearts who have rarely been apart since childhood have been separated for ten years. Just like the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, they can only be together on her birthday every year. See you before.

Alas... Staring at the gray sky outside the window, Zuo Shanshan fell into inexplicable emotions, his mind was empty, and he didn't know how to reply to the letter numbered 578.

From a distance, Dong Yufei saw that her most peaceful friend was in a daze. She lowered her thick black-rimmed glasses on her nose and a wicked smile appeared on her face. She watched her tiptoeing around. Approaching, he grabbed the letter spread out on the table... "Dear little brother, colon, it has been nine years and eight months since you were taken to Japan, period, how are you? Question mark , I'm fine..." Dong Yufei read the contents of the letter very loudly, and even the punctuation marks were not missed.

"Feifei, return the letter to me." Shan Shan was furious.

"Zuo, please, please, how come your letters have remained the same for decades, each time starting with "Dear little brother", then writing the date you separated, and then ending with "How are you?", "I'm fine." This nonsense? " Dong Yufei couldn't bear it and rolled her eyes.

Ever since the two strangers became friends because they shared a dormitory, Dong Yufei had seen a letter with similar content in a week, and she could recite it by heart.

"I didn't ask you to read it. Return the letter to me." Shanshan stretched out his hand to ask for the letter.

Dong Yufei shrugged and crumpled the letter paper into a ball without saying a word. A beautiful parabola was raised, and then the paper ball was thrown into the trash can.

"Why are you like this?" Shanshan stamped his feet.

"Zuo, I'm doing this for your own good. I can hardly stand watching this kind of content. How can your little brother stand it?"

Dong Yufei's righteous and awe-inspiring appearance can be said to be impassioned.

"You..." Shan Shan was speechless.

"What am I?" Dong Yufei asked coolly.

Shanshan is speechless.

She knew that Dong Yufei would not harm her.

In the class, although Dong Yufei, who is full of ghosts and ghosts, is regarded as a eccentric and lonely person, and a pair of thick black-rimmed glasses is more like isolating herself from the crowd, this indifference of isolating herself has never been Being kind to Zuo Shanshan has no effect on her 

Ever since the two got acquainted, Dong Yufei has been kind to her. This kind of thing doesn't need to be said explicitly, it can be understood by just understanding it by heart. In addition, because they are in the same dormitory, Shanshan knows how much she cares about her. Why is

so special to Zuo Shanshan? Dong Yufei himself had thought about this issue. Such differential treatment is a bit unreasonable, isn't it? But she racked her brains and couldn't figure out why.

Even Dong Yufei himself couldn't figure it out, let alone Shan Shan who was heartless. Of course, Shanshan didn't know that Dong Yufei finally found out the answer.

This answer... is amazing! No one would have thought that someone like Dong Yufei, who thinks differently than ordinary people, would classify the answer as the most traditional fatalism! fate!

Who makes her feel that Zuo Shanshan is very pleasing to her eyes when she first sees her? This is fate! Dong Yufei is so self-deprecating

Until now, in the third year of junior high school, during the three years of student life in the same dormitory, Shanshan has long regarded Dong Yufei as her biological sister, and whenever the two have different opinions, , although the chance is very small, if it does happen, most of the time, Shanshan will listen to Dong Yufei's words.

"Zuo, let me tell you, you can't do this." Dong Yufei pointed out directly, "What do you think of your little brother?"

"What "what"?" ” Shanshan blinked his big round eyes.

"Don't act stupid with me, are you a brother or a lover?" A pair of sharp eyes under thick black-rimmed glasses glared at her.

"Oh, you know." Two red clouds floated on her fair pink cheeks.

Dong Yufei has always known Shan Shan's thoughts.

"Yes, I know. If you treat him as a brother, then there is no problem with such a formal greeting letter." Dong Yufei shrugged, "But you and I both know that your feelings for her are not that of a sister at all. The kind of person you treat your brother like, you regard him as your idol, as your target, as the person you want to guard for the rest of your life..."

"Feifei." Shanshan shyly interrupted Dong Yufei's eloquent description.

"What are you ashamed of? It's an indisputable fact that you want to marry him. There's nothing to be ashamed of." Dong Yufei disagreed. "Okay, don't go off topic. Let me ask you, what promise has he made to you from beginning to end?"

While Shanshan was mumbling, Dong Yufei waved her hand and interrupted her directly! She almost forgot that Shanshan had already told her the sweet past of their childhood sweethearts.

"Forget it, you don't need to tell me. I know that your brother said he wanted you to be his bride when you were a child."

Shanshan nodded vigorously.

"Please, my eldest lady, no matter how close you were when you were children, you have been separated for ten years now.”

Dong Yufei pressed her forehead hard. She couldn’t believe that Shanshan still took the joke she made when she was a child seriously?

"How old were you when you broke up?" Dong Yufei asked again, while receiving the information sent by Shanshan, she repeatedly murmured: " were eight years old...he was fifteen..." After listening, Dong Yufei almost fainted on the spot. "Please, can you listen to what you say at this age?"

"Little brother, he keeps his word." Shanshan retorted.

"Yes, yes, yes, he means what he says, but have you ever thought about it, that was ten years ago." Dong Yufei rolled her eyes, she could hardly stand it anymore. "Moreover, he is in Japan and you are in Taiwan. Although distance is a kind of beauty, let me tell you that distance in space is definitely a big killer of emotions. Do you know a big killer?" In order to emphasize the meaning of the words. Dong Yufei emphasized the seriousness of the word killer, and then continued, "Especially when you and your little brother are separated by space and time, ten years, a whole ten years."

"No, we met last year. My little brother comes back every year to celebrate my birthday. Even if he doesn't, my mom and others will take me to Japan to find him and let him help me celebrate." This time, the retort The voice was a little quieter.

"Yes, we meet once a year." Dong Yufei snorted coldly, "Tell me, what's the use of this?"

"We still make phone calls and write letters..." Shanshan spoke softer and softer.

"Call? Thanks for your words, since you came to Taipei to study fifth college and had to live in a dormitory, how many times have you called? Do you have to wait for the school to take a long vacation? You can only talk after you go home."

" Then...then there's still writing. Let's write at least one letter to each other every week." Shanshan tried to be more rational and assertive. She tried hard, but it was a pity that her voice was so quiet that she seemed to have done something wrong. Same thing.

"I think you should write fewer letters like "How are you? I'm fine" so that you don't waste the time of postmen from both countries delivering such sterile and contentless letters for you. "

"Why do you say that?" Shanshan pouted, feeling hurt.

"True advice may offend the ears, but what I said is the truth." Dong Yufei shrugged. She knew what she said didn't sound good, but it was all the truth from the bottom of her heart.

Seeing Shanshan bit her lip and refused to speak, Dong Yufei took a magazine and started reading.

The room was silent for a while... "Feifei, what should I do?" Shanshan still spoke, with obvious confusion in his voice.

"If you want me to say..." Dong Yufei closed the magazine she just opened in her hand, "Then let me tell you, long-distance relationships are very difficult to maintain. Those described in TV series, novels, and comics People who can be patient and insist on waiting are simply talking on paper and lying. Only people who lack practical experience can say such empty words."

's professional tone, at first glance, really makes people think Dong. Yufei is an expert and scholar who has gone through many vicissitudes of life and has many profound experiences in life.

Shanshan looked at her roommate carefully, and Dong Yufei's words made her feel doubtful.

After all, Dong Yufei, who is wearing ugly glasses, looks like a precocious girl at most. The authenticity of such an argument that undermines her long-term beliefs needs to be verified.

"How do you know this?" Shanshan asked.

Dong Yufei raised the magazine in her hand. "It's what the book says."

"Is what the magazine says reliable?" Shan Shan was slightly stunned. Basically, she spends most of her time learning Japanese language, and rarely has the opportunity to get in touch with information other than Japanese, but she knows to some extent that articles in fashion magazines are not worthwhile.

"No matter how bad the article is, it always has its merits. The important thing is whether the reader can pick out its truth from the article." Dong Yufei brought the topic back to the topic, "Zuo, I advise you, for It’s best not to have too many expectations for this kind of long-distance and long-term separation relationship.


"Zuo, although you don't look smart, you don't look like two worms in spring! Can't you figure out such a simple truth?" Dong Yufei turned over because she couldn't stand Shan Shan's dullness. Rolling his eyes, "Two people who love each other can no longer guarantee everlasting love without a third party, let alone your situation?"

"We are different." Shanshan insisted in a low voice. With.

"What's the difference?"

"We...we..." Shanshan couldn't explain.

"Can't you say it? Then I'll say it for you." Dong Yufei interrupted the right to speak unceremoniously, "The difference between you two is that your emotional foundation is thinner than others. From beginning to end, The two parties have not clearly expressed their affection for each other at all. It is far away that other people are separated for a year and a half, three to five years of winter and summer, but you are even more amazing. You come together for ten years at a time, just like the Cowherd and the Vega, who only see each other every year. After one meeting, these are the things that make you different from others."

"How do you say that?" He said this, but Shanshan couldn't refute it.

"Zuo, long-term love can easily end in nothing, do you know? Especially the emotional foundation of the two of you is weaker than others. All your impressions and concepts are inherited from when you were eight years old. What about him? Have you ever thought about his thoughts over the years?" Dong Yufei said thoughtfully. "Zuo, ten years is not something that can be spent in ten minutes, ten hours or ten days, just by turning around. Ten years is a very long distance, a very long, very long distance, long enough for the two of you. The original spatial distance between people has been increased by a square sign. "

"..." Shanshan was unable to answer the call.

"Think about it for yourself, I just don't want you to limit yourself to this uncertain relationship," Dong Yufei shrugged, grabbed a book and went out on her own.

