If you have a Bodhisattva heart, you must have the strength of a lion. Only in this way can we protect our loved ones from being bullied and make money to support our families. Otherwise, if you have such a good temper, you will be seen as boneless in the eyes of others! Therefor

If you have a Bodhisattva heart,

you must have the power of a lion.

Only in this way can we protect our loved ones and avoid being bullied to make money to support our families.

Otherwise you have such a good temper,

you are just boneless in the eyes of others!

Therefore, in Buddhism there is Maitreya who laughs so much that he goes crazy,

and also Veda who is holding a dragon and magic pestle.

There is no King Kong's anger, and there is no Bodhisattva's compassion.

The composition of human nature includes bullying the weak and fearing the strong, pushing beyond the limits, including examination, evaluation, calculation, and prediction.

We are all unable to get rid of the

choices in life where those who can be bullied can take advantage

who cannot go beyond the limits.

Because many times, we really can't tell whether a person is a human, a ghost, or an animal.

can't easily see through the true face behind the layers of cover-up and camouflage.

Facing this world,

you must not only have the courage and sincerity to trust your heart,

but also have the

steel wrist and ability to take back and cut off malice and harm at any time.

You must not only have the ability to love others,

you must also have the ability to protect yourself.

Essential kindness is an instinct,

Kindness with ease and a sense of boundaries is a choice,

Those who are soft-hearted without fangs are a kind of weakness,

And true bravery is the persistence of kindness.