There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema.

2024/05/1700:55:33 entertainment 1105

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

text | Sister Yi (Zhou Guiyi) Xiaoxing

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

In the blink of an eye, 2022 has entered the second half.

The first half of the year has been ups and downs. I hope that the second half will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema.

It was the first movie in July, and it also made me feel warm and healed.

The hot summer has arrived. Its title makes people feel more or less "out of season"; regarding the epidemic, we feel a "sigh" in our hearts.

However, in the darkness, these emotions slowly disappeared in each detail of the movie. When the end credits appeared, my nose felt sore.

Fortunately I didn’t miss you.

"You Are My Spring"

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

The best thing about "You Are My Spring" is . It did not avoid the cruelty of the epidemic, nor did it blindly "praise" , but faced suffering and death head-on. These scenes are as real as documentaries.

In the movie, you can see that people are being carried away from the community every day, and everyone is shadowed by the risk of infection.

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

You can see the scene of medical rush. The hospital is crowded with people. Everyone is running, anxious, asking, and shouting hoarse. The corridors are all filled with beds, and the elderly need to be rescued on the ground.

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

Due to the ultra-high-pressure workload and the disappearing lives in front of their eyes, the volunteers lost control of their emotions and sat on the ground in the lounge, all weak.

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

The most shocking thing is that "You Are My Spring" allows us to see that doctors and nurses are just ordinary people who have the same seven emotions and six desires as us.

There is a complete paragraph in the film about the story of ICU doctor Gong Chen (played by Huang Chao) and his nurse wife Yang Shan (played by Yang Si). The sense of substitution is really strong.

It is no exaggeration to say that in this section, Huang Chao and Yang Si, two actors we are not so familiar with, gave annual high-level acting skills. Moreover, this is also the most realistic and heart-wrenching among all epidemic-themed films so far. Shocking presentation.

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

Gong Chen (played by Huang Chao) is the attending doctor of the ICU, and the emergency room is his battlefield.

He shuttles here every day, sending away the deceased and continuing to save the next patient with all his strength.

After get off work, he lived in the car with his wife, Yang Shan, a nurse in the same hospital.

In order to protect their family, they chose to eat and live in the car. That small space was where he and his nurse wife rested.

They rarely talk. Except for occasionally calling their son, most of the time they just say a few words, then wrap up tightly in quilts and take a break.

As the attending physician in the ICU, Gong Chen is very aware of the fear and sadness of his colleagues.

However, all he could do was comfort and encourage us tiredly, and then continue to rush to the "battlefield" to continue rescuing the patients in the crowded ward.

"As long as people have a voice, hope is there."

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

We can even see the whole process of them calling the family members one by one, saying "very sorry, very sorry" in Wuhan dialect, listening to the family members on the other end of the phone. cries.

On the movie screen, the back of Gong Chen's head was shown in close-up, which was his wordless silence.

Doctors and nurses face death every day and repeat their strong sense of powerlessness over and over again, which is already hugely destructive; however, what really makes them collapse even more is the departure of their comrades.

Dr. Ji Yongliang, Gong Chen’s comrade-in-arms, was infected with new coronavirus while treating epidemic patients.

’s condition deteriorated rapidly, and he was stabilized by intubation for the first time.

But the second time, a group of people tried their best, but were unable to change the heart rate monitoring from fluctuation to a straight line.

At the moment when death should be announced, Dr. Gong was still unwilling to give up and continued to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation for his comrades.

This scene was silent throughout. No one dared to interrupt him or remind him, until he was exhausted and said softly - I can't press it anymore, man.

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

In an instant, everyone’s masks and goggles were wet with tears.

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

But soon, he adjusted his mood and encouraged everyone: "We are not qualified to collapse, we have no retreat, go forward, charge forward, and fight."

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

Can he really get over it?

He silently smoked a cigarette, returned to the car, and faced his wife's constant questioning: "Why did I only give you one N95 mask a day?" "Someone told me that the mask was splashed by the patient when you were intubating. Blood and saliva are contaminated, you never told me these things." He didn't want his wife to worry, so he repeatedly avoided the problem, but in the end he inevitably got into a heated argument with his wife.

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

Until his wife yelled at him: "Don't talk to me like this! Do you know that every day, in addition to work pressure, I worry about you, how much psychological pressure I have!"

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

At that moment, he finally couldn't hold it any longer, and his emotions collapsed. Shouting: "Ji Yongliang is dead!"

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

That night, the couple sat in the car with tears in their eyes, leaning on each other, speechless until dawn.

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

Now, I still clearly remember what Dr. Gong said in his heart that night when he collapsed. He was so powerless and desperate, but also stubborn and strong in unwillingness to admit defeat.

I believe this is the truest state of mind of the medical workers standing on the front line.

In this kind of cruelty, it is precisely because of the ordinary that it appears to be particularly great and full of energy, which makes people deeply admire.

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

The performances of Huang Chao and Yang Si were really great. While watching, I had the illusion countless times: I thought they were real medical workers.