Facing the blank letter paper, Shan Shan's heart was filled with many uncertain feelings.

did not originate because of Dong Yufei, at least, not entirely. Long before Dong Yufei's words, she had always had this feeling of panic and uncertainty in her heart, and Dong Yufei's impromptu words only intensified this feeling.

Recently, I often feel that my heart is empty, or, not that exaggeratedly, but like a puzzle with a missing piece. Most of the page is empty and missing... I can’t describe that feeling, but... Many things...are no longer so certain.

She had doubts about her little brother...for the first time in her life, Shanshan began to doubt her own feelings.

After experiencing a life change when he was six years old, the God of Destiny seemed unwilling to let Zhan Yushen go, and made another malicious joke under circumstances that no one could predict.

Ever since he was sensible, Zhan Yushen has understood how his parents got married.

still remembers when he was young. Whenever he fell asleep, his mother would always tell him some stories in a gentle and charming voice to lull him to sleep. The bedside stories that accompanied him to sleep were not only what ordinary children would hear, but most of the time, The mother will tell an unforgettable love story in a voice full of emotion.

The content of the story is about the love story between a poor international student in Japan and the daughter of a Japanese noble. The poor male student is an orphan. Unlike some international students who have family as financial backing, in addition to studying, they work to earn living expenses in their lives. Originally, , such a person would not have any interaction with the rich daughter of the school who has aristocratic blood, but as if destined by God, the two met by chance.

Once, twice, three times... the unexpected coincidence made the noble lady gradually notice this self-reliant international student. His literary talent, his pride, his politeness, his high ambition, everything about him made him The aristocratic lady went from admiration and admiration to deep love. The aristocratic lady fell in love with him completely and involuntarily. Because of love, the aristocratic lady gave up her reserve and lowered her figure. Because of her active display of love, she further discovered the male student. He hid his love for her for many years.

The prince and the princess fall in love with each other. What a beautiful thing it is! All of this should have had a happy ending. Unfortunately, due to racial differences and family differences, the widowed mother of an aristocratic daughter naturally did not want her only daughter to marry a poor international student. Under all kinds of obstructions from her widowed mother, she was forced to choose love. When the male student completed his studies, she left her mother, the title and wealth that she was supposed to inherit, and followed her beloved to the country without hesitation. A country that was completely unfamiliar to her─Taiwan.

A long series of twists and turns of love history is not only familiar to Zhan Yushen, he can almost recite it by heart. There is no other reason than that the person concerned is coincidentally his dear parents!

Because there was no deliberate concealment, it was told like a bedside story. Even though Zhan Yushen was only six years old at the time, the word "elope"...even if he didn't fully understand it, he probably knew that it was his father. Mothers gave up their loved ones in order to love each other.

Because his mother never concealed anything, Zhan Yushen had always known that he did not have many relatives. Especially after his parents and little brother had an accident, his only remaining relatives were his godfather, godmother and Shanshan. . So when the lawyer came to say that he was here on behalf of the Yuxing family, Zhan Yushen's grandmother, Zhan Yushen was too surprised.

A TV competition that he participated in because of his kindness actually attracted blood relatives he had never seen before. This was something Zhan Yushen never expected. He went to Japan to meet the head of the Ogata family, who was his grandmother! Akiko Ogata, whom everyone respects.

There was no special meeting with Ichibuki. She asked him coldly if he wanted to go back to Japan, but he shook his head without saying anything. After that, he returned to Taiwan and returned to Shanshan.

Life should be calm again, but... it's not.

First of all, the Chen family's house next door to the left was acquired at an inexplicable high price. Not surprisingly, the acquirer was naturally the Ogata family, and the house next door to the right! That was Zhan Yushen's original home. Many people came to take photos and videos. It was obvious that the targets were photos of daily life that were used as decorations. Fortunately, Lin Yueyao would clean this room from time to time, otherwise, I really don't know what these people would take back.

Regarding taking photos, everyone intuitively thought that Grandma Ogata wanted to reminisce about her beloved daughter’s post-marriage scenes! Everyone can accept this and ignore it, but other than that, after the Chen family's acquired house was reorganized, several people and several scholars assigned by Grandma Yuxing moved in!

Don't ask why Zhan Yushen knew it, because these people suddenly transformed into tutors, and then these tutors appeared in his life.

Since Shanshan went to class, he had nothing to do besides reading, so Zhan Yushen accepted the lessons from these tutors when it was unnecessary. Life has become another kind of calm. Occasionally, at Lin Yueyao's reminder, Zhan Yushen will make a phone call to Japan to say hello. As usual, during the greeting call, Granny Yuxing will always ask if she wants him to go back, and he also She always habitually gave a negative answer. Days like this dragged on day by day. Gradually, Granny Yuxing no longer asked casually verbally. Her meaning was very clear. She wanted Zhan Yushen to go back and take care of Yuxing. Everything at Home

Although Grandma Yuxing's attitude was very tough later on, due to Zhan Yushen's unwillingness to compromise, the matter remained in a stalemate for three years, until she was notified that Grandma Yuxing had a critical heart attack. The order given before entering the intensive care unit with Granny Mikata! Use any means necessary to bring Zhan Yushen back, even if you use improper means to completely cut off the financial resources of Zhan Yushen's adoptive parents.

Just like this, for Zuo Ping, for his company, and to prevent his hard work for most of his life from being ruined by the Yuxing family, Zhan Yushen finally agreed and left the Lin family, Shanshan, and the only place he was attached to. , putting himself in this place that is meaningless to him.

Life flies by, and it has been almost ten years now... Zhan Yushen rubbed his forehead tiredly, and sighed softly in his heart.

There was a simple and primitive wooden photo frame placed in a corner of the large desk. As a habit, Zhan Yushen stopped looking at the official documents and stared at the image in the photo frame.

This photo was taken when he kept his promise to be kind, surpassed the experts' glasses as a dark horse, and won an overwhelming victory in the IQ competition. The background of the photo was extremely lively and joyful. In the scene where he was celebrating his victory, the protagonist facing the dilemma was none other than him and his Shan Shan.

Until now, Zhan Yushen can still carefully describe the situation at that time in his mind. He still remembers... among the bright colored papers flying in the sky, the kind-hearted and innocent little face was full of excitement. With a bright smile, she ran towards him and flew towards him with complete trust. The moment he caught her, the shutter was pressed, leaving this precious photo.

This is undoubtedly a precious photo. Of course, the so-called preciousness does not refer to its tangible value. There is nothing special about a photo that can be reprinted and reprinted countless times for a hundred yuan, but it will make people feel precious. It is exactly what is shown in the photos, an intangible treasure. The photo of

clearly shows Shanshan’s smile, Shanshan’s sincerity, and Shanshan’s trust... Compared to the completely defenseless little face, Zhan Yushen’s beautiful face, which had always only appeared indifferent, became warmer, and even He also showed off a brilliant smile that was rarely seen by others.

It is obvious from this photo that Zhan Yushen's smile is caused by Shanshan's happiness, and Shanshan's happiness is because of the recognition of Zhan Yushen and the glory bestowed upon him by outsiders. , the preciousness of the photo in front of me lies in the fact that it completely retains the charm of independence and close connection between Zhan Yushen and Shanshan.

If he could, how he wished he could choose not to leave her! Facing the little man with a sweet and bright smile in the photo, Zhan Yushen showed a forced smile.

At that time, under the order of my mother-in-law, the Gogata family immediately used their huge financial resources to launch economic coercion against Zuoping's trading company. Everyone thought that his surrender was all to preserve Zuoping's company, but other than this reason In addition, there is actually another reason why he is willing to come back.

No one knows what treasure he found when he returned to his house that day. In the attic, he unexpectedly found several diaries written by his mother during her lifetime.

Those diaries accompanied him through a quiet afternoon, and as he flipped through them like a quick read, he seemed to become one with his deceased mother, feeling how she survived the pain of losing her father and how she was like her mother. How they depended on each other...until the girl's eagerness turned into turbulent love. With a deep sense of debt to her mother, she finally chose a love that would last forever without any hesitation...I read several books handwritten by my mother. After writing the diary, Zhan Yushen learned more about the deep love between his parents and the regrets hidden deep in his mother's heart! I regret that I cannot pay filial piety to my mother. : I regret that in order to be loyal to myself and choose love, I have to put aside the responsibilities inherited by the family; I regret even more that my child cannot call me grandma, and my mother cannot see my grandson... It is this series of regrets that aggravates the feeling in my heart. Putting the weight on the other side of the scale, for Zuo Ping's company, and because of the debt he felt for his dead mother, fifteen-year-old Zhan Yushen came to Japan with the mood of atonement for his mother. When his grandmother was discharged from the hospital, he started his The new life also opened the first chapter of his working for the Mikata family...

The situation of working for the Mikata family can only be described as working hard!

Zhan Yushen originally thought that his mother's natal family was a great family, with some ancestral family property, and at most it was just a false name for a noble. He never expected that his mother's status as a noble daughter was truly a "noble daughter"!

Among the three major families that control political and business relations in Japan, "Oxata" is one of them. It can be imagined that the numerous industries under his family's name and the magnitude of their efforts are simply unimaginable to ordinary people. For Zhan Yushen , facing such an Ogata family trip was beyond his original imagination.

Akiko Ogata, who has become the leader of the family since she was widowed, is now the mother-in-law Ogata who is respected and respected by the political and business circles! The title of strong woman is indeed not in vain. As early as when she hired a tutor to teach Zhan Yushen, she had already started her cultivation plan. So when the fifteen-year-old Zhan Yushen returned to the Yuxing family at the beginning, she He couldn't wait to hand over his family's property one by one to his hands.

