Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, 40 years have passed since the filming of the CCTV version of "Journey to the West" began. This classic film and television drama, which never goes out of date no matter when it is released, carries the memories of countless people. "Jou

2024/05/1907:06:33 entertainment 1196

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye it has been 40 years since the CCTV version of "Journey to the West" started filming. This classic film and television drama, which never goes out of date no matter when it is released, carries the memories of countless people.

"Journey to the West" is played in rotation almost every winter and summer vacation. Even if every storyline in the play is already familiar, everyone can still watch it with gusto.

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, 40 years have passed since the filming of the CCTV version of

Many of the actors in the drama may no longer be young, but the classic roles they played are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Zhu Guanglong, who plays the role of "Tathagata Buddha", was even considered to be a real Buddha to pay homage to. He went to Thailand to buy commemorative coins and it was impressive. There are many behind-the-scenes interesting things like this with his own face printed on it.

He and his wife have been together for more than 50 years and lived a comfortable and contented life in his later years. Today, let us enter Zhu Guanglong's happy life.

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, 40 years have passed since the filming of the CCTV version of

Many people may not know the name Zhu Guanglong alone, but when it comes to "Tathagata Buddha", everyone knows it. In fact, his inextricable relationship with the profession of actor is purely accidental. .

At that time, the family was poor and had many children. Zhu Guanglong had 5 brothers and sisters. Therefore, he knew from an early age that the only way to change his destiny was to study hard. At that time, he had a heroic dream in his heart. If he followed his original plan , he is likely to become a soldier in the future.

However, everything seemed to be destined. He had some luck. His parents not only gave him a good skin, but also allowed him to meet Bole.

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, 40 years have passed since the filming of the CCTV version of

At that time, Zhu Guanglong was reading in front of a bookstall, and happened to meet a professor from Lanzhou University of the Arts passing by. The old teacher was instantly attracted to the extraordinary temperament of Zhu Guanglong, and felt that he would have certain potential in acting.

In order not to miss out on a good talent, the old professor came to Zhu Guanglong and asked "Do you have the idea of ​​becoming an actor?" Zhu Guanglong, who looked confused, never thought that he would have the opportunity to be an actor.

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, 40 years have passed since the filming of the CCTV version of

Little did he know that when the word actor appeared in his world, he fell in love immediately. Professor suggested that he apply to Lanzhou University of the Arts. After thinking about it, he felt that the actor industry was indeed something he could try.

With the vision for the future, he began to study hard. On the one hand, there were cultural courses, and on the other hand, there was professional knowledge. The most important thing was performance. With little experience, he could only learn from other people's performances, and then figure out the role himself.

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, 40 years have passed since the filming of the CCTV version of

After a lot of hard work, he lived up to expectations and was successfully admitted to Lanzhou University of the Arts. After arriving here, everything was new to him. At the same time, he also understood that only by constantly working hard and improving his professional level can he have a future in this circle. .

So during his school days, he actively participated in various literary and artistic activities. Whenever he had the opportunity to perform, he would be the first to step forward. Focusing on one thing was his greatest strength. As long as he was willing to do it, he would try his best , don’t leave any regrets to yourself.

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, 40 years have passed since the filming of the CCTV version of

How can a motivated person not be favored by God? Zhu Guanglong was the lucky one. When he was a sophomore in college, the film "Subduing the Dragon and Subduing the Tiger" was being filmed and he was looking for actors everywhere, so he found Zhu Guanglong and directly appointed him as the male lead.

This made him flattered, and he also knew that this was an opportunity. In order to prove himself, he started a crazy learning mode. He studied the script carefully and refused to let go of every word, bringing the character to life and feeling the role of the character in every aspect. mentality in a situation.

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, 40 years have passed since the filming of the CCTV version of

After a period of hard work, his acting skills improved by leaps and bounds. After the movie was released, Zhu Guanglong was seen by more people. Although he is not old, his acting skills are not immature at all. With this movie, he won in one fell swoop National Young Actor First Prize , the future is immeasurable. After graduating from

, he came to work in the art troupe. Here he not only brought his career to a higher level, but also met the love of his life.

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, 40 years have passed since the filming of the CCTV version of

Wu Huifang is also an actor in the art troupe. When they first met, Zhu Guanglong fell in love with her at first sight, but he did not dare to come forward and say a word until they were arranged to star in the movie " tunnel battle " together.

