Introduction: 60-year-old Brother Zhao and 55-year-old Sister Hu live together. In the past six months, Brother Zhao thought that the two of them had been living together harmoniously. However, not long ago, Brother Zhao found out that he had been broken up, and Sister Hu left wi


60-year-old Brother Zhao and 55-year-old Sister Hu live together. In the past six months, Brother Zhao thought that the two of them lived together harmoniously. However, not long ago, Brother Zhao found that he had been broken up, and Sister Hu did not say hello. He packed up his luggage and left Brother Zhao's house, telling Brother Zhao in this way: "We broke up."


Narrator: Brother Zhao

My monthly pension is 4,000 yuan, and there are two houses for rent at home. I collected 3,800 yuan in rent, and I relied on this rent to save 400,000 yuan in retirement savings over the years. My first wife passed away a few years ago. I have been living alone for the past few years. As I get older, I am always worried that something will happen to me when I am alone, so I want to find a companion.

When I look for a partner, I don’t have high requirements. First of all, she is sincerely willing to be a partner with me. The two of us take care of each other, and she takes care of the family. I give out 4,000 yuan of pension every month to support the two of us. As long as she partners with me, Then I will be responsible for her to the end. If she gets sick in her later years, I will definitely use my pension money to treat her. My thinking is more traditional. I believe that a man is responsible for a family. Since a woman is willing to partner with me, then I have to bear her responsibility for the rest of her life.


My wife, Ayu, who works with me, is 5 years younger than me. She has a good temper and likes to be clean and tidy. I am very satisfied with her. I think that when looking for a wife in old age, the two people's personalities and temperaments must be compatible. I am particularly fond of her. I don’t like to be with a partner whose wife has a bad temper, so when I saw Ayu had a good temper, I felt that Ayu was the person I was looking for.

What I admire about Ayu is not only her good temper, but also her love of tidiness. The house is always kept very clean and the food she cooks is delicious. Since I started working with her, she has always changed her ways to make delicious food. , and everything at home was taken care of in order by her. Seeing that Ayu is so good, in addition to giving her all my monthly pension of 4,000 yuan, I also take the initiative to buy clothes, shoes, etc. for Ayu. Although I am just a companion, I spend more money on Ayu than I do on myself.


In the third month of our partnership with Ayu, Ayu fell ill and was hospitalized. I generously gave 10,000 yuan to Ayu for hospitalization expenses. In addition, in the hospital, I cared about Ayu as much as my original husband did. I really cared about Ayu. Unreservedly, after Ayu was discharged from the hospital, in order to give her more time to rest and rest, I took the initiative to do most of the housework, and even went to the kitchen to cook soup for Ayu. Ayu herself said that I treated her better than her first husband.

I gave so much sincerity, but in the end Ayu actually proposed breaking up, just because she asked me for 80,000 yuan, but I didn't agree. The thing is like this, Ayu has an unmarried son. Before Ayu and I partnered up, I had already said: "If you partner up with me, I will be responsible for the rest of your life, but I will not be responsible for your son." At that time, it was still Since we are not together, Ayu thinks that we are not relatives, so my attitude of being so clear-minded is normal and understandable.


But after half a year of being together, Ayu thought that the relationship between her and me would not be inferior to that of the original couples. Since we have such a good relationship, I can’t ignore her son’s affairs. Ayu asked me to give her 80,000 yuan. When her son bought a car, Ayu said that you couldn't afford 80,000 yuan. If she really regarded her as a family, then she should love her son as her biological son. I think Ayu is being too emotional. He should analyze rationally whether he should buy a car for his son. If his son can't afford a car, then don't buy it. No matter what, he insists on asking me to pay 80,000 yuan to buy a car for him.

I wanted to tell Ayu this truth, hoping that Ayu would understand my thoughts, but Ayu didn’t understand it at all. She thought I was stingy and didn’t really treat her and her son as a family at all, so she quietly packed her bags and left. My family broke up with me. I must really treat her as a family member, but her son is not my son. Even if I admire Ayu, she cannot force me to treat her son as my own biological son.


When it comes to other things, Ayu has a very good temper and is willing to be reasonable. But when it comes to her son, she is completely unreasonable and only gives me one way: "If you don't give me 80,000, I will do it." "Break up." I think it was her fault, but her departure still makes me sad. During the six months we were together, we got along like the original couple. I have deep feelings for Ayu, and I really can't bear to break up like this. .

But I am in a dilemma whether to give 80,000 yuan to her son. If I take the initiative to give 80,000 yuan this time and Ayu and I reconcile, then in the future, if her son needs money elsewhere, will he have to give it to her son? Do I pay for this? Intellectually, I think Ayu breaking up with me is a good thing for me. If I really promise to give her 80,000, her son will be my son from now on, and I will have to worry about everything. That kind of life will be very hard. But emotionally I couldn't accept Ayu breaking up with me like this. We obviously got along so well, so it was a pity to separate like this. I couldn't let go of Ayu.


In Brother Zhao’s heart, Ayu is very important, but in Ayu’s heart, his son is the most important, so Brother Zhao should be more clear-headed and don’t be reluctant to let go. It is best for him to break up with inappropriate people as soon as possible.