Of course, in order to stabilize people's hearts, the person in charge was still her, Akiko Ogata, but in fact, she had already handed over all the management work at that time to Zhan Yushen, who was hiding behind the scenes. , fifteen years old, only fifteen years old. I really don’t know whether Ogata Akiko is particularly interested in Zhan Yushen and trusts Zhan Yushen’s abilities, or whether she wants to abuse child labor and bring down the entire family. She is so confident and bold. He gave full power to Zhan Yushen, not caring that he was only fifteen years old at the time.

So far, whether he is hiding behind the scenes as a manipulator, or standing up directly as the legitimate leader of the family, it has been almost ten years. He is like a person without self, without thoughts, ruthless and heartless. He has been working hard for the entire Ogata family for almost ten years.

The long ten years were a bit difficult. The large amount of work made Zhan Yushen feel like a living dead. He was just a puppet with no self-thought and only knew how to work hard for the Ogata family. There was nothing but work. And days like this day after day, year after year, in each year, only on Shanshan's birthday, with the belief that he can see the good side of Shanshan, he feels that he is alive again, as if a whole Years of hard work just to get together with Shanshan on this day.

feels a little sad for himself. Even if he is trying to atone for his mother's sins, in the past ten years... he has done enough for the Gogata family, right?

sighed again, and Zhan Yushen's eyes fell on the mountain of official documents in front of him.

really wants to leave everything behind and leave without any ties. The question is... can he?

Although he and his mother-in-law got along like that due to their personalities. They said they were close or not and always maintained a dull relationship, but he noticed that the health report of his mother-in-law just had a checkup and the condition was not very good. , when her physical condition was getting worse, he really couldn't leave her and walk away. After all, she was his only blood relative in the world. But...what about Shanshan? He really didn't want to continue this kind of relationship with her that was separated by two places. The annoying dilemma was so embarrassing, but at the moment he was powerless to change anything. Zhan Yushen sighed in his heart.

It was late at night, but Zhan Yushen was not in a hurry to leave. He supported his tired body and immersed himself in work.

He did not deny that he was escaping, putting himself at work, allowing himself to escape from facing dilemmas; he also knew that things would eventually be resolved one day... but that was definitely not the case when he was physically and mentally exhausted. In this case, let’s put these annoying problems aside for now.

Zhan Yushen calmed down and continued to focus on the official document in front of him. In the quiet dark night, there were only bright lights accompanying his lonely figure... Stepping on his straight roller shoes, Shao Qifei rushed to Lanzhou as fast as he could. court.

He was almost late, and he made an appointment with some friends to play golf. As a result, he is still here as the sponsor. If he doesn't hurry up, those golf friends will probably kill him first and then cancel his newspaper report as the late king. .

was moving at full speed, and Shao Qi couldn't help but complain in his heart!

Actually, it’s not entirely his fault for being late. Who makes him so busy?

The position of student council president is voted for by the whole school and cannot be relinquished. , the position of class representative was because his classmates were unwilling to let go of the opportunity to squeeze him, and he did not have the right to say no; as for photography Du, that was his own interest, even though being elected as president made him feel a little troublesome, but I have to participate because of my interest., and Guitar Du was handed over to him with extreme caution by his senior before graduation. Until he finds a suitable successor, he must continue to serve as the acting president unconditionally... In addition to the risks brought by these positions In addition to official duties, there are a lot of errands that fall on him, large and small!

Thinking about it carefully, sometimes Shao Qi really feels sorry for himself, but what can he do?

"The purpose of life is to serve!" and "Helping others is the foundation of happiness!" I don't know who invented these two stupid sentences. Every time he wants to refuse an errand that comes to his door, the other party will always use these two sentences. The words blocked him, making him feel like a cheap laborer, facing the situation of being exploited everywhere.

Because he was in a hurry and thinking about things at the same time, the result of multitasking was that when Shao Qi discovered someone in front of him, it was already too late. When there was no time to brake... what Shu Xi? Shanshan was stunned for a moment by the shape of the locomotive rushing towards her, when she realized something was wrong!

is finished! Shanshan closed her eyes in fear.

The screams were loud after the violent impact. Shanshan didn't want to be so unambitious, but it really... hurts so much!

The other party's copper-skinned wax bones hit her head so hard that she felt like stars. He didn't care. His tall body was stacked on top of her. At this time, Shanshan's pain was definitely not something that could be described with just one word. .

"Are you okay?" Shao Qi asked reflexively.

"If you don't get up, I will die." Shanshan groaned in pain. Now, she can somewhat understand the pain of the roast pork seller when he was crushed to death.

Shao Qi was shocked. Is it that serious?

"Please, don't be in a daze." Shanshan felt that he was not far from death, really.

Only then did Shao Qi realize that he was pressing on someone else, and he quickly got up in a hurry.

"Is it you?" After seeing Shan Shan's appearance, Shao Qi was shocked.

He knew her, Zuo Shanshan, a female classmate in the same class. He had been paying attention to her for a long time.

Shanshan ignored him because she was trying hard to get up. It was terrible, her whole body ached... "Is everything okay?" Shao Qi quickly helped her up.

Enduring the pain, Shanshan patted the dust on his body and shook his head at Shao Qi.

"Is it really okay?" Shao Qi didn't believe it; her face was almost deformed when she saw the pain.

"It's okay, you're in a hurry, you can go first." Shanshan said thoughtfully, but she was in too much pain, and her voice inevitably had a choked tone.

"How do you know I'm in a hurry?"

"If you weren't in a hurry, you wouldn't be so rampant." Shan Shan explained while reaching out to wipe away the tears that came out due to the severe pain.

Shao Qi can't describe the feeling in his heart at this moment. It's very strange, really.

"Why don't you scold me?" In my impression, when girls encounter this kind of thing, they always scold me first.

"You didn't mean it."

Such a matter-of-fact tone left Shao Qi speechless for a moment.

After a long time, Shao Qi, who had always been eloquent, found his voice.

"How do you know I didn't do it on purpose?"

"Could it be... you did it on purpose?" Shanshan looked at him strangely.

"Of course not." Shao Qi immediately denied it.

"That's right." Shanshan said with an "I told you so" expression. "Okay, I'm really fine. If you're in a hurry, just leave."

Shao Qi hesitated for a moment, then showed an "It's okay" smile when he saw Shanshan before leaving.

After sliding two steps, Shao Qi stopped for no reason. He didn't know why, but he just felt that he could never leave like this at this time.

As expected, when he turned around, he saw Shanshan taking a step forward and then sitting on the ground.

"What's wrong?" Shao Qi slid back again.

"It's okay, it's probably a sprain." Shanshan tried his best to smile.

"It's sprained and you still say it's okay?" Shao Qi screamed strangely. , suddenly discovered that he really couldn't understand the thoughts of this woman named Zuo Shanshan.


Before Shanshan could say anything, Shao Qi easily picked her up.

"What are you doing?" Shanshan was startled.

"Take you to see a doctor."

Chapter 5 It's probably because of the star shining brightly. Shao Qi's collision with Shanshan was terrible. His left foot was sprained and he had to limp like the Hunchback of Notre Dame every day. to go to class.

It was two weeks later when her foot injury healed, but as the midterm exam was approaching, Shanshan had no time to walk around to celebrate. She didn't want to go to the library and get crowded, so she had to go back after school. The dormitory has K books.

"Good decision."

Dong Yufei didn't know when she came in, and the sudden sound almost scared Shanshan to death.

"Feifei, what are you doing? People who scare you will scream to death." Shanshan patted his chest.

Dong Yufei shrugged with a smile on her face. It was obvious that she was in a good mood.

"What's wrong, smiling like that?" Shanshan asked strangely.

"I'm so happy for you. Say goodbye to the childhood jokes and go for a new love!" It's so fast! That's great, I didn't expect you to figure it out so quickly. "

"What are you talking about?" Shanshan was confused.

"You still want to hide it from me." Dong Yufei was a little unhappy. She no longer cares that she heard this from someone else, but now she still wants to hide it from her?

"What are you hiding?" Shan Shanru fell into the fog and was completely confused about the situation.

"It's about you and Shao Qi being together." Dong Yufei said it clearly and directly.

"Shao Qi? Am I with him?" Shanshan opened his mouth wide, as if he saw someone swallowing a toad.

Dong Yufei didn't say anything, just looked at her.

"Stop joking, Shao Qi? Did I hear you right? That's the student council president, our class representative, Shao Qi, who is also a messy president and a campus genius? Why did you mention him? ? How could I be with him?" Shanshan reacted with hindsight.

Come on, even if she doesn't care about the gossip in school or class, Shao Qi's reputation is so great that she can't help but not know about it. It's not like she can't think about it and wants to antagonize his supporters. How can she have anything to do with him? ?

Seeing that Shanshan's reaction was not fake, Dong Yufei frowned.

"I'm telling the truth." Shanshan assured hurriedly.

"I didn't say I didn't believe it." Seeing Shanshan's nervous look, Dong Yufei found it a little funny.

"Then why do you have such an idea? Who told you?" I have a bad feeling.

"What do you think? Since even I know it, probably the whole school knows it." Dong Yufei's smile could almost be said to be gloating.

"It's over, no wonder everyone has been acting weird recently." Shanshan cried with a sad face, and finally understood where the strange attitude of the female classmates towards her in the past few days came from.

"It's not the end of the world." Dong Yufei was in the mood to tease her.

"Of course you said that if you were hated." Shan Shan said angrily, "It's really baffling. He and I have nothing to do with each other, so how could such rumors arise?"

"He has been very close to you recently. ” Dong Yufei told what she saw. Just because she had seen it before, she believed the gossip she heard when she went to the toilet.

"Is there any?" Shanshan has no special feeling.

"He's been looking for you these days."

"That's just because he hurt my foot. He felt sorry for it and insisted on accompanying me to the doctor. I told him no need, but he didn't listen. Then There's nothing I can do." Shanshan is really angry at Shao Qi's kindness now.

