Serial: Protection from Nuclear Attack 5 (Family of Nuclear Weapons) (4) Development Trend of Nuclear Weapons

2021/04/0722:54:02 entertainment 592

Research and Development in the United States and the Soviet Union Nuclear Weapons has a history of more than 30 years, and almost both countries have engaged in 30 to 50 different types of nuclear weapons. In combat, missiles, rockets, artillery can be used to launch, can also be thrown by aircraft, and can also be used as landmines (nuclear devices) and sea mines. The current development trend of nuclear weapons in the United States and the Soviet Union has shifted from quantitative competition to quality competition, which can be roughly divided into three aspects:

Actively develop various types of tactical nuclear weapons

The United States and the Soviet Union believe that, Small tactical nuclear weapons are advantageous weapons in close combat and an effective means to solve combat tasks. In particular, the US military, under the guidance of a flexible response strategy, has always placed the development of new tactical nuclear weapons in an important position.

The smallest nuclear bomb : The atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima by the United States 35 years ago, named "Little Boy", is actually a "giant": height of more than three meters, waist size of two meters, and weight of four More than tons. The B-29 bomber was converted into this behemoth. The current nuclear bomb can be as small as 36 cm in length, as small as 13 cm in diameter, weigh only 25 kg, and its equivalent can be as small as 10 tons. It is estimated that the yield of nuclear bombs will not be smaller, otherwise the power of nuclear bombs will be about the same as conventional artillery shells.

is currently studying new fissile materials, that is, elements heavier than plutonium-americium, californium and new elements. According to reports, nuclear bombs made of these super-plutonium elements weigh less than 10 kilograms and have a diameter of only 6 cm, which is smaller than a hand grenade. Such a small atomic bomb can be put in a handbag. However, there are still many technical difficulties, and the cost is very expensive.

Earth-boring nuclear bomb : In order to increase the damage to underground targets, a nuclear warhead that can penetrate underground and explode is being studied. The current maximum drilling depth has reached 60 meters. According to reports, the US Pershing II missile will be equipped with this warhead.

weakened radiation bomb : The weakened radiation bomb is just the opposite of the neutron bomb.It converts a large number of neutrons into a shock wave effect and greatly reduces radioactive contamination. This weapon can be used to destroy smaller hard targets, such as underground command posts and underground nuclear weapons storage depots.

Induced radiation bomb : It uses a special material to absorb neutrons to produce short-term (a few hours to a few days) radioactivity, causing serious contamination of the ground, to block the enemy from entering a certain area or passing through certain important Of the pass.

plug-in component nuclear weapon : The tritium storage device being developed by the United States is a plug-in component. Once needed, inserting this kind of tritium storage device into tactical nuclear weapons can turn ordinary tactical nuclear weapons into neutron bombs.

Vigorously develop more powerful neutron bombs

Neutron bombs are effective weapons against cluster tanks. However, its power is not great. For example, the neutron bomb developed by the United States has an equivalent of only one or two thousand tons, which can kill any life within a radius of 200 meters, and cause the exposed personnel within 800 meters to lose mobility within five minutes and die within one or two days. Its damage radius to surrounding objects is only 200 meters. At present, foreign countries are looking for new fusion materials in order to greatly increase the yield and energy of neutrons and increase the power of neutron bombs.

According to reports, France will make a new type of neutron bomb in 1985, with a killing diameter of up to 30 kilometers. Whether the neutron bomb is so powerful or not, we don't care for the time being. However, the neutron bomb will definitely develop. This needs attention.

Race to develop multiple warheads strategic missile

In order to compete for nuclear superiority, the Soviet Union and the United States vigorously develop multi-warhead technology in strategic nuclear weapons and gradually replace single warheads with multiple warheads. This has become an important development trend for their strategic missile nuclear weapons. This weapon generally has three warheads (such as the American "Minuteman III" missile, the Soviet Union's SS-9Ⅳ missile, etc.), and some warheads as many as ten (such as the American Poseidon C-3 missile, etc.). At the same time, the Soviet Union and the United States are vigorously improving the accuracy, specific power, survivability and penetration capabilities of missile nuclear weapons.


The United States launches militia intercontinental missiles

Serial: Protection from Nuclear Attack 5 (Family of Nuclear Weapons) (4) Development Trend of Nuclear Weapons - DayDayNews

Improve hit accuracy .When the equivalent is increased by eight times, the lethality and destructive power is only increased to four times, while the hit accuracy is increased by eight times, and the lethality and destructive power can be increased to 64 times. The hit accuracy of the U.S. Minuteman III missile has reached 370 meters, and the MX missile planned to be deployed in the 1980s has a hit accuracy of 30 meters. The hit accuracy of the SS-17, SS-18 , and SS-19 missiles made by the Soviet Union in recent years has been increased to about 500 meters.

increases the power ratio . The specific power is also called "specific equivalent", which is the ratio of the explosive power of a nuclear bomb (TNT equivalent) to the weight of the nuclear bomb, that is to say, the TNT equivalent of the weight of a nuclear bomb per unit (such as 1 kg). The atomic bomb dropped by the United States on Hiroshima, Japan in 1945 had a specific power of only four tons per kilogram. Compared with the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, the current nuclear weapons are about 1,000 times more powerful.

As for improving the missile's survivability (not letting the opponent destroy it before launching) and penetration capability (eliminating the opponent's interference and damage, ensuring that the missile hits the target), I will not introduce them one by one.

(1981, Beijing, Warrior Press)

Science has not been popularized yet, and the media still needs to work hard. Thanks for reading and bye.

The next preview: Nuclear explosions with multiple destructive effects (1) Several different ways of explosion

Links to the previous issue: [Serialization: Family of nuclear weapons (3) Hydrogen bomb miniaturized product—— Neutron Bomb-Today's Headlines]

[Serial: Protection from Nuclear Attacks 3 Family of Nuclear Weapons (2) The Enlightenment of Solar Energy-Hydrogen Bombs- 今日头条] https: //

[Serial: Protection from Nuclear Attack 2 (Family of Nuclear Weapons)-Today’s Headlines]

[Serial: Nuclear attack protection 1 Speaking of the disaster of Hiroshima Nagasaki -Today’s headlines]

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