The actors’ solid acting skills are on the one hand; in order to be as real as possible, they also went all out and prepared with the most sincere attitude. In the early stage of filming, the actors specially went to the hospital for internship experience, and also invited real medical staff to provide guidance.

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

(Actor Huang Chao also recorded all this in a 100-word essay on his social platform)

The film uses a handheld camera documentary method, with two scenes: an emergency room and a car, followed by Gong Chen and Yang Shan This medical couple runs through this story through a few people.

Except for Huang Chao and Yang Si, the other medical staff in the ICU in the shot are all real front-line medical staff fighting the epidemic. The movie also fully shows the medical rush, intubation process, rescue process, and patient notification under the brutal epidemic. death process.

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

Just as director Dong Yue said, it is an effect of infinite persistence of reality.

makes you feel again and again that the winter in Wuhan was real, so cold, and we can never forget those who paid their lives for it.

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

The movie also prepared a sincere little easter egg at the end for us, for the group of people who are saving lives with their lives: the screen is filled with the names of the medical staff who have protected us on the front line. These names,

, are worth remembering no matter how long it takes.

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

" You Are My Spring " does not avoid reality and suffering, but it is also good. It does not stop at rendering sorrow, it ultimately wants to tell you -

may be late, but there is no spring that will not come, we will cross Mountains and seas are finally redeemed.

Doctors Gong Chen and Yang Shan in the ICU are ordinary medical staff during the Wuhan epidemic. They are also one of the groups that the movie will depict. The movie focuses on several groups of the most real little people. In the end, you will understand: In the cruelest world, there is still hope.

They are a couple who stay together for love.

For the beloved girl Shang Xiaoyu ( Zhou Dongyu ), Li Nanfeng ( Yin Fang) came from a different place regardless of danger, ran around the empty city, accompanying and guarding her in his own way, and warning him The "mother-in-law-to-be" who "stays away from my daughter".

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

They are farmer brothers who left their hometown to work.

Liu Erhong (Song Xiaobao) and Wang Dapeng (Pan Binlong), in order to recover their hard-earned money, coincidentally rushed to the aid of Wuhan and went retrograde.

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

They are community cadres.

Community cadre Lao Wang ( Wang Jingchun ) helps everyone grab food and mediate neighborhood conflicts, but is annoyed by all kinds of trivial matters. Because his mother has become a medical volunteer, Xiaomai (played by Zhao Jinmai ) who is at home alone is one of his biggest "trouble".

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

Because of the epidemic, we have all experienced separation and separation, but these stories let you understand - "Family" is more than just blood, it has many definitions.

It is willing to accompany you to the end of the world and protect you forever. In the

video, Xiaoyu lost her mother forever during that difficult time, but she was not alone. Because of the test of the epidemic, her boyfriend Nanfeng firmly entered her life. The

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

family is not just in complete form. The most important thing is that they can see each other, understand each other, and really connect with each other.

The story of Li Jing (played by Huang Xiaoming) and his family touched me very much.

In special times, the nurse's wife Wang Yaer (played by Song Jia) rushes to the front line for support. Only her husband Li Jing (played by Huang Xiaoming) and son Lele (played by Zhang Hangcheng) are left at home.

The father and son, who usually did not communicate much, were forced to get along day and night, "battling wits and courage" all the time. Just like many real daily lives at home, their relationship once became very tense.

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

Lele listened to her mother and disinfected her father every day when he came home from work. However, the disinfectant ran out, and the Maotai treasured by his father became a substitute;

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

Studying at home turned out to be so painful, because he and his mother had an agreed work and rest schedule, and Li Jing interrupted rudely and became furious;

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

Although There are sausages and leaf cakes given by grandparents at home, but Li Jing, who is not very good at cooking and does not want to cause trouble for himself, takes him to eat instant noodles every day.

Lele's "resentment" for her father is getting deeper and deeper.

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

Without this epidemic, Li Jing would not realize how much the mother of this family has paid; and although his son and he are father and son, they are actually strangers.

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

He finally understood that only by giving actions of love can we have a truly close family.

Li Jing’s heart finally softened.

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

What moved me most in this story is the kind of commitment children have towards their parents.

We always feel that we are the only ones who give to our children, but in fact, there is never a moment when the children do not hope that they have the ability to save their parents and express their gratitude.

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

(After listening to Nezha’s story, Lele planted a seed in his heart, a seed of hope: he hoped that he could become Nezha and help his mother defeat the virus together)

The movie tells us in a very warm way, No matter what the world becomes, the existence of love is spring in itself. When there is love, we live in spring.

is just like the title of the film, and the energy of "spring" that permeates the whole movie: warm, healing, and full of hope.

Although the epidemic has not disappeared today, but -

As long as you are here, there will be spring in all seasons.

The second half of 2022 has just begun. Take your loved ones and go to "You Are My Spring" to welcome the spring between us and feel the warmth, healing and hope.

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews022Please be nice to us in the second half of the year.

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

There were ups and downs in the first half of the year. I hope that the second half of the year will be better for us. We must have faith, hope, and a sense of ritual. When it comes to a sense of ritual, of course I choose to go to the cinema. - DayDayNews

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