"Actually, Shao Qi's appearance is not a bad thing." Dong Yufei pushed up his glasses and spoke suddenly.

"What are you talking about?"

"I want you to compare. Instead of limiting yourself to childhood jokes, it would be better for you to start a new relationship, with Shao Qi as your partner... ...Barely qualified." Dong Yufei made a judgment.

"New love? Please, even if you want to develop a new love, it can't be with him.Don't forget, our school beauty's open secret crush on him is no longer a matter of a day or two. He can't even like the school beauty, how can he like me?

"Barely qualified"? It's a shame you can say such a thing. ” Shanshan was amused by Dong Yufei’s judgment.

Yes, she is not ugly, but she is not that beautiful either. Originally, the only advantage she had was her white skin. Her natural whiteness gave her a slight advantage over her ordinary appearance. Unfortunately, in After Japan's Namie Amuro rose to prominence, her tanned skin seemed a bit outdated.

In normal times, the comments praising her have nothing to do with beauty. They are either delicate or well-behaved, cute, quiet, etc. But after listening to such compliments for a long time, they seem a bit fake. She has always known that she is not beautiful. , I don’t understand why people always make a fuss about a person’s appearance.

Of course, no. Only a humble person would have such thoughts, it's just that she can accept this fact. Because she can also look in the mirror, and she can always tell what kind of face is pleasing to the eye.

However, she doesn’t feel regretful about not confounding the appearance of all sentient beings. Maybe it’s because she always remembers what Zhan Yushen said to her. She firmly believes that a person’s inside is more important than his outside! Even though everyone always judges a person by their first impression.

"Zuo, this is not impossible." Dong Yufei believes that only those who can see her unique charm as Zuo Shanshan are qualified to be with her.

"Please, it's impossible for me and him." Shanshan waved his hand in the air, completely unable to accept such an assumption.

A knock on the door sounded unexpectedly.

"Zuo Shanshan, look outside."

"Huh? Who is looking for me?" Shanshan was puzzled. Only the opposite sex will be blocked from the door of the girls' dormitory, but except for the male classmates in the class, her number of friends of the opposite sex can be said to be zero, and it is impossible for the male classmates in the class to come to the dormitory to look for her, then... Who is the one?

Dong Yufei smiled but said nothing. From the unhappy voice of her female classmate, she could roughly guess the identity of the visitor.

Unexpectedly, the female classmate who helped to call someone glanced at Shanshan with a squinting look, and then answered them in a disdainful tone, "Shao Qi!"

While waiting, Shao Qi's heart It's a bit uncontrollable nervousness.

It’s really strange. He hasn’t seen any big scenes before? In normal times, it would be as easy for him to give a speech to all the teachers and students in the school. Even representing the school in a large-scale national competition never made him nervous. But now, as long as he thinks about waiting, he will see Zuo Shanshan. ...To be honest, he didn't know what he was nervous about, but this thought inexplicably made him nervous.

When did you start paying attention to Zuo Shanshan? Shao Qi recalled.

It must have been a weekend afternoon. When he left Guitar that day, he had already passed the traffic jam after school. He wanted to buy a few CDs from a record store near the school, but the clear cry made him stop. pace.

That was a beautiful little boy, who probably got lost with his family. His little body stood on the crowded corridor and he cried a little loudly. His little face was full of tears, like a lonely and helpless little boy. He looked like a little cat, which made him feel a little funny even as his sympathy began to overflow.

Just when he wanted to do a good deed every day and step forward to help this child, unexpectedly someone took a step ahead of him... It was Zuo Shanshan! At that time, he recognized her immediately.

has a plain face. He does not wear the most popular tight-fitting T-shirt, super mini shorts and exaggerated riding boots. Zuo Shanshan is just like normal, wearing a pink knee-length dress without any extra frills or exaggerated accessories. Makeup, the whole person makes people feel clean and fresh.

He saw her squatting down with a peaceful smile. Due to the short distance, he couldn't hear clearly what she said to the little boy, but no matter what she said, the important thing is that she did speak in the shortest possible time. Within a short time, the boy stopped crying, and his gentle look was unexpectedly eye-catching.

Later, he was a little bored and followed her to watch the subsequent developments. For three hours, from searching on the street to waiting to enter the police station, he followed them like a lunatic, even when they entered The police station turned to the police for help, but he was still waiting outside to see the outcome.

Finally, the boy's family finally showed up, and he saw her waving goodbye to the boy. From the beginning to the end, there was never a trace of impatience on her face. In those three hours, he just saw her saying goodbye to the boy. The boy smiled patiently and gently, and then he followed her to the station and watched her get on the bus... He had never understood that a foreigner like her only had the chance to return home on the weekends every week. When she After sending the lost little boy to the police station, there are many people in the police station who will take care of the child, but why is she willing to waste so much time with a lost child?

must have started from that time. He couldn't help but study her when he was in class. However, because the two of them had never crossed paths, he never had any other contact with her. He only spent time in his spare time. When no one was paying attention, he secretly observed her who was a little quiet in class.

Until this time, the collision between the two created a further connection, and their interest in her gradually intensified day by day. It was hard to describe that feeling, but when Photography Du began to plan the exhibition of achievements on the day of the school anniversary, in When he learned that as the president, he would inevitably have to submit his work, for no reason, the first thing he thought of was her!

's desire to take pictures of her was so strong that as soon as he left the photography club, he went straight to the girls' dormitory, stood at the gate in a very cliché manner and asked someone to find someone for him, and then, he felt nervous that was rare in eight hundred years. It actually appeared, making him feel helpless and unfamiliar with himself.

Under Shao Qi's eager expectation, Shanshan's figure finally appeared from behind the closed door. Since all his attention was on Shanshan, Shao Qi did not notice Shanshan walking beside him. Dong Yufei looked unhappy.

"You finally came out." Shao Qi let out a big breath, feeling that he was drowning in curious eyes from passing by.

"My foot is completely healed and I don't need to see a doctor anymore." Shanshan quickly declared proactively. While speaking, he stared at his toes and refused to look at him.

Ever since she heard the popular rumors in the school from Dong Yufei, Shanshan didn't dare to look at this heartthrob, for fear that the relationship between the two would become darker and darker, even if they came out to meet him. He also had to drag Dong Yufei along with him.

"I know." Shao Qi's signature sunny smile appeared.

For some reason, seeing Zuo Shanshan suddenly made him feel very good.

"Can't I come to you if I have nothing to do?" Shao Qi teased her in a good mood.

"Of course, if you are fine, it is best not to come to me." Shanshan answered smoothly without thinking.

Such an answer made Shao Qi stunned for a moment, while Dong Yufei couldn't bear it and rolled his eyes.

"Well..." Shao Qi was speechless.

Generally speaking, only girls would take the initiative to strike up a conversation with him. As a proud man, he has never taken the initiative to show favor to a girl. Who knows... this is the first time in his life that he has teased a girl like this. Just hit the iron plate.

"Zuo, Shao Qi will come to you only if something happens." Dong Yufei couldn't see it. Although she was a little dissatisfied with being dragged out to be a guest for no reason, she still decided to help the sunshine boy, otherwise, she would have to stand here with him for who knows how long.

"Really?" Shanshan looked at Shao Qi, and saw Shao Qi nodded quickly, and then gave Dong Yufei a grateful smile, as if there was some tacit understanding between the two of them.

Shanshan couldn't help but asked with a confused face: "Then what do you want from me?"

"I want to ask you to be my model for the photography club's achievement exhibition during the school anniversary."

"Me? Model?" "Shanshan opened his mouth in surprise.

Did she hear it wrong? This popular figure in the whole school actually wanted her... yes, she, Zuo Shanshan, an inconspicuous girl, to be the model for his achievement exhibition? Is this a mistake? What could possibly surprise her more?

Shanshan's reaction made Shao Qi a little worried. What was her reaction?

"Zuo Shanshan?" Shao Qi called tentatively.

Shanshan came back to his senses, looked at Shao Qi with a strange expression, and couldn't help but said to him worriedly: "Shao Qi, do you know what you are talking about? Do you need to see a doctor?"

"Gah. ?" Shao Qi was a little confused by Shanshan's words. "What do you mean?"

Just when the scene got a little out of control and the two people couldn't reach a consensus on each other's logic, fortunately, there were still rational people on the scene. Dong Yufei couldn't stand it and dragged Shanshan back. Go, before closing the dormitory door, he said, "It means she agreed."

"Feifei, what do you mean, why do you say I agreed."

As soon as he returned to the room, Shanshan faced Dong Yu incredulously. Fei yelled.

"Why not?" Dong Yufei looked at her with a strange expression.

"Of course not." Shanshan gestured, "Then... you also know that the rumors have spread like this. If... if I have anything to do with him again, then I will really jump into the Yellow River. I can't even wash it off."

"Please, it's just a photo shoot. Why jump to the Yellow River?" Dong Yufei looked at her with a "Don't make such a fuss" look on her face.

"It will cause misunderstanding." Shanshan couldn't help but frown.

"What's the misunderstanding? We are all young people, let's just be friends! Is it illegal?"

"It's not a question of whether it's illegal... Ouch, you know what I'm talking about." Dong Yufei acted like it had nothing to do with it. His appearance made the kind and impatient man not know what to say.

"Of course I know what you are talking about." Dong Yufei pushed up her glasses. "Zuo, you think too much."

"This is not a question of whether I think too much or not. Besides, putting aside the rumors, I am not suitable to be a model at all. How can you agree to this? ?"

"Helping others is the basis of happiness!" Dong Yufei showed a sly smile.

"You don't need my help for this. I believe there are many girls in the school who are willing to help him." Shanshan pouted aggrievedly.