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, 40 years have passed since the filming of the CCTV version of

"Tunnel War" is Zhu Guanglong's famous work. He plays the heroic character Gao Chuanbao in the film. War movies inevitably have many dangerous scenes. In order to be more realistic, Zhu Guanglong jumped directly from a tree more than two meters high. , because I didn’t master the strength well, I fell directly into with broken bones and . The actors at that time were really dedicated.

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, 40 years have passed since the filming of the CCTV version of

Under Zhu Guanglong's wonderful interpretation, Gao Chuanbao's tall, powerful and righteous image is vividly reflected. At that time, Wu Huifang didn't have many scenes in the film, and there wasn't much interaction between them. However, Zhu Guanglong took the initiative to not leave any regrets. Courage met Wu Huifang.

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, 40 years have passed since the filming of the CCTV version of

For a period of time afterwards, Zhu Guanglong always treated her with care and concern. Whenever she was in need, Zhu Guanglong was always the first one to appear in front of her. Over time, the relationship between the two gradually changed, but between them But there is an obstacle, which is the age difference of 8 years.

So none of them pierced this layer of window paper, and they have always been in a state of being more than friends and lovers. The broadcast of "Tunnel War" made Zhu Guanglong instantly popular all over the country . Everyone was attracted by this handsome tough guy. Got fans.

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, 40 years have passed since the filming of the CCTV version of

The popular Zhu Guanglong also gained courage. After some ideological struggle, he found Wu Huifang and expressed his feelings to her. In fact, Wu Huifang had always liked him silently in her heart.

In this way, the two came together very smoothly, and less than a year into their relationship, they decided to get married hand in hand. After their marriage, their life became the envy of everyone.

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, 40 years have passed since the filming of the CCTV version of

Zhu Guanglong never let Wu Huifang do anything. Zhu Guanglong basically took care of all the housework in the family. Wu Huifang still can't cook. They also gave birth to three daughters. The family is extremely happy.

With the harmony of the family, Zhu Guanglong has also ushered in the peak period of his career. "Journey to the West", one of the four famous masterpieces, is about to start filming. The other actors have basically been decided. However, the role of "Tathagata Buddha" has been cast for a long time. Director Yang Jie was worried that he could not find a suitable role for a long time.

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, 40 years have passed since the filming of the CCTV version of

Just when everyone was frowning, someone recommended Zhu Guanglong. When he learned the news, he thought he would be asked to play some kind of monster, and he was very resistant. After all, the roles he has played over the years are basically heroic and tough guys. Later, it was only after everyone's persuasion that he was willing to give it a try.

However, Zhu Guanglong was also very unsure. More than ten actors had come to audition before him, but none of them could achieve the results that Director Yang Jie wanted. What was surprising was that when he put on his makeup, everyone present was stunned. Everyone was stunned, was simply the reincarnation of the Living Buddha, so Yang Jie immediately decided that he would play the role of "Tathagata".

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, 40 years have passed since the filming of the CCTV version of

But here comes the problem. Having been in war movies all year round, he has no idea how to play this "god". He doesn't have many scenes as "Tathagata", but he is very shocking when he appears. He just needs to sit still. , completely relying on the changing facial expressions to interpret the character.

This stumped Zhu Guanglong. Later, in order to shape the character well, he stayed in the temple for several days. He would even look at the Buddha statue for several hours, carefully observing the micro-expressions of the Buddha statue. This is how he The hard work has yielded results beyond expectations and has become an unsurpassable "Tathagata" .

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, 40 years have passed since the filming of the CCTV version of

Sometimes during the break on the set, because the costumes are still on, many people will pay homage to him when they see him, and some will ask for his photos on good days, just to get a good start.

There was also an unexpected incident during his trip to Thailand that made him laugh and cry. He heard that Thailand Buddhist amulets had always been very famous, so he wanted to get one while traveling. What he didn't expect was that his face was printed on the amulet. , From this, we can see that Zhu Guanglong's "Buddha" is indeed deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it was once popular at home and abroad.

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, 40 years have passed since the filming of the CCTV version of

Zhu Guanglong has rarely appeared in front of the big screen since "Journey to the West". Later, he also made a guest appearance in " Wulin Gaiden", playing the role of Tong Xiangyu's father in the play. Many people did not know that he was the father of Tong Xiangyu . "Tathagata Buddha" can truly act like what he wants, and is a rare actor with strong acting skills.

Now he chooses to spend more time with his family. At the age of 83, he and his wife have been together for more than 50 years. They are still as loving as ever. Their three daughters are also very filial and sensible. They have a successful career and a good family. Harmony can be said to be the biggest winner in life.

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