Pandemic Cases from English to English Reading: New Pandemic Cases Reported

2021/05/1221:30:05 entertainment 2972

Epidemic English translation into English reading: New pandemic Cases Reported

The English you learn is still in the "sound" stage, that is, it is difficult to read fluently, and you cannot "read it all at once". , you need to "open and read back to read it well and accurately, do you need a teacher to "take you to read the pronunciation"?

has already passed the "sound" level and the "shape" level. "Reading English into Chinese", turning to the training of "reading English into English"?

[8 new imported cases in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities on July 12, no new cases in Beijing]

French version: La Chine a signalé 8 nouveaux cas de coronavirus, tous provenant de voyageurs chinois revenant en Chine. Les cas ont été enregistrés en Mongolie Intérieure, dans le Guangdong, à Shanghai et dans le Shandong. Dans la capitale Beijing, aucun nouveau cas depuis une semaine après une nouvelle l'épidémie liée à un marché alimentaire le mois dernier.

My french is currently a problem with the fluent French pronunciation of "reading" this article, so I don't want and to learn french in french.What about your English?

Pandemic Cases from English to English Reading: New Pandemic Cases Reported - DayDayNews

English version: Eight new coronavirus cases have been reported in China, all of which come from Chinese tourists returning to China. It is recorded in Inner Mongolia, Guangdong, Shanghai and Shandong. In the capital, Beijing, a week after a new epidemic broke out in the food market last month, there were no new cases.

Pandemic Cases from English to English Reading: New Pandemic Cases Reported - DayDayNews

English reading:

1.Eight new coronavirus cases have been reported in China

caseWhat is the meaning, let yourself scratch your head? Besides "speaking" Chinese "case, case", what English do you want me to "speak"?

This is the short board of our "see English in English": if you don't train, you will always "no", just "speak" Chinese "happy".

Eight new coronavirus cases,that means eight persons with coronvirus

"English reading" to "force" you, it is this kind of English ability .

2.Eight new coronavirus cases

Coronvirus can only "speak" Chinese "new coronavirus pneumonia" again, right?

Coronavirus is a new pandemic,is also known as COVID-19.

At this moment, don't use coronavirus to "speak", "use" English pandemic, is also known as COVID-19, when will there be a chance to use it?

Pandemic Cases from English to English Reading: New Pandemic Cases Reported - DayDayNews

3.Eight new coronavirus cases have been reported, have you seen the recorded below in ? Why do we "speak" Chinese "report" when we see English reported, but "do not speak" English recorded? Does

now know what "reading in English" is?

Eight new coronavirus cases have been reported means Eight new coronavirus cases have been recorded in China

This is called "understanding English in English", and it is the English ability and training we lack most.

4.all of which come from Chinese tourists returning to China,returning to China means coming back to China from a visit to other countries.

English reading requires this ability to "read" English, not: I understand it Chinese meaning!

Pandemic Cases from English to English Reading: New Pandemic Cases Reported - DayDayNews

5. a new epidemic broke out in the food market

a new epidemic means a new pandemic

When I see an English epidemic, I can only "use" Chinese "epidemic", and "can't speak" English pandemic, which is not considered an English reading "off".

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