"There's no harm in making more friends, right?" Dong Yufei looked at her funny, "Especially because you lack experience in getting along with friends of the opposite sex. I believe you will gain something from being with Shao Qi."

Finally the point came to the point, and this was exactly what she least wanted to face. Shanshan's little face was almost squished into a ball.

"Zuo, don't be like this. I'm doing this for your own good. I believe that as long as you have more experience with friends of the opposite sex, you can help you clarify your emotions and let you understand clearly that the two places are separated like this now." Is lovesickness necessary?" Dong Yufei began to persuade, "Shao Qi is a good candidate. He is young, outgoing, and easy to get along with. You are of similar age and you are not afraid of running out of topics to talk about. Also, he has eye-catching appearance. Your IQ is not too low, so you won’t be disappointed by your little brother at the first impression... Anyway, that’s it, let’s not talk about future development, at least let’s just be friends first.”

looks at it. Dong Yufei's talk made Shanshan feel inexplicably depressed.

"Is it true that the emotions separated by two places cannot be maintained?" Shanshan asked softly.

This problem has been bothering her for several days. The image of Zhan Yushen in my mind became increasingly blurry, and my heart felt a little unsteady.

Dong Yufei looked at her sideways. "The question is... is it useful to rely on you to maintain...?"

"You mean, no one in this world can maintain a long-distance relationship?" Shan Shan couldn't believe it.

"Yes, there are, but those are only a very small number of examples. Most of the people who can do it are of the same type, that is, people who do not regard love as a necessity in life."

Seeing Shanshan's expression of confusion, Dong Yufei automatically added, "To put it bluntly, this kind of people are very practical... It can also be said that they are stubborn. They don't know how to adapt, and they don't know what it means. Being romantic, being with this kind of person day and night will only make people feel boring. I think only this kind of boring person can survive the lovesickness of being separated."

pursed his lips and said nothing.

"To summarize, Zuo, I just want you to recognize your true feelings. I don't want you to limit yourself to death just to continue the thoughts of your childhood. You are still so young and in the prime of your life. When you are blooming into your most glorious years, you cannot confirm your feelings for your childhood companion just because there is no love relationship at present. You have to confirm it at least, right? What if you have wasted all these years and found out that you were in the past? Your insistence was wrong, wouldn't it be an unjust death? "Who can you ask to compensate for your youth?"

"But..." She knew what Dong Yufei said was reasonable, but Shanshan still had her concerns.

"What else is there to do?"

"It's a bit dangerous to be friends with Shao Qi. I don't want to become the public enemy of women on campus." This is what worries her.

You have to know that it’s not that she thinks too much and makes trouble for herself, it’s that Shao Qi’s reputation in the school is too high. Think about it, before there were scandals between them when they were nothing, then if they were friends... ... Even the most ordinary friend would be exaggerated even more unbearably. She didn't want to cause trouble for herself.

"Anyway, just ignore the gossip." Dong Yufei shrugged. Rumors stop only the wise, and she, Dong Yufei, has never been too lazy to pay much attention to the fools who listen to rumors.

"Be friends with Shao Qi..." Shanshan still has some doubts about her luck, and is not sure whether she wants to associate with the most popular figure in the school.

Seeing Shanshan's hesitation, Dong Yufei comforted her, "I know it's a bit difficult for you to let go of yourself all at once, but it's not a bad thing to have more ordinary friends of the opposite sex, and it doesn't offend you. Deep-rooted self-imposed limitations, just to be friends, not to ask you to go to church with him, right?"

"Please, he just wants me to take pictures for him, how can you get involved in the church?" Shanshan frowned and said no. I couldn't bear the idea of ​​being paired up with someone else.

"That's right, that's what I thought! Just taking a photo!" Dong Yufei clicked her fingers, happy that Shanshan finally understood.

"Then you have to come with me." Shan Shan said out of nowhere.

"Why?" Dong Yufei was really stunned for a moment. It’s not like primary school students have to take a companion with them when going to the toilet.

"This is the condition." Shanshan opened the book and began to prepare for the midterm exam.

"What the hell are you asking for? What are you doing to me?"

"Don't forget, it was you who helped me agree to him from the beginning." Shanshan reminded her.

"Hey, that's..."

waved his hand kindly, interrupting Dong Yufei's string of words to argue. "No need to say any more, the matter is settled."

"Who cares about you?" Dong Yufei looked confused.

"I'll go if you go, otherwise, there's no need to talk about anything." Shanshan looked determined and said there was no room for discussion.

In the following time, when Shanshan was concentrating on the preparation for the midterm exam, from time to time you could hear Dong Yufei muttering something to himself, it’s really hard to be a good person#@%*&$... In this life, Kurahara Shinhiko He will never forget the game that changed his life!

Because of that game, whether it was the reputation of the genius, the inheritance rights of the Gogata family, the focus of the public, or the praise that originally belonged only to him... gone! Nothing is left!

He lost everything because of that game, and it was all thanks to his cousin who appeared inexplicably! Zhan Yushen!

Isn’t this surprising?

Zhan Yushen? Cousin? It’s a bit surprising that there is an equal sign between these two terms. However, it is absolutely true that the person who robbed him of everything was the child of his distant relative, the aunt who eloped with others! The resemblance between mother and son makes it impossible to doubt this.

Kurohara Shinhiko thought about the game that changed his life for a long time. How could

be like this? He lost, he could he lose? It’s really... a good loss, a wonderful loss, and a screaming loss!

Ha! It was so pleasant to finally have someone who could take on these crushing responsibilities for him! Not to mention the never-ending expectations of the elders, just to be able to get rid of those big family burdens that crush people without paying for their lives... Just thinking about it, Kurohara Shinhiko would snicker even in his dreams.

Ever since Zhan Yushen appeared, my mother-in-law's attention has been diverted. Although those never-ending boring courses have not ended, as long as she thinks that there are people in the distance like him, who have to learn these boring business theories... Hehe, it's not him. Bad intentions, but he did feel more balanced in his heart.

Also, when Zhan Yushen was brought to Japan, two people with enviable high IQs and similar ages were inevitably compared. All matters that could determine the winner and compare with each other attracted the attention of the elders. , and the quiet and taciturn Zhan Yushen lived up to expectations, always beating him by a small margin every time.

No one knows how happy Zangyuan Xinyan was after every comparison and Zhan Yushen's comparison.

Generally speaking, everyone always wants to be the first, but he Zangyuan Xinyan Yancai is not that stupid, always being the first... How tiring is that? Besides, what's wrong with being second? He just likes to be second place and has no interest in fighting for the glory of first place.

Very strange argument, isn't it? But having such an idea is of course the wisdom of Kurahara Shinhiko.

gives an example. Just like now, although he cannot escape his fate and still inevitably has to contribute to the Yuxing family, as the second place, he has a much better life than Zhan Yushen, who is always the first place. .

First of all, he does not have to bear the mission of success or failure of the entire Mikata family; secondly, he does not need to damage precious brain cells for the continuous development of the entire Mikata family's property; thirdly, he does not need to live with his serious and serious mother-in-law; finally, it means that he The happiest thing is that he doesn’t have to act like the head of the Ogata family and let the media watch him like a monkey!

Ha! Taking the above points into account, how could he, the special confidential secretary who was responsible for assisting and executing work, not feel happy for himself?

If you want to ask him what he thinks of Zhan Yushen... To be honest, he, Kurahara Shinyan, rarely admires people in his life. However, for Zhan Yushen, his little cousin, it is undeniable that Kurahara Shinyan I admire him in my heart.

Of course, it wasn't just because Zhan Yushen defeated him in the TV arena - although that was more or less the case - what he really admired was him as a person... Well, how should I put it? ...It can be said that he is a rare race of people in heaven and earth. He is really not an ordinary submissive person. Whatever his mother-in-law tells him to do, no matter how difficult or incredible it is, he will definitely do these impossible tasks. He had better not say this, but just thinking that Zhan Yushen could live with his mother-in-law until now made him feel incredible.

Such an eccentric, serious, ungrateful old woman who always dislikes things... How could he endure it? Kurohara Shinhiko was puzzled.

For a long time, Kurahara Shinhiko always felt that Zhan Yushen's personality tended to be "Axin type", really! This is the conclusion reached by him after many years of research.

Because he was used to seeing Zhan Yushen resigned and working hard, it was no wonder that something like this happened today, so it was no wonder that he was so surprised.

"Shen, please don't react so violently." Clearing his throat, Kurohara Shinhikoyan took up his duties as a lobbyist.

Zhan Yushen didn't say anything, and didn't even look at him. He just quietly sorted things on the desktop.

"I know things are a bit unacceptable, but you also know that you are twenty-five years old and should be of marriageable age. The conditions of the young lady from the Ogino family are also good..." Touching his nose, hiding Yuan Xinyan himself felt a little unable to speak anymore.

To be honest, all the admiration for Zhan Yushen has accumulated to this day, and he has really reached the state of reaching the peak of boxing. Now it cannot be said to be admiration, but worship. Really, he admires this cousin extremely.

Over the years, although Granny Yuxing has stopped doing things, her prestige and reputation are still very extraordinary; often, a casual look is too much to resist, let alone a pair of sharp eyes glaring at her. Facing her, ordinary people The only outcome is to be scared and run away. To put it more appropriately, nine out of ten babies will be so frightened that they cry when they see her. The remaining one who doesn't cry is because he is asleep. I know to be afraid.

No one has ever dared to go against Grandma Yuxing’s decision. Until today, this record has finally been broken, and that person is none other than his cousin who admired him so much! Zhan Yushen!

The cause of the incident is very simple: Grandma Yuxing arranged a blind date without authorization. After the unknowing Zhan Yushen was recruited and arrived at the scene, as soon as he found out that it was a blind date, he shook his head and left without even looking at it - this is the first time in history. The first person who doesn’t buy the account of Grandma Ogata! Then, he was here. Because the silent Zhan Yushen exuded an uneasy aura, his special confidential secretary was sent to understand his situation.

