Strict self-discipline and self-struggle. A person's enlightenment often happens in an instant. Although I grew up in a rural area, I lived in a loving family, in the hands of my grandma, and lived the life of a young master for more than 20 years. When I went to school, I didn’t

Strict self-discipline and self-struggle.

A person's enlightenment often happens in an instant. Although I grew up in a rural area, I lived in a loving family, in the hands of my grandma, and lived the life of a young master for more than 20 years. When I went to school, I didn’t know the purpose of learning. I was aimless and drifting with the flow every day. It wasn’t until I graduated from college, failed to start a business, and went to Zhengzhou to work with my classmates that I knew the truth about society. It wasn’t until I graduated from Shanghai Changjia Confucian Business and Management College that I knew the meaning of life.

In 2000, I entered Henan Dehui Trading Co., Ltd. in Zhengzhou and worked as a salesperson in the hotel department. I bought a beautiful notebook and started my liquor career. To study and summarize, first, keep reading every day and maintain the habit of lifelong learning. Take down work notes every night to summarize; abandon the idea of ​​working part-time, plan your career well, consciously work overtime on Saturdays and Sundays, and learn self-discipline and self-struggle. What does

record in his daily work notes? Morning meeting department manager's case analysis, assigned work, details of his or her work that day, insights, tomorrow's work plan, etc. For those of us who do business, it is normal to be rejected by customers every day. You can summarize it by saying that the reasons why you are rejected by customers will generally not exceed ten, and the number of business problems you often encounter will not exceed 100. I will not ask my department manager for the answers to these business problems. For each business problem, I will find two to three solutions that suit my work style through work practice. After persisting for three months, I found the answers to all business problems, became the company's best-performing salesperson, and soon became the manager of another department.

When you have your own career plan , you have self-discipline and self-struggle, sacrifice and dedication. During my ten years in Zhengzhou, I consciously worked overtime on Saturdays and Sundays. Only my wife gave birth to a child and took a day off. I kept reading, studying and taking notes every day, and I gained my own understanding and insights into the liquor industry.

Only when you have a sense of responsibility will you understand the meaning of self-struggle. In a family of three generations, someone must sacrifice and contribute. Looking at my parents and children, I chose myself without hesitation!