Sharpen a sword in nine years! Seeing Nanshan's Cultural "Magnetic Power" from the Popular Music Festival

2021/05/2200:25:02 entertainment 351
Sharpen a sword in nine years! Seeing Nanshan's Cultural Sharpen a sword in nine years! Seeing Nanshan's Cultural Sharpen a sword in nine years! Seeing Nanshan's Cultural

From May 19th to 30th, the 2021 Nanshan Pop Music Festival was staged wonderfully by Shenzhen Bay. The 6 cross-border tours in the main venue of the "Spring Cocoon" Gymnasium, and the 7 pop performances in the Poly Theater and the Happy Coast branch venue, used music to outline the youthful demeanor of this young city.

Sharpen a sword in nine years! Seeing Nanshan's Cultural

As early as 2007, the Nanshan District Committee and District Government established the International Music Week with the tenet of "Let music convey emotion, use music to gather strength, and use music to ignite dreams". In 2013, Nanshan District revised the International Music Week into " Shenzhen Nanshan Pop Music Festival".

After nine years of sharpening a sword, the voice of Nanshan is known to the world. In the nine years of , the cultural IP of Nanshan Pop Music Festival has swept the country, witnessing Nanshan's striving style towards a world-class innovative coastal city center.

After nine years of sharpening a sword, the cultural Nanshan will start again. 's dual-zone drive, surging kinetic energy, and the characteristic pop culture of "innovation, vitality and youth" are becoming the cultural driving force for "Nanshan" to ride the wind and waves.

Sharpen a sword in nine years! Seeing Nanshan's Cultural Sharpen a sword in nine years! Seeing Nanshan's Cultural

Rongcheng: Recording Nanshan's "Brief History of Popular Culture"

In the hearts of senior music fans, there is a "music festival city map": in the past few years, the north is Alxa, the south is Haikou, the west is Qinghai, Hainan, East to Weifang, Shandong, all kinds of music festivals have blossomed all over our country.

According to statistics from the ticketing website Damai, 56 music festivals were held in various cities across the country during the five-day May Day holiday this year. According to public data, in 2007, when the International Music Week was established in Nanshan, there were only 24 music festivals held throughout the country. Since 2018, there have been nearly 300 domestic music festivals every year. The number has more than doubled.

has grown from a few to a prairie fire, and the music festivals that are constantly out of the circle are becoming a new cultural business card for urban development.

Sharpen a sword in nine years! Seeing Nanshan's Cultural

In order to create a city card with the help of the music festival, it is necessary to interpret the connotation and detailed planning of the music festival. The music festival is a more contemporary and trendy urban lifestyle, not a "plattery art show", nor a "market shopping".

is different from the romance of strawberries and the rock of midi. Nanshan Pop Music Festival has been positioned as an urban cultural music festival since its inception. creates a social energy field that attracts talents, industries and cultures. A cultural carrier, creating Nanshan cultural characteristics and enriching the public cultural life of citizens.

Looking at the theme of the Nanshan Pop Music Festival in the past nine years, it can be described as a simplified version of the "Brief History of Pop Culture" in this city.

From 2020's "Love, Embrace the World" to 2019's "Le Pop, Happy Youth", and then to 2013's "Let's Youth, More Dreams", it is using music to soothe the soul, and use music to convey love and happiness. In the time of hope, the Nanshan Pop Music Festival continues to tell the touching "Nanshan Story".

Sharpen a sword in nine years! Seeing Nanshan's Cultural

Especially worth mentioning is the 2020 Nanshan Pop Music Festival held in May last year. During the critical period of the fight against the epidemic, the 2020 Nanshan Pop Music Festival is the first time in the form of online live broadcast, with the theme of "Embrace the world with love", to speak to the world, and to use the power of music that travels through time and space to express love and hope" Nanshan Voice".

integrates music into the city's temperament , and the music festival becomes a cultural business card of a place, so the music festival itself must be integrated into cultural life. In this regard, the nine-year development of Nanshan Pop Music Festival is worth learning from many cities in China.

escorts the popularity and speaks for the love.This youthful and cutting-edge popular Huimin brand festival is hosted by the Propaganda Department of the Nanshan District Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Shenzhen Nanshan District Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau. The ninth bar of the 2021 "Nanshan Pop Music Festival" is fully explored The popular culture of Nanshan, which embodies "innovation, vitality and youth", focuses on the new trend of elegance and positive energy, and goes to the public with enthusiasm and love.

Open the "Music Menu" of this year's Nanshan Pop Music Festival, musicals, symphony concerts, rock concerts, folk specials, accordion performances, Shenzhen-Hong Kong teacher-student chorus and other forms of popular music in full bloom, Central Chinese Orchestra , world-renowned composer and conductor Tan Dun , powerful singer Zhou Shen , Tan Weiwei, 7 youth dreamers and 2 young musical actors in the first and second seasons of "Sound into the Heart", etc. Big coffee gathered.

Sharpen a sword in nine years! Seeing Nanshan's Cultural

has both classic musicals with "sounds that touch people's hearts", and "Nanshan specialty", the glory of the king. The elements of rock and hip-hop complement each other, and the new music forces from local and all walks of life are cross-border fusion. The mainstream elements of red and Shenzhen and Hong Kong run through it, which fully demonstrates the Nanshan is rich in diverse pop culture and a pragmatic and open urban image.