"Shen, at least you should say something, otherwise how would I know what you think?" There was no way, Menghucai's usual reaction was that if he didn't answer, he would not answer, so Kurahara Shinhiko had no choice but to ask without shame.

stopped what he was doing, Zhan Yushen squinted at him, and surprisingly answered.

"Ask me what I think?" That tone made people feel inexplicably dangerous.

"Uh... Actually, I know even if you don't tell me. You must be unhappy when faced with such a thing. After all, you should be unhappy when you are taken on a blind date out of nowhere." Expressing agreement is the first principle of comfort.

snorted coldly and Zhan Yushen looked at him coldly.

"However, you should also be considerate of your mother-in-law. She is so old. As an elderly person, you always have the wish to have grandchildren. Then you are at the marriageable age..."

"The marriageable age? What?" Don’t they all say that your marriage should be settled first?” Zhan Yushen looked directly into Kurahara Shinyan’s eyes, making him feel a little guilty.

"Let's not talk about the marriageable age..." After coughing, Kurohara Shinhiko quickly changed the subject, "I think my mother-in-law probably only sees you busy with business and not having a girlfriend. It's no wonder that the old man would I have the idea of ​​helping you go on a blind date... 

"Why am I so busy?" This time, Zhan Yushen was even more ruthless.

Now, Kurohara Shinhiko was even more speechless. Who asked him to grease the soles of his feet regularly, but just left all the things he should do to Zhan Yushen to handle "by the way".

Ignoring Kurahara Shinyan's embarrassment at being at a loss for words, Zhan Yushen continued to sort out the things in his hands.

After thinking for a long time, he still couldn't think of a good word of comfort. Kurahara Shinyan could only watch Zhan Yushen packing his things in silence. Then, the more he looked at it, the more wrong it became, and the more wrong he saw... "Shen, are you there?" What to do? "

"It's time for me to leave." Zhan Yushen said this without raising his head.

"Stop joking." Kurohara Shinhiko was shocked.

Wow, please, don't scare him, his heart can't handle such a joke.

Zhan Yushen ignored him and continued to organize his work.

"Don't be like this, no matter how unhappy you are about the blind date, it's not that serious." Kurohara Shinhiko seemed to be a little nervous, nervously catching Zhan Yushen busy doing classification Hands handling.

His hands were firmly held, and Zhan Yushen did not show any rejection. He just looked at him, a pair of beautiful eyes full of fatigue.

"Be careful..." Kurahara Shinhiko was speechless. His eyes with no luster and no business made him feel unbearable.

"I took over the responsibility of the Mikata family in the first place just to make up for my mother's heart. Regret, it has been ten years. I believe no one knows better than you what I have done in these ten years. Even if it is to atone for my mother's sins, I believe that I have done enough."

"Shen, you are a member of the Gogata family and the only heir. Your mother-in-law did not let you take over the management of the family just to make you atone for your sins. Don't talk about yourself like that." Kurahara Shinhiko was a little anxious. Somehow, Zhan Yushen's appearance made him feel uneasy.

"These are no longer important." There was unmistakable sadness in Zhan Yushen's calm tone, "I'm tired, very tired, very tired..."

"Tired? It doesn't matter, you can take a few days off and let me Relax yourself." Kurahara Shinhiko suggested quickly.

"You know what I'm talking about." The hoarse whisper conveyed his unspoken sadness.

He can be submissive and sacrifice everything to do everything for the Gogata family, but his emotions are all he has left. No one can interfere, let alone use his marriage as a benefit. chips.

This unexpected blind date touched the bottom line of his heart, and also cooled his sense of responsibility that he has never let go of. For the Gogata family... he no longer felt the need to stay.

Under Zhan Yushen's gaze, Kurahara Shinhiko let go of his hand with a guilty conscience.

"These are all confidential documents. They are all handed over to you. They belong to the Goxing family. I didn't take away any of them." Zhan Yushen pushed the documents at hand towards him.

Zhan Yushen turned around without any attachment, which made Kurahara Shinhiko panic. After throwing the things on the table, he quickly chased after him.

"What are you doing? Doesn't the Ogata family belong to you? You are the only heir to the Ogata family." Kurahara Shinhiko shouted at the leaving figure.

Zhan Yushen stopped, slowly turned around and looked at Kurahara Shinyan, "Is this a problem?"

Kurahara Shinyan was speechless. Of course I knew things would turn out like this, and the crux was where they were.

With helpless eyes, Kurahara Shinyan watched Zhan Yushen leave without looking back.

I really wave my clothes and don't take away a cloud! Kurahara Shinhiko smiled bitterly in his heart, knowing that he was dead now. Not to mention how his mother-in-law would blame him for not keeping the person, he just thought of all the frightening amount of work after Zhan Yushen left. On his head.

Mother-in-law, why are you holding a blind date conference if you have nothing to do? Your arrangement is really going to kill people!

Chapter 6 Through the lens, Shao Qi finally understood why he intuitively wanted to take pictures with Zuo Shanshan.

Perhaps, she is not the most eye-catching and beautiful girl, but she has a kind of beauty that belongs to her, a unique charm that once you notice it, you will gradually be attracted to her. How to say

? Compared with ordinary girls, she seems a bit quiet. If you look closely, you can find that her eyes are watery and as clear as a child. Her fair skin makes her look like a delicate Japanese doll, white and tender. , juicy and juicy, especially every time she smiles, two small and childish pear nests will appear on her lips, making her cute and lovable for no reason.

After seeing too many girls who claim to be beautiful and only compete for beauty, the existence of Zuo Shanshan... Let's put it this way, it feels a bit like finding the cleanest style among a bunch of colorful dolls. Although the simple Japanese doll is not the most beautiful and eye-catching one among them, once you discover her existence, you can never ignore her pure beauty... "Hey, are you okay?"

The selfless world makes The sudden call interrupted Dong Yufei, who had been waiting for almost an hour, feeling a little unbearable.

What are you doing! On this rare holiday, I told her that I was going out for a picnic and taking photos "by the way", but what happened? It was really inhumane to have her stare blankly at the basket of food like she was in doubt.

"Feifei, are you hungry?" Shanshan knew that what finally made Dong Yufei agree to come out was the basket of food prepared by Shao Qi. Looking at her like that, she might have been hungry.

"What do you think?" Dong Yufei was not angry. No way, she originally had some illusions about Shao Qi's picnic proposal. She always thought that a talented person like Shao Qi could come up with such a good idea of ​​having a picnic and taking photos, and the location should not be too good. People are too disappointed.What about the results of

? ...the school garden! He actually chose the school’s small garden as the filming location! Is there anything wrong with

? He had no choice but to go to a school with no atmosphere? Yes, this small garden can be called elegant and quiet because it is in a remote location and few people come here to hang out, but just thinking about it being a corner of the school... wow! No matter how sentimental it is, it has become unsentimental.

Damn it! It was a waste of her favor to think so highly of his IQ.

"Are you hungry? It doesn't matter. If you are hungry, you can eat first." Putting down the camera in his hand, Shao Qi smiled heartily.

"Don't you know that eating is delicious when there are many people?" Dong Yufei glared. glanced at him.

Where does this strange theory come from? Shao Qi smiled a little awkwardly.

"How about we take a break, what do you think?" Shanshan rubbed his cheeks that were stiff with laughter and asked for Shao Qi's opinion; after all, he brought the food.

"Okay." Shao Qi smiled. He didn't have any special objections. Anyway, he had just finished shooting a roll and had to stop to give him time to change the film.

As if well-trained, Dong Yufei had already laid out the napkins and mats for the picnic in the shortest possible time, along with the large picnic basket, and was working hard to put the picnic basket away. The food in the basket was brought out one by one.

Taking advantage of Shao Qi's change of clothes, Shanshan finally had the opportunity to ask the question that had confused her for a long time, "How strange, why would you want me to be your model?"

had been posing all morning. , she has been thinking about this puzzling question in her mind.

A bright smile like the sun emerged, and Shao Qi's cheerful smile was so bright that it made people feel dazzling.

"You will know when the photos are developed." Shao Qi gave up and installed the new film, his big smile full of confidence.

Unfortunately, Shanshan's attention was not on him. It had already been diverted by Dong Yufei's movements of picking up the objects.

As if by magic, he saw Dong Yufei taking out the food from the picnic basket one after another. Shanshan was a little surprised by the continuous movements.

"Wow... there are so many things. Why did you prepare so much?" It felt like the amount Shao Qi prepared was enough to feed a basketball team. Did he think he was feeding pigs?

"We agreed to have a picnic, but I didn't know what you like to eat, so I prepared more." Shao Qi smiled.

Dong Yufei didn't have time to talk nonsense to them about diplomatic rhetoric. She was so hungry that her chest pressed against her back, so she grabbed a sandwich and ate it.

"Feifei, are you really that hungry?" Seeing Dong Yufei's eating appearance, Shanshan chuckled.

"I can't help it, I'm growing." Dong Yufei said inarticulately.

development? One sip of Coke almost made Shao Qi spit out.

"Are you growing?" After finally swallowing the mouthful of coke that almost spit out, Shao Qi looked at her suspiciously.

After looking at her for a long time, Shao Qi nodded in agreement... "Well... it is indeed necessary. May you grow again, and bless you."

was a little bit evil, Shao Qi playfully offered Coke instead of wine, and raised a glass in a serious manner.

I thought that such a provocative move would start a quarrel with Dong Yufei. Unexpectedly, she seemed not to hear it. Not only did she not take Shao Qi seriously, she also tried very hard to eat her food. After stuffing all the sandwiches in his mouth, he picked up a croissant and was ready to go.

