Edgerton also admitted these things in the interview. He is very eager to participate in "X-Men". Although this series feels a bit anticlimactic, Marvel works have box office guarantees.

2024/05/1515:20:32 entertainment 1851

Taron Egerton may participate in Marvel movies. He has interviewed Kevin Feige . The actor is expected to star in "Wolverine". Edgerton also admitted these things in the interview. He is very eager to participate in "X-Men". Although this series feels a bit anticlimactic, Marvel works have box office guarantees. If "X-Men" shoots sequels or spin-offs, the broadcast platform for these works will be Disney Channel. This streaming media platform has a very wide user base, and Edgerton also understands the importance of the streaming media era. Feige's vision is very good, and his choice of actors is very good. The actors and the superhero series can complement each other. Edgerton praised Feige for his first-class sense of responsibility. Even though he has left the position of the boss of the Marvel working group, he still devotes himself to the supervision of Marvel films.

Edgerton also admitted these things in the interview. He is very eager to participate in

Everyone recognizes Edgerton's strength, but people cannot deny the fact that "X-Men" has lost its momentum. The subsequent works in the series have not received much attention, and " New Mutants " has failed at the box office. . Edgerton expressed his opinion on this: The goals of "X-Men" are somewhat vague. In principle, the feeling of this series is somewhat "down to earth", and ordinary people like this work. The first generation of "X-Men" used the structure of a science fiction film, with uncomplicated logical lines and clear character depictions. At the same time, the film still had suspense, so the original target of this series was the general public. As "X-Men" entered a state of great popularity, the Marvel working group hoped that the film would take a high-end route, so the target group of the film began to blur. The ratings of and showed a big decline, and "X-Men" "The transformation path of "The Movie" was not successful, which also led to the film's goal being somewhat vague.

Edgerton also admitted these things in the interview. He is very eager to participate in

In the eyes of most movie fans, Edgerton seems to be a new generation actor, because he has not yet had a representative role or work. In fact, Edgerton has participated in many well-known movies, and the "Kingsman" series is very famous. However, his role as Eggsy seems to have not been discussed much, which has led to his potential not being realized. In fact, Edgerton is not young anymore. In Hollywood, where there are many talents, actors born in the 1980s have become Mesozoic artists. Edgerton hopes that his acting career will achieve a breakthrough as soon as possible. In an era when the film industry is becoming more and more impetuous, Marvel movies and TV series have become "traffic masters." Even if the quality of the work is a mess, as long as it is produced by the Marvel team, at least the film will be good in ratings. There will be no loss, which is the main reason why Edgerton needs to cater to Fitch.

Edgerton also admitted these things in the interview. He is very eager to participate in

Many Mesozoic actors in Hollywood have achieved new breakthroughs in their careers through the MCU series. This is a fact that no one can deny. In Feige's documentary, Hiddleston talked about the plight of Mesozoic actors. In the era of closed theaters, most Hollywood studios lost money, and the film industry could only cut costs in terms of actors' salaries. Established actors don't care about the money, and the new generation of artists don't have any requirements for remuneration in order to build their reputation. When Mesozoic actors were making money, they refused to lower their pay for the sake of their own worth, so Dou Sen said that before he got the resources for " Rocky ", his acting career also entered a crossroads, and he also praised Fitch's vision is outstanding. Therefore, Edgerton praised Feige for his good vision, and he also wanted to get a Marvel role as soon as possible.

Edgerton also admitted these things in the interview. He is very eager to participate in

Feige was able to negotiate with Edgerton, which shows that he has a good vision, because most people cannot connect Edgerton with the setting of "Wolverine". And the author (who watches movies complacently) feels that as the protagonist of a superhero series, he feels a bit too old, even though he is not very old.From the Dutch brother's version of "Spider-Man" has become very popular, it can be seen that the protagonist of the universe movie pursues a sense of youth, and Edgerton has drifted away from the sense of youth. No matter how good Feige's vision is, this British actors are also unable to star in Marvel's popular series, and can only find opportunities in series such as "X-Men" that have entered a period of decline. In Edgerton's view, as long as the Marvel working group finds a good direction and figures out the target group of the work, "X-Men" can return to its grandeur at the beginning of this century.

Edgerton also admitted these things in the interview. He is very eager to participate in

Some fans think that "X-Men" was right to take a high-end route. Most of Marvel's superhero series are civilian works. However, Edgerton raised the issue of vague targets, which led to Disney's inability to delineate accurate audience groups. Previously, " Eternals " also wanted to take a high-end route, and the box office of the film was not very good (related to the global epidemic). That was because this series was launched on the big screen for the first time, and everyone was interested in "Eternals". 》No concept yet. However, "X-Men" already has more than a dozen series, and changing the route midway will definitely blur the goal. Works such as " avatar " were created in a civilian way, but became more and more high-end after being released, which is not typical. So, the goals of "X-Men" are a little vague.

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