Since ancient times, China has been a city of music with sandalwood sing-along and low-pitched singing: Chang'an, where "the boy sings the song of eternal regret", Bianliang, where "a new song and a glass of wine", "Pearl language saliva flows naturally. "The metropolis of the city, Suzhou is "the beautiful scenery of the beautiful day".

A generation has a generation of music preferences, and a city has its cultural temperament. If you want to more accurately appreciate Nanshan, the city of innovation, culture, youth and vitality, the Nanshan Pop Music Festival is definitely a window not to be missed.

Benefits the people: Demonstrates the "happiness background" of struggle in Nanshan.

Culture is the innermost temperament of urban development, which makes people "remember nostalgia" and highlights the happiness background of a city.

Peeping the leopard in the tube, has insisted on the Nanshan Pop Music Festival for nearly ten years.

"The young Shenzhen gives the outside world the impression of a city of entrepreneurship and struggle. In recent years, cultural undertakings have developed faster and faster, and citizens' cultural experience and cultural life have become better and better." Mr. Chen, a music lover, once worked in Beijing I have worked in for many years, and now I live in Nanshan, Shenzhen.

Sharpen a sword in nine years! Seeing Nanshan's Cultural

Mr. Chen said that Beijing and other places are culturally active, and there are many concerts and concerts. In the cultural field, Shenzhen is catching up in recent years. Especially in Nanshan District, various brand cultural activities represented by the Nanshan Pop Music Festival are on the rise, and more and more cultural facilities are being built. Citizens living in Nanshan District feel fulfilled and happy inside.

Especially since 2020, in the face of the impact of the epidemic, the Nanshan District Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau "seeks opportunities in the midst of the epidemic", and in response to the needs of citizens, it has solidly promoted the high-quality supply of grass-roots public culture, which has won wide acclaim from citizens. In the early days of the

epidemic, took the lead in planning to launch the "Nanshan Digital public cultural service platform" in the city, and moved the public cultural services to the cloud . A total of 121 cultural and sports display training videos were recorded and launched, which were watched by more than 120 million people. The 2020 Nanshan Pop Music Festival pioneered the "wireless audience, full online live broadcast" model; co-organized brand activities with Poly Theater and Huaxia Art Center. After the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, cultural activities such as the "Shenzhen Bay Fringe Festival" and "Shenzhen Bay Public Art Festival" have been organized. So far, more than 15 million citizens have participated in online ticket grabbing and online live broadcasts, and a total of 104 performances in 63 plays have been presented. 14,550 seats are subsidized.

The network of public cultural facilities has been gradually improved. has built a network of public cultural facilities with Nanshan library, cultural center, museum and cultural and sports center as the core, with street cultural and sports stations, community library and community stage as positions. Promote the construction of the cultural center and the library system, and have initially built 8 street-level and 101 community-level comprehensive cultural service centers, with a coverage rate of 100%.

Sharpen a sword in nine years! Seeing Nanshan's Cultural

Stylistic venues operations are continuously optimized. introduces social capital to participate in the operation of cultural and sports facilities, activates the vitality of the venue, improves the efficiency of use, and achieves a two-way balance between social welfare and economic benefits. Shenzhen Bay Sports Center made a profit in the year it was commissioned to operate, and it was the first venue to achieve profitability after large-scale sports events in the country. Its operating income has ranked first among similar venues in the country for many years. There are 25 public welfare activities in the square, serving nearly 800,000 people in the area; Nanshan Cultural Center, as the city's first PPP cultural and sports facility project, has introduced social capital to participate in the decoration and operation of the venue. "Shenzhen Bay Fringe Festival" and many other activities.

Sharpen a sword in nine years! Seeing Nanshan's Cultural

The construction of public cultural facilities was advanced efficiently. fully cooperates with Shenzhen Opera House , Shenzhen Creative Design Museum, Shenzhen Branch of National Museum, etc. to settle in Nanshan. Accelerate the construction of cultural and sports facilities such as Dashahe Cultural and Sports Center, Yuehai Street Cultural and Sports Center, Shekou Cultural and Sports Park, Qiaocheng North Cultural and Sports Center. Review the design plans for the renovation and upgrading projects of Chiwan Cultural and Sports Center, Mawan Park Cultural and Sports Center, and Shekou Theater, implement the intended land use of 10,000 square meters for Nanshan Street Cultural and Sports Center and 3,000 square meters for Nantou Street Cultural and Sports Center, and accept Baidu Science and Technology Building, the fourth phase of the Peninsula City State, etc. There are 9 supporting cultural facilities with a total area of ​​10,500 square meters.By the end of 2020, the per capita area of ​​public cultural facilities in the district will reach 0.31 square meters, much higher than the city's average of 0.17 square meters.

Sharpen a sword in nine years! Seeing Nanshan's Cultural

From a tidal flat to "the city with the most Silicon Valley temperament in China", over the past 30 years, Nanshan District has embarked on a high-quality development, achieving cultural prosperity through reform and innovation, drawing nourishment from its profound cultural heritage, and revitalizing culture with hard work. Benefit the vitality of the people.

At present, Shenzhen has entered a golden development period driven by "dual districts" and superimposed by "dual districts". As a central urban area, Nanshan will fully implement the socialist core value system, fully implement the cultural soft power leap for Shenzhen, and forge urban civilization. Models contribute to the strength of Nanshan.

Sharpen a sword in nine years! Seeing Nanshan's Cultural

source | Nanfang Daily

article | Zhang Guangyan

editor | Li Manling Yang Yujia

editor in charge |

Sharpen a sword in nine years! Seeing Nanshan's Cultural

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