While Dong Yufei was working hard to stuff food into her empty stomach, Shanshan and Shao Qi looked at her in amazement, wondering why she was eating so "ferociously"?

Ignoring the strange looks from the two onlookers, Dong Yufei ate hers as usual. After she stuffed the croissant into her mouth and drank a whole bottle of osmanthus and sour plum soup to help her swallowing, she patted herself. He stood up slowly and slowly. "Zuo, I think... we can go." After eating and drinking, it was time to leave.

"Huh?" Shanshan was a little at a loss. It was Dong Yufei who asked her to come in the first place, so why was it Dong Yufei who asked her to give up halfway?

"Wow, this is too cruel. You took Zuo Shanshan away, so why should I take pictures today?" Shao Qi screamed and protested repeatedly.

"There is no way, with a body like "ours" that "really needs to develop", how can we waste the film of your great talent Shao? So let us go back and let you take pictures after it has fully grown. Dong Yufei shrugged, pretending to be helpless.

Since she has already had enough to eat and drink, who wants to ask him to take photos? I didn’t even try to find out clearly, but I found Dong Yufei’s head. Is there any mistake? Do you think she, Dong Yufei, is a soft persimmon and so easy to bully?

Only then did Shao Qi realize that he had made a mistake just now, because he had forgotten that Zuo Shanshan and Dong Yufei had similar figures, and said that Dong Yufei's figure was not hers, which meant that Zuo Shanshan's was not... ...Now, it was a mistake to leave a topic for Dong Yufei to use as a bargaining chip.

"Feifei, Shao Qi didn't mean it." Shanshan laughed. She still thought for a while before she understood the current situation. I bet our Miss Dong was unhappy and was bullying others.

"It's hard to say." Dong Yufei pushed up the glasses on her nose, "Zuo, obedient, let's go back and wait for the growth to be completed before we let Shao Dacai take pictures."

knew that Dong Yufei was making things difficult for others, so he was kind Shan endured a smile and followed her.

"Okay, okay, can I admit defeat?" Shao Qi quickly chased after him.

"Apologise." Dong Yufei demanded.

"I'm sorry." Shao Qi admitted his defeat.

If Shao Qi thought that these three casual words could buy peace, then he was wrong.

Then he saw Dong Yufei glance at him sideways, and pushed up his glasses with Qiao's, "No, it's not sincere enough."

Shao Qi didn't back down, and finally understood why Dong Yufei let the classmates rate him as a weirdo, A difficult person.

"It's all my fault, please, Sir, please don't be like me." Shao Qi was acting like a big show, both paying respects and bowing. He was deeply afraid that Dong Yufei would be unreasonable and make trouble. If Zuo Shan Shan was encouraged and really was taken away, so where could he find someone to replace him?

Shanshan couldn't stand it anymore and burst out laughing.

"Do you think you are singing a big show?" Dong Yufei couldn't help laughing, her eyes hidden behind the lenses reflected the bright light.

"Feifei is joking with you, don't take it seriously." Seeing Shao Qi's dazed expression, Shanshan thought he had confused Dong Yufei, so he explained.

Shao Qi just looked at Dong Yufei, trying to confirm what he just saw.

"What are you looking at?" Shao Qi's gaze made Dong Yufei uncomfortable, as if he was about to be seen through.

"Hey, Dong Yufei, can you take off your glasses?" Shao Qi said this out of nowhere.

"What are you doing?" He looked at Shao Qi with defensive eyes.

"I've been your classmate for three years, and I haven't seen you take off your glasses. I'm just curious." Shao Qipi smiled.

Shao Qi’s lecture made Shanshan curious. She, her cohabitant, had never seen it before!

"Yes, Feifei, I don't think I've ever seen you take off your glasses." Shanshan agreed.

"It's just like that, what's there to see?" Dong Yufei wanted to casually bring up this topic.

"It won't hurt if we take a look. Just take it off and let us take a look." Shao Qi insisted on not letting her go. He wanted to make sure that the flash of dazzling light just now was due to his illusion. .

"You are boring." Dong Yufei ignored him.

"Feifei, don't be like this. I look at your ugly and big glasses every time. If you change your glasses one day, maybe I won't recognize you. Just take off your glasses and let others know." Let’s see your true face in Lushan.” Shanshan’s curiosity was aroused and she couldn’t help but beg.

"Yes, it might be very photogenic, let me take some photos for you, I will make you look beautiful.Shao Qi picked up the camera and pointed it at her, while encouraging her with words.

"Thank you." Dong Yufei was annoyed and turned away from the camera, "Please save your negatives."

Shao Qi's self-esteem was slightly affected by Dong Yufei's unintentional actions. What's the matter? Even though he, the president of the photography club, took action personally, the eldest lady still disliked him.

's strong personality could not tolerate such rejection. Dong Yufei's evasive attitude angered him. Shao Qi chased her with a camera, and he had to take a photo for her to prove his skills no matter what. .

Seeing Dong Yufei and Shao Qi chasing each other like children having a tantrum, Shan Shan stood by and smiled unconsciously, but after a while, Qing Worry filled her heart, and with the unfounded sadness, her eyes seemed to be out of focus, and her thoughts were drifting into the distance unknowingly. After the floating clouds parted, the flowing water for ten years... Yijun was far away across the blue sky... What should I do? See each other again... Why should we meet again... Trying to hide from the camera, Dong Yufei could not restrain the anger gradually rising in her chest and abdomen.

"Hey, there's something wrong with you, don't point the camera at me." Going against the mature and calm image she had left in the class, Dong Yufei yelled angrily... no, roared.

"You are the one with the problem. You will die if you ask me to take a picture." Shao Qi ignored her and made it clear that he was having an affair with her. He was holding the camera in his hand, trying hard to find a suitable one. Angle, just waiting for Dong Yufei to turn around.

"I'm warning you, don't point the camera at me again."

"I just have to point it at you, how about it?"

"Do you believe that I will destroy your camera." As far as she knew, his hand That camera above is not cheap.

"Really? Then you have to go back and get my camera after all...otherwise, how are you going to destroy it?" A series of "complaints" seemed to come out of his mouth on his own initiative, Shao Qi never knew he had this evil talent.

"What do you want?" Dong Yufei was offended.

"It's not that great, I just wanted to take a beautiful photo for you."

"Please don't get the wrong person, okay? The target you should pay attention to is Zuo Shanshan, right?"

Yes, why are you patronizing? Goofing around with her and leaving Zuo Shanshan aside?

Dong Yufei's words gave Shao Qi a reflexive reaction. He turned his head to look at Shan Shan with the camera in hand. Through the window, he was stunned for a moment.

Did he see it wrong? That was a different Zuo Shanshan. His confused expression had an indescribable charm. He stared straight ahead in a daze, as if he was thinking about something, and also like a woman looking forward to the return of her lover.

Between the strength of a girl and the amorous feelings of a mature woman, a Zuo Shanshan is created who is unfamiliar to people and an absolutely eye-catching Zuo Shanshan. With the photographer's dexterity, Shao Qi could move with his toes. This would definitely be a great work. At that moment, the shutter was pressed continuously - he would not be stupid enough to miss such a rare shot. .

Suddenly, the woman in the lens changed. The loose focus gradually condensed, and the unknown expression turned into an uncertain surprise. The joy in the eyes and eyes overflowed, like a chrysalis that had been sleeping in the darkness for a long time. , finally waited for the arrival of the morning light, and hurriedly broke out of the cocoon under the warm sun, showing the most beautiful look.

Shanshan lit up like a luminous body. She was so beautiful that there was no way to describe it. Naturally, Shao Qi pressed the shutter faster than one picture. He wanted to capture all of her, but he was afraid of missing any trace. A small could Zuo Shanshan have such a change in his expression in such a short period of time?

This doubt just came to mind, and then, Shao Qi discovered the answer through the camera.

He was a very outstanding man. He was as handsome as a tree and outstanding. He exuded the temperament of a leader. He had a handsome and stylish face made up of beautiful facial features. It was obvious that he was someone who didn't smile often. Although he is not stingy in doing so now, as long as he pays attention, it is not difficult to find that his smile is only directed at the person in front of him, as if the whole world has been put aside by him, and only the person in front of him is the only one. important.

It was like a reunion after a long separation. The two people stared at each other from a short distance, with only each other's twinkling eyes in their eyes, as if they wanted to express all the lovesickness hidden in their hearts, radiating to the two of them to understand. The heat; the faint smile that appeared on his face was because of each other, as if they were the only two people left in the world, and they finally found each other... Shao Qi held the camera and waited with bated breath.

He is waiting. His intuition convinced him that as long as he waited a little longer, he would be able to capture a good scene.

As if to confirm Shao Qi's hypothesis, the two opposing luminous bodies rushed toward each other in the next second, and the moment they met, a dazzling fire burst out. It was so dazzling that it was so hot that it made people feel like they were set on fire.

The clicking and clicking sounds of the shutter are endless, one, two, three... Shao Qi forgets himself and desperately presses the shutter. It is a kind of fanaticism as a photography enthusiast, and he cannot tolerate missing any one that can last forever. Rare footage of 

but... damn! The

film is so unusable, wasn't it just replaced just now? Why did it bottom out within just two or three shots? Shao Qi hurriedly unloaded the used film, hoping to replace it with a new one in the shortest possible time.

Dong Yufei, who had been watching everything quietly from beginning to end, stopped him.

"What are you doing?" Shao Qi's tone couldn't help but be harsh.

"That's enough. The photos you took are enough for you to organize the entire achievement exhibition." Knowing that at this time, what the two people who reunited after a long separation need most is to be alone, Dong Yufei couldn't believe that Shao Qi was so ignorant. .

