The Taiwanese drama "Love Happens in Three Days" stars Liu Guanting, Chen Tingni, Meng Gengru, Shi Mingshuai, Lin Zhexi, Xie Pei'en, Yuan Aifei, Chen Yu'an and other actors. There is also a guest appearance by the well-known band "Afraid of Fat Group". The super lineup has attrac

2024/05/1911:29:33 entertainment 1781

The Taiwanese drama

The Taiwanese drama "Love Happens Three Days Later" is co-starred by Liu Guanting, Chen Tingni, Meng Gengru, Shi Mingshuai, Lin Zhexi, Xie Pei'en, Yuan Aifei, Chen Yuan and other actors, and more There is a guest appearance by the well-known band "Afraid of Fat Group", and the super lineup has attracted attention. The duo of Liu Guanting and Chen Tingni in "God of Fire" has also made netizens look forward to it! The realistic plot and life-like interaction resonated with the audience, and the lines in the play also triggered discussions among netizens! "If love requires thinking, it's not love." Do you agree?

Ning Youzhu: "Then do you love me?" Wang Yan: "Can you wait for me for three more days?"

Ning Youzhu mustered up the courage to express his feelings to Wang Yan at the lively concert, but he got nothing. She could wait another three days for his reply, which made her leave the scene angrily and disappear completely in a fit of anger. This sentence also became the fuse of the whole incident.

The Taiwanese drama

Wang Yan: "I have been thinking about you for three more days. It doesn't matter if you don't feel moved, but do you need to treat me like this?" Ning Youzhu: "How moved are you? I, Ning Youzhu, am not that unbearable. I want to Let you think for three days to decide whether you love me or not."

The two got together again after many years. Wang Yan wanted to resolve the misunderstanding in the past, but it got out of hand...

The Taiwanese drama

Wang Yan: "Is it true that since then? Friendship turns into love. You don't need to think about such a serious and profound issue? Don't you need to take it seriously? "Ning Youzhu: "Love doesn't need to be taken seriously like you do. Love is done with heart and feeling, not with words. Thinking."

The two people went back and forth to express the knots that had been buried in their hearts for a long time, but found that the tangled point was an unsolvable knot. How should two people with completely different views communicate? Isn’t love just based on feelings without thinking?

The Taiwanese drama

"We looked out from the same window. Why did I see the sky full of stars, but you saw the mud all over the ground."

Ning Youzhu and Wang Yan kept quarreling over these "three days". Their views are very different, and their understanding of love is also completely different, which puts many obstacles on the road to repairing their feelings.

The Taiwanese drama

"Whether you love me or not is a matter of feeling, but you have to think for three days to decide whether you love me or not. This is a matter of dignity!"

Ning Youzhu's voluntary confession involved dignity, and he disappeared in anger for eight years, because Her own initiative but failure made her feel grudged. Ning Youzhu said, "I am a girl. Girls should confess first. This is a matter of self-esteem." This remark also aroused heated discussion among the audience. What do you think about boys confessing first or girls taking the initiative first? What about?

The Taiwanese drama

"Do you need to think about loving your parents? If love requires thinking, it is not love"

What exactly is love? Ning Youzhu was constantly troubled by the fact that he proposed the confession first and thought that he had lost his self-esteem. Wang Yan felt that the two of them needed to think carefully before turning from close friends to lovers. The two people with very different ideas were misunderstandings. Lost each other. "Isn't it love that needs to be thought about?" also made the audience think deeply.

The Taiwanese drama

"Not only do you not love me, you don't even like me. The most disgusting thing is that you are not even willing to reject me."

Ning Youzhu disappeared for eight years after the incident, without reply or rejection, Wang Yan could only wait endlessly and wasted four whole years.

The Taiwanese drama

"Why is it that what you expect is always different from what you get."

After Wang Yan and Ning Youzhu had a big fight on the street, Ning Youzhu calmed down and began to think. Maybe her intention was not to argue. It was unpleasant, and maybe I was looking forward to the possibility of resolving the knot, but in the end I messed up everything because of my outspokenness...

The Taiwanese drama

"What human eyes see is not necessarily true."

Wang Yan and Ning Youzhu had a quarrel on the street, which was broadcasted by passers-by. Ning Youzhu was labeled as the "Shark Girl" by netizens and caused heated discussions. Ning Youzhu had no choice but to broadcast a live broadcast to clarify and reply to netizens, but was bombarded by netizens." "Want to be famous", " princess disease ", Wang Yan was silently and anonymously escorting and defending her behind the screen...

The Taiwanese drama

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