Today, I would like to summarize one thing for you based on the thousands of cases I have personally tutored over the years: the psychology behind men who refuse to change despite repeated admonitions. What kind of things do men do that they will never change despite repeated adm

Today I want to summarize one thing , the psychology behind men who refuse to change despite repeated admonitions based on the thousands of cases that I have personally tutored over the years.

What kind of things do men do that they will never change despite repeated admonitions? It ranges from the kind that goes out to drink and play cards with friends every day, to the kind that keeps talking ambiguously and flirtatiously with other women .

So in fact, behind these men, the decisive factor is the attitude of us women. Are you preaching to him about these wrong behaviors, or are you teaching a lesson? The result is that is different from .

I found that most of our sisters choose to preach, just talk and scold him every time. Why do you do this? What you did made me very sad, but it didn't happen later. You didn't substantively punish him with some key punishments.

And the lesson we are talking about is that a man must make compensation for his wrong behavior and make a substantial sacrifice of interests. You must let him remember this matter. If you do it again next time Do what it may cost you.

So today Teacher Hu used before, when I was tutoring students, I used the two methods of and to tell you, how do you go to to change men, this kind of behavior that cannot change despite repeated teachings?

The first direction is that you must have a core attraction

In other words, how can you make men listen to you? How can you make a man actually do what you say?

For example, a man will go out every night after dinner, either to drink with friends or to play cards., When I was coaching such a couple before, I asked the man, and I said: You just Don’t you have any sense of responsibility for your family? Why do you have to go out after eating?

He said that I was too bored staying at home. As soon as my wife finished eating, she wiped the table, washed dishes, and mopped the floor, and then urged me and the kids to take a bath while she did the laundry. I felt like this every day was very boring.

There is a key issue in and , that is, you need to know a man, why is he so interested in things outside? Why is he not interested in you and this family?

So when I was coaching this couple later, I told them this method. They go to to jointly build something that both of them are invested in.

I suggest this sister to do some simple housework after eating, and then go for a walk with her husband .

Later, I suggested that they join a badminton club. The two of them would play badminton and go shopping. Then after coming back, they would take a shower and find a movie. The two of them would have some beer and drinks, and then watch the movie .

The relationship between them has changed a lot since then, which means you must understand, what is it that attracts him to keep moving his heart outward? Then if you find this core point , you will have attractiveness to men.

The second aspect is that you must set the framework in your relationship

This is just like when we build a house, you must first design it, whether my house will be two floors or three floors, not that I There is no plan, I just come up and start building. It is very likely that as you are doing it, the house will become crooked .

So the same is true in the relationship between husband and wife. We sisters must remember that you must go and dare to go and set rules in your relationship. After this rule is set, the next time a man breaks this rule, we can Go to him and ask for to compensate for .

For example, you have agreed with your husband that we must be together as a family every weekend, because we usually go to work and go to school, so on weekends we should go for a walk outdoors. You can drive to the surrounding cities to travel, but you cannot go out and party with your friends during this time..

What if one of his good brothers calls one weekend and says that there is a shortage of three and one of them today and you have to come over? ? At this time, we can ask him to compensate .

"You can go today, but you have to stay with me and the kids all day tomorrow and Sunday. Or let's be more practical. What will happen to me and the kids if you go out to play today? Why don't you give me a transfer?" "Qianqian, I'll take my kids shopping, and I'll have a big meal with my best friend, and you'll reimburse me for the expenses."

Then after you have such a rule, men will no longer be in your relationship. has to push , because you set your principles and some basic frameworks you get along with to , then a man will know what price I have to pay if I violate your principles.