"You don't understand..." Shao Qi couldn't explain the fear of missing out on a good work.

"Yes, I don't understand, but I know that if you continue to stay here and become an eyesore, I will make sure you don't get a single photo." While Shao Qi wasn't paying attention, he made a move as slippery as a loach. Flash, Dong Yufei had already touched the roll of film that had just been unloaded, and was making a move to pull out the film.

"Give it back to me." Shao Qi was anxious.

"Are you leaving or not?" Dong Yufei asked him to choose.

Shao Qi is in a serious dilemma.

"I'll give you three seconds, one, two..."

Before the word "three" could be called, Shao Qi hurriedly did it before Dong Yufei could draw out his most proud efforts. Decide!

"I'm leaving!"

Dong Yufei snorted coldly, took the film, and left with Shao Qi looking at him with a look of unwillingness. There was a look of pride on his face.

Want to fight her?

hum! There are no doors!

was in the embrace of familiarity and nostalgia, with an expression of unbelievable surprise on his kind and delicate little face.

The little brother is no longer blurry. He is so clear and real. The empty parts of a heart are completely filled at this moment. The restored atrium depicts a clear image, and this image is powerful. holding her in his arms.

Are you dreaming?

If so, then she never wants to wake up... "Shan Shan?" Zhan Yushen wiped away the tears hanging in the corners of her eyes with distress.

"Little brother...are you really back?" The choked nasal voice expressed her fear, fearing that all this was just a dream, a dream caused by longing.

It can be said that it is a result of accumulation, right? In the past few days, Dong Yufei's words had an effect in her mind, making her already a little uneasy heart feel uncertain and confused, and her heart followed those The theories and principles of experts have been floating around for a long time. Until just now, when she first saw the figure she had missed for a long time, she thought she was going crazy. She even fantasized about her face in the distance... Is the little brother now an illusion? Probably not? Otherwise, how could this familiar embrace be so real?

"It's me, it's really me, I'm back." His beautiful voice, which was comparable to that of a radio host, told his assurance, gently leaving a mark on his snow-white forehead, successfully allaying all Shan Shan's doubts and worries. Worry.

"I miss you so much, I really miss you." She buried herself tightly into the chest that she had longed for for a long time, and Shan Shan frankly expressed her thoughts.

"Do you miss you as much as I do?" Zhan Yushen's usually indifferent handsome face showed his outgoing emotions. He held the warm fragrance of nephrite in his arms and tightened his strength unconsciously.

endured Zhan Yushen's strong embrace, until this moment, Shanshan's wandering heart finally fell... straight into the pocket that Zhan Yushen had opened for her!

The original uneasiness and suspicion were completely isolated. She knew that her little brother would carefully protect and guard her heart. There was no problem of space or time. All Dong Yufei's assumptions would never be fulfilled. It might be true, and it would make her feel such a burning feeling in her heart. Her little brother was the only one in the world.

"I miss you more than you miss me." She showed a mischievous smile with tears in her eyes, and the slender girl began to care about this.

Zhan Yushen did not argue with her on this issue. He still hugged her, as if he wanted to feel something through such a close hug.

As time passed by, Zhan Yushen's heart, which seemed hollow due to exhaustion, began to feel a warmth, a feeling that made him feel that he was still alive... That was derived from kindness. The power conveyed to him by kindness not only warmed his empty heart, but also came to life as if he had been reborn.

Shanshan was hugged quietly. She felt that her little brother was hurt in his heart. He was so tired, so tired... "Little brother?" Shanshan felt distressed, and the little hands wrapped around him were reluctant to leave. Patting his broad back, it was like caring and cherishing a wronged child.

Zhan Yu carefully understood her intention to protect him, and the expression on her face softened involuntarily.

"I'm fine." He relaxed his tight hold on her, touched her pink cheeks carefully, and showed an okay smile.

Looking at the face that lingered in the dream, familiar but slightly different due to separation. The unfamiliar handsome face and the kind-hearted heart filled with an uncomfortable feeling. She didn't want to be separated anymore. She really didn't want to be separated from her little brother anymore... "Little brother, don't go back to Japan, okay? I don't want to be with you anymore." Every time you break up, I have to wait for a long time to see you. I always count the days, hoping that the birthday will come soon... Huh? My birthday hasn't come yet?" The uncomfortable words took a turn for the worse, Shan. Shan Qi asked questions randomly.

Suddenly she thought, her birthday is still one or two months away, why...why is the little brother back now?

Seeing her belatedly finding doubts, and then having a cute expression of confusion, Zhan Yushen's heart was filled with love.

"This time, I will never leave you again." Like a promise, Zhan Yushen lovingly kissed her pink cheek, "From now on, you don't have to count the days day by day. You just look forward to your birthday. We will never be separated again. 

"Really?" Shan Shan's happiness only lasted for a moment. How can

be such a good thing? How could God favor her so much for no reason? Shanshan is very self-aware. "Did something happen?" She couldn't help but feel suspicious, especially when Zhan Yushen showed physical and mental exhaustion just now, which made her a little worried.

"It's okay."

"Little brother?" Shan Shan refused to believe it.

Knowing that she would not let go of this problem easily, Zhan Yu took a deep breath and then casually said in a calm tone, "I can't let others take away what I have."

Did Shanshan understand? .

is the "only one"? What is that?

"Okay, let's not talk about that. Why don't you find it strange at all? Why am I here?" Knowing that she couldn't understand, Zhan Yushen had no intention of going into detail, so he simply changed the topic.

"By the way, little brother, why are you here?" After Zhan Yushen's reminder, Shanshan thought, and also discovered that two companions had lost Zongying, "Hey, where are the two of them? Just now Are you still here?"

"Your friend has been away for a while." Over the past ten years, Zhan Yushen has learned the ability to see and listen in all directions.

He saw the whole process of Dong Yufei coercing Shao Qi to leave. Although he didn't know who Dong Yufei was, her exquisite heart impressed Zhan Yushen─if Zhan Yushen knew about it, Dong Yufei, the instigator of many of the long speeches that made Shan Shan feel uneasy, was indoctrinated. I wonder what General Zhan Yushen felt? Will she still have a good impression of her? 

"When did they leave? Why didn't you tell me?" Her simple mind could only fit one question, and she had already put aside her previous questions.

"I thought your attention should be on me." Zhan Yushen, who had not been in a good mood for a long time, pretended to be unhappy and teased her.

"Little brother..." She was a little at a loss. It was a rare gathering, and she didn't want to make her little brother unhappy. Shanshan looked at him like a child who had done something wrong.

"I haven't seen you for almost a year, why haven't you become smarter? I'm just teasing you..." Zhan Yushen ruffled his cloud-like hair with a doting look, "Your friends left long ago, then A girl with exaggerated glasses..."

was very detailed. Zhan Yushen told her everything he saw.

"Ha! It's so strange. Why are the two of them like magnets that repel each other, bickering when they touch each other?" Shanshan chuckled. After solving a problem, he remembered the previous question, "By the way, "Brother, how did you know that my classmates and I were taking pictures here?"

"As soon as I returned to Taiwan, I made a phone call home. My godmother told me." Zhan Yushen finished his explanation in two sentences. Knowing the reason for her making rice dumplings, she didn’t mention how he made the taxi driver rush over because of his strong longing.

The word "go home" mentioned by Zhan Yushen inadvertently made Shan Shan's heart suddenly feel warm.

"Home"! He always regarded this home as his home, it was their common home... A pair of slender arms hugged him without warning, and with a silly smile, he buried his face in his chest again.

"What's wrong?" Zhan Yushen noticed her unreasonable joy.

"No." Shanshan muffled her voice, but she could still hear her overflowing joy. "That's great. Fortunately, I called home to tell mommy, otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to see you." Shanshan was filled with happiness. She didn't expect that the phone call she made to inform her would receive such good feedback.

"Do you want to tell me why you are so interested in taking pictures with your classmates here?" Anxious to see her, he hung up the phone and rushed over as soon as he learned where she was. He didn't have time to hear the whole thing. reason.

"We are having a picnic and taking pictures "by the way". " Shanshan corrected him and involuntarily pulled Zhan Yushen to sit on a napkin full of food.

"Picnic? Such a good mood?"

"Shao Qi suggested it, and he prepared all these things." He took a small cake and handed it to Zhan Yushen's mouth to feed, Shanshan smiled to himself. She got up and quickly said what she thought about the food, "Does it look like feeding pigs?"

Zhan Yushen took a bite of the cake and looked at her dumbfounded.

"Ah! I'm not talking about you. Of course you're not a pig. I'm talking about the amount of food as if you're feeding pigs." Shanshan realized her slip of the tongue and hurriedly explained what she meant.

Zhan Yushen smiled but said nothing. The tacit understanding between the two of them let Shanshan know that he didn't mind, and he continued talking happily!

"It's all Shao Qi. He came to me to take pictures for no reason... Did you know? He is a famous talent in our school. Originally..."

The ready-made picnic made it easier for the pair to reunite after a long separation. Shanshan gesticulates and describes how she became acquainted with Shao Qi: from the acquaintance of classmates, to the acquaintance after a collision... Of course, she also talked about the irrational hatred of the female classmate, and the strong support from Dong Yufei. Finally, what led her to take pictures here.

There are so many things that I want to say to him. Shanshan is no longer the quiet girl she is. In front of Zhan Yushen, she is like a happy little skylark, chirping and talking about what has happened in the past year. The anecdotes that happened are like trying to fill the gap left by the separation.

With a smile on his face, Zhan Yushen listened with a loving look on his face.

That sweet voice that he misses every night is so real at this moment. She is really beside him, with the fragrance of the lotus breeze and the clear sound of bamboo dew dripping beside him.

Along with the chirping of insects, the deep thoughts in the heart are expressed one by one...

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